hegseth: what a piece of shit...

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ben ttech
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hegseth: what a piece of shit...

Post by ben ttech »

he wont last a year
to busy scoping the next girl to rape to even get around to thee abortion hes planning on trumps account...

Conspiracy added nit wits

This guy's more fucking bonkers than the new Cia guy

Put in place to destroy the agency

Nothing more

heres what low confidence means

it means its the dregs

the kinda shit colin powell choose to hithlight for the american people about iraq stepping all over all the agency professionals who know it was horseshit

thats what trumps installed

horseshit pedalers

designed to evicerate not only agency ability but credentials
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin

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hegseth: what a piece of shit...

Post by Intrinsic »

Yup and now

Trump: The United States has become a meritocracy again. We are a country that is based now on merit or success.


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hegseth: what a piece of shit...

Post by MadMoonMan »

I guess I haven't seen the news. Whats wrong with pete? I just know he was a news anchor?
Just because I can't spell misanthrope doesn't mean I'm completely stupid.

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hegseth: what a piece of shit...

Post by MadMoonMan »

What policies of his do you object to?
Just because I can't spell misanthrope doesn't mean I'm completely stupid.

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