Quantum Synchronicity !!

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Quantam Synchronicity !!

Post by Munchy »

Butters wrote:With that kinda luck, you should buy a lottery ticket. :toker1:
an excellent idea!

that's definitely the first thing I'd do.

someone up there must be looking out for you. :winky:
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Quantam Synchronicity !!

Post by twilson »

That is a spooky story.

As a friend of mine use to say ...

"There are no coincidences"
If Muley can scruff along i can too.

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Quantam Synchronicity !!

Post by bentech »

is your girl still workin???
"we must strive to become good ancestors" nader
FUCK jimmydorecomedy.com

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Quantam Synchronicity !!

Post by bentech »


coulda sworn i read a hologram walked through here...
"we must strive to become good ancestors" nader
FUCK jimmydorecomedy.com

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Quantam Synchronicity !!

Post by bentech »

you know,
its not that i dont necessarily believe in god,
its just that whenever anyone says god or make reference,
they are talking about an image. a human representation
an idol

never had anything quite like that charger cord experience but,
i get this about objects which pop into existance right where i know there wasnt something there before

often its something im searching for and the third or forth time i check the same place its suddenly there

was working at this vacant house and living there for a couple weeks years back,
think ive told this story before,

a friend had come over and we were going to go play disc golf and the housekeys were nowhere to be found.

searched everywhere.
all the house and tool boxes
torn the truck cab apart
all the usual

then you go back and do another lap of all these places...
then about an hour into this process and on the third lap,

suddenly there are the keys... sitting on the front doors foot mat...
plain as can be

at first i though mabe my friend was messing with me,
so i went and found him upstairs looking around and said "come check this out..."

walked back down and showed him,
he hadnt put em there

woke up a number of times in that house hearing screaming and banging
the scariest was someone pounding the front door...

the reason this was scary was that the front door was back in from the front of the house in an atrium 10 feet
the security gate and deadbolts were out at the front, nobody could get anywhere near that door

and that gate was locked...

i learned later that 3 people had died in the house over the previous decade
one was a drug addict who the family kept locked in
i was fixing lots of stuff that had been beaten and broken by her
"we must strive to become good ancestors" nader
FUCK jimmydorecomedy.com


Quantam Synchronicity !!

Post by dill786 »

bentech wrote:is your girl still workin???
hi ben

sorry is that directed at me !!!

yeah she does work, lives far away from me, and has no idea about my camera or that i need a power lead.. infact id be surprised if she knew i even had a camera .........

that lead had no business in my front garden, i have no idea how it happened .. all i can say is " quantam synchronicity"


Quantam Synchronicity !!

Post by dill786 »

funny thing is, it wasnt there the day before, as my front garden is paved, so i could easily see if it was there the day before..


Quantam Synchronicity !!

Post by dill786 »

Butters wrote:With that kinda luck, you should buy a lottery ticket. :toker1:
ya know i usually buy a ticket but £1 worth a lucky dip

but now the price has increased to £2 for one ticket, i thought fuck off !!!


Quantam Synchronicity !!

Post by dill786 »

bentech wrote:you know,
its not that i dont necessarily believe in god,
its just that whenever anyone says god or make reference,
they are talking about an image. a human representation
an idol

never had anything quite like that charger cord experience but,
i get this about objects which pop into existance right where i know there wasnt something there before

often its something im searching for and the third or forth time i check the same place its suddenly there

was working at this vacant house and living there for a couple weeks years back,
think ive told this story before,

a friend had come over and we were going to go play disc golf and the housekeys were nowhere to be found.

searched everywhere.
all the house and tool boxes
torn the truck cab apart
all the usual

then you go back and do another lap of all these places...
then about an hour into this process and on the third lap,

suddenly there are the keys... sitting on the front doors foot mat...
plain as can be

at first i though mabe my friend was messing with me,
so i went and found him upstairs looking around and said "come check this out..."

walked back down and showed him,
he hadnt put em there

woke up a number of times in that house hearing screaming and banging
the scariest was someone pounding the front door...

the reason this was scary was that the front door was back in from the front of the house in an atrium 10 feet
the security gate and deadbolts were out at the front, nobody could get anywhere near that door

and that gate was locked...

i learned later that 3 people had died in the house over the previous decade
one was a drug addict who the family kept locked in
i was fixing lots of stuff that had been beaten and broken by her

spooky story !!!

you know what tesla said dont ya !!! if you wanna know how the universe works you have to understand Frequency,vibrations and resonance.

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Quantam Synchronicity !!

Post by Munchy »

bentech wrote:woah!

coulda sworn i read a hologram walked through here...
yeh, I had second thoughts about my post, and removed it...
figured dill already knew what I was thinking,
and I feared I might offend someone's religious beliefs.
but I saved it... and here it is:

I didn't have time to expand on this idea earlier, but as you are apparently aware of, and alluding to by mentioning 'quantum' in your thread title, and as I may have mentioned in another recent thread, as quantum mechanics has practically proven that we exist in a holographic/simulated environment, which only exists as matter while we are observing it, and which implies that we are like avatars in a Sims game, in futuristic quantum computers of a higher dimension. The pineal glands in our brains act as receiver/transmitters, and so it seems likely that we are each linked to, or controlled by, a "higher self", who is one of many players of this game, in the real world. Unless of course, that higher level of existence, or dimension, is simulated as well, and there may even be endless levels of simulations above that, which is actually likely, since we will also attain the quantum computing power required to generate this level of simulation ourselves, in the relatively near future. Then we can also play God, with sentient avatars, who believe that they are real, in a similar game, based on human history.

But I believe these cases of synchronicity, are evidence that someone up there really is looking out for you, and/or messing with your head. I imagine that some people's higher selfs are more indifferent, allowing their avatars to more or less flounder around on their own like idiots without much help or intervention. I'm sure you've seen people like that, so dumb that it's a wonder that they manage to survive, but they do... by asking everyone else for help all the time, even with the most simple tasks. On the likelihood that your higher entity is taking an active role, and would be happy if you prospered, and if he or she can manage a trick like this AC charger dropping out of the sky for your benefit, then maybe he or she could effect some influence on the lottery for you as well. This might explain how some people have won multiple times. I haven't played the lottery at all for many years, but just recently bought a few tickets, after watching a ton of videos about these theories. I didn't win, but if I had a positive synchronicity sign like this, that would be the first thing I'd do again, for sure.
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