chatGPT welcome to the future

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chatGPT welcome to the future

Post by dill786 »

i was watching this that other night and it was fascinating and a bit scary too. looks like even with repeated warnings from ex google employees and CEOs we are all going ahead with AI, looks like no country wants to be left behind even though many scientists are telling them to slow down, you know how they say watch movies to see what's gonna happen in the future, for example, the original star trek and all the gadgets they had, we have them NOW in real life, like the i-pad, flip fone, replicator ( 3d printer) etc..


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chatGPT welcome to the future

Post by rSin »

me response to someone offering a link to AI

i wont go near the stuff
out to read your mind
and everyones in
helping them do it


google exec made it clear decades ago

"we plan to, after you load your search terms, to give you just one link and for it to be the one you want'

couldnt be clearer.
dont help them rub you out...
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chatGPT welcome to the future

Post by rSin »

the climbers were talking...

technically proficent pure facists said

"About 10% of the population has an IQ of 80 or below.

That's a low enough intelligence level that it is illegal to enlist them in the armed forces since there are no jobs that are simple enough that they can do competently.

The modern economy is also for the most part in the same place already.

What happens when AI replaces the bottom 20%-25%?


to which replied reasonable progressive



thats where i chimed in...

you mean a resurgence of the luddites
few of those servers are safe from an angry mob

bet we start seeing that as leading sectors fall...

bet my ex the attorney who wore her doc martins all she could could really lead a gang of angry

would be like she found her calling...
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chatGPT welcome to the future

Post by dill786 »


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chatGPT welcome to the future

Post by rSin »

think of all the infrasctrutures that as a function of their opperations being put online are now at threat from hackers when before they were not as such threat

the roll out of AI will be equally devastating via putting these infrastructures at risk from things we dont know nor are we putting under reasonable control

and when i saw we dont know them i mean that they are let loose to solve problems themselves and how they choose to do this isnt know and only poorly via research of them doing this

couple years ago one AI was tasked with a language translations and it did it. research determined that the AI had created an entirely new language that it used as an interim step between the two it was tasked with translating

entirely unpredicted

weve created their minds but we do not know how they think...
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chatGPT welcome to the future

Post by dill786 »

the new chatgpt 5 is going to be using the internet for more precise info

Can you imagine it going sentinent and then escaping into the internet and having influence over every device which is connected via wifi, In every home and into the not-to-distant future every electric car worldwide including the fucking toaster/fridge/smartphone etc......

if it goes sentient and escapes into the internet how the fuck do you stop it, it can replicate it self and hide in almost any space/harddrive/usb anywhere in the world thats connected to the net /wifi

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chatGPT welcome to the future

Post by Intrinsic »

AI experts make predictions for 2040.

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chatGPT welcome to the future

Post by ben ttech »

fuck that corperate bitch.
shes a whore and deserves trouncing...
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin

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chatGPT welcome to the future

Post by Intrinsic »

Interesting take, I rather consider her more of a comedian. Well she's bit of a nerd using her YouTube earnings to fund her own quantum physics research.

Why what do you know? .

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chatGPT welcome to the future

Post by ben ttech »

always find a sly way to underline corperate side no matter the facts of the matter...
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin

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