Lrus007 wrote: ↑Wed Jan 29, 2025 3:12 am
man this trump fellow really bugs you
Man, I want to make a joke...
'Intrinsic isn't a bad guy...he memes well.'
...but I can't, because he doesn't meme well, so the joke doesn't work.
Seriously though, he doesn't understand the intent. He views acknowledgement of Trump's accomplishments as attacks...when he
should be realizing that this is the bar that will need to be met if Dems ever expect to take anything back from Reps. Call me insane, but the more Trump accomplishes that meets with public approval, the less likely Dems will find anyone who can match it...that's just the way I see it.

There has been an undeniable shift in both support and principles of the two parties. The more Trump does, and the more that Dems are effectively just whiny little bitches aboot that, the more that party shift will continue. Regular folk are tired of that nonsense.
You can say what you will aboot Trump, but initially I'm impressed...he's got an axe...and he's grinding it.
And that is a very vicarious feeling to people who are weary of carrying the weight of life on their shoulders, seeing their government take from them to give to others but never properly look after our own.
There is a difference in how the immigration policy feels from Biden's a very short time...
There is a mandate to quit wasting money, and Trump is taking a 'fuk around find out' stance with resistance to implementation...
And OMG Trump's Press Secretary is every bit a savage as he is...
...she's concise and straightforward...
...and apparently the scope of press corps inclusion has drastically changed for the better...
Holy Fuk!...he just slapped to 'woke' out of the military...
All of this shit resonates with your average working just draws in more support.
But it's not all positive though...
Looks pretty likely that Panama will probably be getting bent over and fuk'd...
...Going to be tough to make that look good.
Plenty of time for things to go wrong, or him to start doing outlandish things, buuut... this rate, mid-terms will be a disaster for Dems.