the fires thread

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the fires thread

Post by Solid Gold Butt Plug »

Been all around the country, wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.

…and if your state has legalized or is a med state, you can thank us.
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the fires thread

Post by Butcher Bob »

Naw, you can thank Michigan for hosting the Ann Arbor Hash Bash. :winky:

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the fires thread

Post by Solid Gold Butt Plug »

Hippy Hill has been around five years longer than Hash Bash.
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the fires thread

Post by Lrus007 »

Democrat Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey has claimed that the Los Angeles fires are the result of a climate change “disaster” stoked by President-elect Donald Trump’s embrace of “Big Oil” — and there is “more death” coming as a result.
did not take long :whistle:
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the fires thread

Post by Intrinsic »

Solid Gold Butt Plug wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:22 pm
No one here is blaming Trump for the fires.

We are laughing at him though for his opinion and solutions to the problem in California.

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the fires thread

Post by Intrinsic »

You got such a poker tell whenever ya got nutin. Ya rely more and more on videos.
As if quantity of makes up for quality.
Butcher Bob wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 6:47 pm
Intrinsic wrote:
Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:20 pm
I posted Trump's own words showing the president elect's way of dealing with a crisis, a TEST both in empathy and solutions immediate and extended.
No you didn' posted bullshit trying to spin the failure of Cali Dems.
Intrinsic wrote:
Fri Jan 10, 2025 8:01 pm
Flashback to 2020:

CA official: "If we ignore the science and put our head in the sand... we're not going to succeed together protecting Californians."

Trump: "It'll start getting cooler. You just watch."

CA official: "I wish science agreed with you."

Trump: "I don’t think science knows, actually."
Intrinsic wrote:
Thu Jan 09, 2025 2:20 am
potus fire.png
Sooo.. ya admit the President-elect's tweet is bullshit.
And it's also was bullshit president Trump's plan that it's just going to get cooler.

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the fires thread

Post by Prawn Connery »

roller24 wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:00 am
Plenty of humans blame things on humans.
Isn't that what the whole Climate Change debate is about?
The stupidity lies in the fact that once they've formed their opinion, they are reluctant to examine any evidence to the contrary.
The evidence has been overwhleming for the past 70-80 years since scientists first flagged the rise in greenhouse-gas induced climate change due to human burning of fossil fuels.

What evidence is there to the contrary? You mean the people claiming 8-9 billion humans on this planet couldn't possibly influence the world around them through mass industrialism?

Do you believe in anthropomorphic-induced climate change roller? And if not, what evidence do you have to support your stance?

Just asking, as I'd genuinely like to know. My side is firmly on that of the 95% of scientists who believe in it.
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the fires thread

Post by Butcher Bob »

The deflection to Trump is one said you blamed him for the fires, did they? No, it's aboot throwing attention away from the incompetent Democrat government that caused these fires to be so much worse than they should have been. What are we at, 24 dead and counting? I hear they're starting in with cadaver dogs now. Over 10,000 structure gone...over 60 square miles torched...over 200,000 under evacuation orders...


Remember Juice and Ben saying definitively that there wasn't a water shortage?
...and then Newsom gets exposed by the press for telling that same lie...

...what gullible dumbasses you guys are eh. :roflmao:
All while you ignore the real causes of the lack of ability to fight the fires... the incompetent leaders that tell you everything is up to snuff to your face...
...while they cut budgets and let equipment go unrepaired...

Since the start, intellectuals recognized what the real causes for the size of this crisis are...

But instead, simpletons like Intrinsic and Juice would rather forego real assessment and solving the problem, and instead take the opportunity to throw shade at Trump to try to deflect from the reality of incompetence of their Democrat leaders that through their actions made this disaster much worse than it needed to be.

No water...
Ten years after allocation for more reservoirs, none have been built...
Water diverted...
No longer any firebreak maintenance...
No forest debris control...
Fire department leadership that is more focused on DEI expansion than fire prevention...
A governor that just lies aboot the facts...
An absent mayor, first physically, then mentally...

...yet, 'Trump made a tweet!'... :facepalm:

You do realize it's folks like you that get him elected...right?
I'm beginning to think you guys are closet MAGA Trumpers. :nuuh:

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the fires thread

Post by Solid Gold Butt Plug »

I stand by that there isn’t a water shortage….I also don’t have a YouTube account.
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the fires thread

Post by Solid Gold Butt Plug »

All the water we could ever use.

But I’m sure PBS and National Geographic is fake news. ... ter-policy
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