gunfire gunfire gunfire...

Stoner ramblings. Totally made up fictional shit that nobody means at all but is exercising their imaginations.
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gunfire gunfire gunfire...

Post by Prawn Connery »

Just to prove it happened, I wrote a story about it.
Bullets that almost got me, circled in red. Most went over the wall.
And here's me when I was in the PLA (People's Liberation Army) – I shit you not! I won a marksmanship award during a training camp. Of course, it was only a training camp – I never joined full time. I was actually in the Chinese Marines, hence the blue camo. The Chinese let me in to do a story.

This was August 2000. I was a dark, handsome devil back then – not the green crustacean I am now :grin: Just to dispel any rumours I'm actually Chinese :wink:
There ya go ya bastards – finally showing my face after 20-odd years!

We all have stories to tell, Ben. Some are good some are bad, but they're all stories that makes us what we are.

Yours is a hell of a story! You should own that shit right there and be proud you pulled through. I dunno. As I said, I've never been shot. But I look back fondly on all my lucky scrapes and am thankful I'm still here. That's just me, I guess.
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gunfire gunfire gunfire...

Post by ben ttech »

thought i was being proud just shariing it

im very proud
but fuck

left scars

they go up and down at least as far the the one i got on my torso


"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin

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gunfire gunfire gunfire...

Post by ben ttech »

You know I just figured something
Gunfires is two sylobols

The first I’m stuck with
But I can not say the second one

Take some fire out
Some power back
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin

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gunfire gunfire gunfire...

Post by Prawn Connery »

Chicks dig scars! :toker1:

Yeah, China was a much more open and freindly place towards foreigners back then. Very different now under Xi.

I shot a 50 out of 50 with a regular issue open-sights SKS (7.62x39). I have to thank my Chinese spotter who got me on target. Some of those guys can really shoot.
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gunfire gunfire gunfire...

Post by ben ttech »

I was a fair shot
But Havnt touched a weapon since the conviction I got

Bought my first ar15 late 80s
Got it out of my system long before it was the rage

Had a semiauto 12 gauge back then to

Spas something
12 I think
Fucking thing looked rad
Bought it just for that
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin

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gunfire gunfire gunfire...

Post by ben ttech »

nice run
hit todays but didnt stick
like it was a wrong number...
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin

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gunfire gunfire gunfire...

Post by ben ttech »

never told you this side to the story
me and a friend went to a new years party

id a pillow and blanket in my truck

figured id drink enough not to drive home

get this

he wakes up passed out in somebodys front yard ivy a block away
stumbles back to his car and drives home

hours later hes woke up punding on the door
his dad

knew what happened to me and what checking on him
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin

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gunfire gunfire gunfire...

Post by ben ttech »

really been hauting me the last couple days
couple dozen times a day
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin

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gunfire gunfire gunfire...

Post by ben ttech »

been ten years since i did
but i used to come back to the site

bullet damage on the walls
fucker unloaded on me
as i was running away


and the stain
of the pool of blood i poured on the sidewalk was still there

mabe 100 feet from where i took
two through the chest


im sure a lucky guy
lived through surgery

surgeon said i had not chances
after that

8 hours
they cut me to fuck up

had to remove a third of my liver

friends mom was a nurse
folled the surgeon out and asked what the real deal was
my friend passed out on him saying that

no chances

wasnt till 8 10 days later i got real memories

but i remember fighting good at the sign they wanted to cut my arm off

but somehow
i didnt die
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin

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gunfire gunfire gunfire...

Post by ben ttech »

im am tired of life.
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin

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