inspirational quotes by RUMI

After enjoying the fruits of your labors, we all need a place to chill. This is that place. Totally senseless irrelevant banter encouraged.
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inspirational quotes by RUMI

Post by dill786 »

interesting watch...


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inspirational quotes by RUMI

Post by rSin »

made it 22 minutes in so far,
discovered rumi on the off chance i liked the graphic this books title i was in the second hand

curious dill
hows the mystical figure into your practice?
the intolerance of the old order is emerging from the rosy mist in which it has hitherto been obscured.

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inspirational quotes by RUMI

Post by dill786 »

one of my uncles is a Sufi. but my family are orthodox Sunni, Sufism has never really played a huge role in my life, I like reading up about it and I love RUMI quotes and poetry. i refer back to his works when i really need to ground myself from the materialistic world, which happens quite often these days..

the world is really fucked up now and i guess some people hark back at times when things were just simplistic nd we had a nuclear family

absolutely no going back now...

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inspirational quotes by RUMI

Post by Intrinsic »

Yes simplify, be more in touch with nature, your place in it and it's Beauty. imo.
Emerson, Thoreau, John Muir .. expanded on this. What works for me is long distance hiking. Getting back to civilization brings a perspective.

Though I can see family importance as a way too.

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inspirational quotes by RUMI

Post by rSin »

beside cursural study my real introduction to islam was sufi writting,
ive mentioned before i noticed a book at the used and like the symbol on the cover so i bought it and was introduced to rumi,
i was sold as i saw that as mystics
they confronted traditional dogma's dogmatially


was a book written by idres shaw.
vvv 1971

the intolerance of the old order is emerging from the rosy mist in which it has hitherto been obscured.

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inspirational quotes by RUMI

Post by rSin »

There was a young man who said “Damn,
For it certainly seems that I am,
A creature that moves
In determinate grooves,
I’m not even a bus — I’m a tram.”

alan watts
the intolerance of the old order is emerging from the rosy mist in which it has hitherto been obscured.

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inspirational quotes by RUMI

Post by dill786 »

rumis tomb.jpg

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inspirational quotes by RUMI

Post by dill786 »

mol ali.jpg

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inspirational quotes by RUMI

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inspirational quotes by RUMI

Post by dill786 »

be merciful.jpg

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