Quantum Synchronicity !!

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country boy

Quantam Synchronicity !!

Post by country boy »

Last edited by country boy on Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Quantum Synchronicity !!

Post by jesus »


country boy

Quantum Synchronicity !!

Post by country boy »

Last edited by country boy on Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Quantum Synchronicity !!

Post by bentech »

wish i could have watched it...

morgan freemans a bit much, to the holographic ideas catching a few statements in a program about black holes on in the background where i was working the other day

about that guy who worked around hawkings radiation's destruction of information
cant remember his name, but he known in m theord

the statements were

"3d space, uses blackholes to save information in 2d..."

that this somehow is method of proof for understanding the physical reality as we measure it
is in fact a hologram

i get lost there
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Quantum Synchronicity !!

Post by dill786 »

still freaks me out....

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Quantum Synchronicity !!

Post by ben ttech »

you see them everywhere you look
glued to their little phone screens

drove by a road work crew today
they were beating the heat, was over a hundred and over 110 tomorrow and for several days

true they were all dodging the sun for bits of shade here and there
and everyone of them were glued to a smartphone screen

that device in your had will disappear in a generation

all in your glasses or contact lenses
all hooked into IT

not THE singularity
but a singularity no doubt...
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Quantum Synchronicity !!

Post by dill786 »

with elon musk Neuralink you may not even need contact lenses, you can just use your imagination and play videos and surf the net in your head without any external devices...

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Quantum Synchronicity !!

Post by Butcher Bob »

dill786 wrote:
Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:58 pm
with elon musk Neuralink you may not even need contact lenses, you can just use your imagination and play videos and surf the net in your head without any external devices...
I was first interested in the idea of immediate research without a Google filter...
...then I thought of "watching" movies and shows, you'd actually be in them to experience them...
...of course it would take video games to a whole new level, the whole 'no controller' aspect...
...and then there's porn. :whistle:

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Quantum Synchronicity !!

Post by ben ttech »

nerolink barely affording gross motor controls

nothing even close to audio and visual impression

no the next several generations will WILL be a function of controlled analog inputs

baring some unforseen breakthroughs that are frankly unlikely
baring extreme advances in the material science of these things.
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Quantum Synchronicity !!

Post by Intrinsic »

Till then .. The concept is explored for its possible social and technical consequences in Clarks '3001 final Odyssey'. when Frank Poole was retrieved drifting in space and revived in the year 3001.

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