Israel Gaza discussion.

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Israel Gaza discussion.

Post by Butcher Bob »

Oh look, the US is "deeply concerned"......again...


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Israel Gaza discussion.

Post by ben ttech »

fires his defense minister only to replace him with a more raging psycofuck

and the shakeup over the fake hamas documents
told you weeks ago even the idf didnt believe they were real

bibi's buddies stayed up late with a copier and doctored them.

team nightmare full speed ahead.

its going to take something far more serious than the US cutting them off to bring israeli to its senses

ive alot of ideas

none i could bankroll myself

but damn if im not above clipping their heels where i can...
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin

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Israel Gaza discussion.

Post by Butcher Bob »

Because north Gaza isn't flattened enough...

...have to root out those "animals" don't ya know...

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Israel Gaza discussion.

Post by Intrinsic »

Netanyahu has selected Yechiel Leiter as the new Israeli ambassador to the United States, days after Republican Donald Trump was elected for a second term in the White House.
Leiter, a proponent of illegal settlement expansion. His selection coincides with the Netanyahu government’s enthusiastic response to Trump’s return to the White House.

Netanyahu says he spoke with Trump three times since election, they see ‘eye-to-eye on the Iranian threat’

This after Trump's last term when he recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital and Orderd U.S. Embassy move there thus emboldening Netanyahu.

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Israel Gaza discussion.

Post by Prawn Connery »

Intrinsic wrote:
Sun Nov 10, 2024 8:54 pm
This after Trump's last term when he recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital and Orderd U.S. Embassy move there thus emboldening Netanyahu.
Yeah, and all those stupid Arabs who voted for him because they thought the Dems supported Israel more than Trump. Makes you wonder, eh?
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Israel Gaza discussion.

Post by dill786 »

looks like Gaza is going to be the waterfront that trumps son in law was talking about.....

they have almost killed everyone in Gaza, destroyed the schools and hospitals, and starved everyone out...

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Israel Gaza discussion.

Post by dill786 »

the whole Islamic world is a joke

only one country has tried to do something about it and that is predominately Shia Iran, and there is NO SHIAS living in Gaza

the rest of the Middle East has done nothing at all to help.

Too scared to rock the boat as most of their business interests are in the US..

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Israel Gaza discussion.

Post by Intrinsic »

Fwiw Spain has denied port of call so far to 2 ships carrying arms to Israel. Calling for Palestine State recognition.

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Israel Gaza discussion.

Post by roller24 »

Amsterdam Erupts Into Riots, Youth Mob Set Fires, Chant ‘Cancer Jews’ in Fallout From ‘Pogrom’ Attacks ... ncer-jews/

Most of us have already made a distinction that the Zionist is not always a Jew, and a Jew is not always a Zionist.
It seems as though the distinction is very fuzzy, or non-existent for many.
The term "cancer jews" has tones that have not been so loudly heralded since the last World War.
Mankind is becoming an oxymoron.
When people observe the actions of a faction of certain cultures, races, and religions, and make no distinction that the whole doesn't align with the particular faction, it always leads to violence and blanket condemnations.
I would say that this is a shameful flaw of mankind, but then I would be doing the exact same thing. Blaming mankind for the actions of a portion thereof.

Is there a feasible solution to this phenomenon?

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Israel Gaza discussion.

Post by Butcher Bob »

Still continuing with the genocide in Gaza...

Blatantly continuing war crimes against Gaza...

Still expanding the genocide into Lebanon...

And NOW Tony thinks it's time to end the war?...

Blinken should be prosecuted for being the war criminal that he is. :mad:

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