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Post by dill786 »

Do you mean how the nazi Ukrainians are erasing the Russian language and forcing Russian-speaking Ukrainians only to speak Ukrainian, especially the children?

or do you mean how your ancestors, The British murdered/raped and displaced thousands of Aborigines along with cultural suppression and violence and massacres and the kidnapping of children and introducing diseases to which aboriginal had no immunity to causing massive population decline and forcing them into Christianity
is that what you mean??

or do you mean the genocide by your ancestors in (Van Diemen's Land) Tasmania ? Black War (1820s–1832)

ps. king Leopold of Belgium was way worse than Hitler...
Last edited by dill786 on Sat Nov 30, 2024 1:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Prawn Connery »

dill786 wrote:
Sat Nov 30, 2024 1:32 am
Do you mean how the nazi Ukrainians are erasing the Russian language and forcing Russian-speaking Ukrainians only to speak Ukrainian, especially the children?
Sorry, are we talking about how many Ukrainians Wagner and other neo-Nazi Russian military units have killed now? Or are we talking about Russia kidnapping thousands of Ukrainian children and indoctrinating them?
dill786 wrote:
Sat Nov 30, 2024 1:32 am
or do you mean how your ancestors, The British murdered/raped and displaced thousands of Aborigines along with cultural suppression and violence and massacres and the kidnapping of children and introducing diseases to which aboriginal had no immunity to causing massive population decline
is that what you mean??

or shall we discuss what your ancestors did in Tasmania? Black War (1820s–1832)
How do you know they are my ancestors? Do you have any idea what my heritage is? What if my ancestors were the ones trying to stop all that from happening? What if my ancestors only arrived in Australia recently? What if I am Aboriginal or part-Aboriginal?

But I see where you're going with this. What you are saying is that every modern human being in the world should return to Africa where we originated and leave the other continents to the dinosaurs, right?

I mean, your ancestors killed Ghandi, didn't they?

LOL, you're king of the non-sequiturs today, aren't you dill? :rolleyes:
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Post by dill786 »

no, well you do occasionally love the ad hominem attacks lol

Gandhi was killed by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu nationalist,,

i would say you're Irish/Scottish prawn?

ps i am not an Indian nor a Pakistani my folks were from Kashmir.

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Post by Prawn Connery »

I generally save the ad homina for those who use it first, such as Bob. I don't recall attacking you personally, dill, because you are generally polite and even mannered, and I respect you – even if I don't always respect your positions. I certainly attack your positions on Putin and Russia, because I think they are misguided.

Kashmir, India, Pakistan – all the same, eh? Just like Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England . . . hell, why not France, Germany and everywhere else the Celts and Anglo-Saxons came from? And what about before that?

I mean, technically, I'm African. And so are you. Or maybe we're the descendents of Astro Space Monkeys who landed on earth. Or maybe, if you believe Genesis, we're pieces of clay and dust. Or indeed, hydrogen and other elements from gaseous bodies colloquially known as stars. Or the Singularity. Or something else before that.

You see how silly this all is?

For the record I have never traced my ancestory but have been told along the lines I am Scottish/Irish/Welsh/English/German. Now, which one of those killed the Aborigines?
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Post by Lrus007 »

well there was this scottish/irish/welsh/english/german guy
he raised hell down there :roflmao:
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Post by Prawn Connery »

He certainly did! Biggest online troll they had in 1788! They tried to block him, but he just used a VPN with multiple sock-puppet accounts.
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Post by Prawn Connery »

Apparently the Scottish side of the family were French migrants when Mary Queen of Scots was aligned with French King Henry II.

And apparently – this is no joke – I'm also related to the Grimaldi family of Monaco and am 32nd in line to the throne by marriage.

And my wife is related to Ghengis Khan – because she's Korean – along with about 10% of the rest of the world's population :rolleyes:

So face it guys, I rule the fucking planet.
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Post by roller24 »

Prawn Connery wrote:
Sat Nov 30, 2024 12:03 am

And who are those "Dark Lords" roller? Always the Shadowmen, eh? You guys watch too much TV.
Prawn Connery wrote:
Sat Nov 30, 2024 12:03 am
Or maybe it's this bloke:
Jack Michael Posobiec III is an American alt-right political activist, television correspondent and presenter, conspiracy theorist, and former United States Navy intelligence officer.

Posobiec is known for his pro-Donald Trump comments on Twitter, and has used white supremacist and antisemitic symbols and talking points, including the white genocide conspiracy theory. He has promoted fake news, including the debunked Pizzagate conspiracy theory claiming high-ranking Democratic Party officials were involved in a child sex ring. He was also a promoter of the Stop the Steal movement. From 2018 to 2021, Posobiec was employed by One America News Network (OANN), a far-right cable channel, as a political correspondent and on-air presenter.
Why do you believe these nutjobs? :confused:
That video was the most I've ever seen of Posobiec. Benz however I have followed for about a year. He seems to have a pretty good grasp on what's going on through his research into state sponsored censorship.
None of this absolves the US of its bloody hegemoney and meddling in world affairs over the past 80 years or more (particularly since WW2), but if you can't tell the difference between influencing/coercing/bribing and bullying with boots on the ground invading sovereign nations, then I guess you really are in your own little "Dark Lord" fantasy world. Just like the bozo in the video above. Although I would hope you are not that gullible.
I've never even attempted to absolve the US. If you metaphorically portray the "Dark Lords" as you say, then the US would be their Darth Vader.

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Post by roller24 »

Even Putin was placed in Power by the same ilk.
Protection of Yeltsin's and the ruling elite's interests
The ruling elite, having made antidemocratic decisions, acted out of fear for their own security and a desire to preserve their material gains. In the open political struggle, there was a danger of a hostile "president's family" coming to power, which would begin persecuting and punishing those who had worked and prospered during Yeltsin's presidency. According to some, "it was clear that revenge would come, and then Yeltsin, the 'family,' and everyone would perish," so "a scheme was needed to transfer power to a strong [president] who would guarantee Yeltsin his personal security."[4]

Tatyana Dyachenko, Yeltsin's daughter, played an important role in the final decision to transfer power to Putin. As Yeltsin's health deteriorated, Dyachenko increasingly acted as an advisor and confidante to the president. She and her fiancé Valentin Yumashev had much to lose: they facilitated the involvement of oligarchs in governing the country and, consequently, could become the focus of the new president's attention. Yeltsin's dependence on his inner circle of allies, including his daughter, Yumashev, and possibly one or two more aides, increased as his health deteriorated. Yeltsin was more concerned about protecting his close circle than individual oligarchs. He was unhappy with the oligarchs' influence on people and the policies of his administration, but due to his declining health, he could not effectively combat the growing influence. Meanwhile, his inner circle was concerned about the welfare of their wealthy friends, who were worried about the future of their fortunes and themselves.[4]

Thus, the consequences of the early decisions of 1992 continued to influence the political situation in Russia. The attempt to introduce a market economy without establishing democratic political and legal structures led to institutionalized corruption at the highest levels of power in the Kremlin. Liberal economic reforms without corresponding political mechanisms of accountability and control undermined the new system.[10] By the end of Yeltsin's second presidential term, fear of retribution for corruption forced his circle to seek a new leader not based on qualifications or electoral legitimacy, but rather based on promises of protection and perhaps the hope that they could secretly control their puppet appointee.[4] ... e_to_power

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Post by Prawn Connery »

Yeltsin was no hero, eh?
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