Bullets that almost got me, circled in red. Most went over the wall. And here's me when I was in the PLA (People's Liberation Army) – I shit you not! I won a marksmanship award during a training camp. Of course, it was only a training camp – I never joined full time. I was actually in the Chinese Marines, hence the blue camo. The Chinese let me in to do a story.
This was August 2000. I was a dark, handsome devil back then – not the green crustacean I am now

We all have stories to tell, Ben. Some are good some are bad, but they're all stories that makes us what we are.
Yours is a hell of a story! You should own that shit right there and be proud you pulled through. I dunno. As I said, I've never been shot. But I look back fondly on all my lucky scrapes and am thankful I'm still here. That's just me, I guess.