30 day cold shower challenge !!!

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30 day cold shower challenge !!!

Post by dill786 »

Medjool dates have 70gm of carbs as well as zinc, potassium selenium, fibre, iron etc...

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30 day cold shower challenge !!!

Post by ben ttech »

carbs are not to much the problem
it whether there simple or not

complex carbs bring your body into gear breaking them down
simple carbs put your body to sleep as they just flip one digit and are sugar
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30 day cold shower challenge !!!

Post by dill786 »

ben ttech wrote:
Sun Nov 03, 2024 2:28 pm
man i love dates,
wouldnt think theyre loaded with carbs,
does that mean most fruits are as well?

her you go lrus

https://minimalistbaker.com/guide-to-gl ... ee-flours/

"Now that we’ve been cooking gluten-free for years, we wanted to share what we’ve learned in the process, as well as a bit about our own Minimalist Baker Gluten-Free Flour Blend, and our favorite gluten-free baking recipes.

Where to Start?
We’ve found that when baking with gluten-free flours, it’s typically best to use a mix of different flours and starches to achieve the ideal texture and flavor. This is because all-purpose flour adds stretch, lightness, crispiness, and neutral flavor to baked goods. With gluten-free, you need a few different flours (depending on the recipe) to replicate these characteristics of gluten flour."


the oak trees in baldy canyon were we climbed for years produce the biggest acorns ive ever seen. a couple times i collected them and processed them into flour. made pancakes out of it.

the web

Yes, fruits do contain carbohydrates. The carbs in fruits come primarily from natural sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose1. These natural sugars provide quick energy for your body. Additionally, fruits are packed with important vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which help slow the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream23.

If you’re watching your carb intake, some fruits are lower in carbs than others. For example, watermelon and strawberries are among the lower-carb fruits, while mangoes and grapes are higher in carbs

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30 day cold shower challenge !!!

Post by Lrus007 »

i still use normal flour. was thinking for dill. like for lower
carbs and gluten. maybe a indian fry bread made that way.
was just pondering
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30 day cold shower challenge !!!

Post by dill786 »

my stomach hasn't been bloated for the last 2 weeks since I stopped the sugar and cut out 90% of the carbs,

don't get the sugar cravings NOW before i used to pop into Aldis and get the cookies, chocolates, energy drinks, chocolate croissants, and pancakes with honey on it

ive had none of that for the past nearly 3 weeks and its not that bad i didn't really crave for anything sweet...

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30 day cold shower challenge !!!

Post by dill786 »

3 .1 years of smoking cessation

fucking love it,

every time i watch some YT videos of people who are just recovering from potentially " WIDOWMAKER" heart attacks due to smoking i am so glad i stopped wish i quit a lot earlier...

still off the sugar and have reduced my cabs to only 10%, its fucking hard finding food that doesn't have lots of carbs, for me its just eggs and meat, veggies and salad..

not exercised in a while for some odd reason,, just need to be motivated to get back into it could be the change of weather NOW its getting cold and will snow heavily tomorrow....

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30 day cold shower challenge !!!

Post by dill786 »

so my weight now is 93.3kg

so i lost 6.3 kilos in 4 to 5 weeks by just stopping consuming sugar..

back to lifting weights done it the last 3 days on the trot, have to do it indoors now as the weather is shit and it gets dark around 4 pm, just move the sofas out of the way and lay down the yoga mat, still taking VIT D with K3, zinc and magnesium glycinate every day,

I need to do progressive overload as in adding more weight on the bar to gain muscle, i eat full fat yogurt, chicken, nuts for the protein. i dont use creatine, i have nothing against it but personal choice...

I noticed i don't miss the sugar at all NOW

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30 day cold shower challenge !!!

Post by Solid Gold Butt Plug »

500 calories, 1 hour, 3 miles on the treadmill tonight.
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30 day cold shower challenge !!!

Post by dill786 »

^ go on bro
You're killing it!!!


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30 day cold shower challenge !!!

Post by Solid Gold Butt Plug »

Thanks, been hitting it about four times a week for the past three weeks.

My A1C is up to pre diabetic range, if I don’t lose weight I’m going to have to start taking an Ozempic type shot.
Nacho Cheese Doritos® Locos Tacos
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