forbidden archeology

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forbidden archeology

Post by dill786 »

How did the olmecs sculpture faces on that limestone without any metal tools ? i think they must have have had metal tools just because archeologist's have not found any that doesn't really mean anything, maybe they took them when they left and moved after the drought/famine !?

how did the mayans build the pyramids ? ive been thinking about this lately and i have drawn the conclusion that it can be done if you have 3 things in abundance.

1, belief in gods
2, manpower
3, time

who really knows how long it took some man to sculpture the stone into a head shape maybe it took 50 people working day and night over 10 years to complete it by using another type of rock to bang and shape the limestone...

the mayans are the descendent's of the olmecs,
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the olmecs, mayans and aztecs

Post by bentech »

actually it means a great deal when archeologists havnt found anything.

in not up on my olmec enough to know about the issue of their metal fabrication but i can tell you that whenever a culture produces an product the remains of the process are found strewn about. you cant do anything without making trash and there are always piles of it where ever people have been around doing anything year in and out.

the mayans are particularly interesting given the complexes they built were strictly religious. no commerce or other secular activity associated with at advanced society was ever included in their building complexes

from what ive read their unique in that and its an important concideration in understanding their collapse
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the olmecs, mayans and aztecs

Post by dill786 »

so how did they do it?? carve the limestone and make huge pyramids without any evidence of metal tools ??


the olmecs, mayans and aztecs

Post by dill786 »

i read once ages ago that the south Americas and Egyptians auctaully knew of each other and not ony that they had cultural exchanges, i also read that in china in a tomb dating centuries ago they found tomato seeds so they believe that south americans civilizationals were trading with the chinese.

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the olmecs, mayans and aztecs

Post by bentech »

cultural anthropologists studying the 'evolution' of canoe and boat designs have brought a new light to the issue of the settlements of the pacific islands.
from their researches perspective, they believe asian sailors very quickly crossed the pacific eaast and worked their way back west building their settlements.

this insite virtually unites the two competting schools of though on the subject

have you every heard or read about the upper great lakes copper culture dill?

lots of yarns and stories about a 'lost civilization' there which mined alot of copper.
but for those 'stories' to be true, you have to dismiss all the evidence of who was there at the time and not be bothered that the lost civilization didnt leave any trash behind
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the olmecs, mayans and aztecs

Post by Munchy »

it was the ancient aliens, or Gods, as they were known as back then. :abduction:
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the olmecs, mayans and aztecs

Post by dill786 »

no ben,i never heard of it, but am gonna google it and read up about it :)

i was watching some vids on and someone mentioned a certain plant in the amazon which when boiled down into a liquid can soften limestone and the amazonians passed this information onto the Egyptians,

the egyptian minister of antiquities Dr zaki once said that its all bullshit and the Egyptians used tools to carve away the limestone, and he is the worlds expert on Egyptology...


the olmecs, mayans and aztecs

Post by dill786 »

i think we humanoids have been around on earth a lot longer than conventional wisdom.... and somewhere along the road someone decided to get rid of all technology and we started from year dot again...


the olmecs, mayans and aztecs

Post by dill786 »

look at the Baghdad battery how old was that?? yet we didn't get street lighting in england until the Victorian ages ( gas lighting) ?? so how come the Baghdad battery didn't get more exposure and how come they dint take it to the next step and evolve the battery into something more powerful and brighter ?

its like someone built it and that was the end of that !!!


the olmecs, mayans and aztecs

Post by dill786 »

thats the thing though, if you want to mentally subdue masses of people you just confuse the fuck out of them on every level, and then they will just behave like sheeple...

who really knows who is actually telling the truth in the first place ? i mean you read a book on history and you tend to believe it, we put to much importance on the fact we think the author is always telling the truth, but thats just his interpretation of history he/she weren't actually there lol !!!

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