Why Are Conservatives Obsessed With Revenge on China

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Why Are Conservatives Obsessed With Revenge on China

Post by Intrinsic »

Why Are Conservatives Obsessed With Revenge on China for the Coronavirus?

https://nymag.com/intelligencer/amp/202 ... virus.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Focusing on China allows conservatives to sidestep the question of whether the coronavirus poses a serious health risk at all.That question becomes a sideshow to the primary objective of blaming China. Right-wing organs like the Federalist have mounted a campaign to brand the disease the “Wuhan Virus,” scolding anybody who fails to use their lingo as China appeasers. Breitbart’s coverage of Joe Biden’s coronavirus plan zeroes in on its failure to blame Beijing. “Not once in the detailed plan does Biden mention China or Wuhan — the origin city of the coronavirus,” it reports, accurately, “Instead, the Biden plan repeatedly focuses on fighting ‘global’ public health threats and refers to the coronavirus in its technical term of COVID-19.”

This is a completely bizarre passage to those of us who have read mainstream news. It credits Biden with outlining a “detailed plan,” but brushes aside this fact to complain that he describes the virus as a “global threat,” which it demonstrably is.

What’s so strange about the right’s China obsession is that it lacks any policy implications. Cotton has warned, “We will hold accountable those who inflicted it on the world,” but what actions could he be threatening? Create a pandemic virus of our own in the United States? There is no prospective course of action that follows from blaming China. It is a global pandemic.

And the reason the mainstream media and liberal elite are using the standard terms for the virus rather than the conservative movement’s preferred labels isn’t some delicacy about offending China. It’s that we don’t actually care at this point where it started. Biden focused his speech on ways to prevent Americans from suffering and dying, instead of on ways to blame China, because that seems more important, not because he’s secretly in hoc to the Chinese Communist Party (which Cotton, naturally, has also insinuated).

 pay close attention to conservative thought, and try to understand the ideological roots of various strands of right-wing argument. Explaining the China obsession in philosophical terms, though, seems to give its adherents too much credit. It’s as if they are unable to grasp the concept of a positive-sum global problem, and the proper capacity to analyze this category of problem, are using the parts of their brains that process external threats. Their lizard brains have transformed a crisis in which every country has a joint interest in mitigation into an act of war demanding retaliation.

It is certainly true that China’s government bungled and covered up the pandemic in its original stages. That is an unfortunate practice among authoritarian states. However, it is also true that President Trump’s administration has bungled its own response to the virus, and covered up its failures with a stream of lies. American conservatives who are most fixated on blaming the Chinese managerial failures and lies are also, oddly enough, the most complicit in justifying the same behavior by their own government.

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Why Are Conservatives Obsessed With Revenge on China

Post by Intrinsic »

Recently had a friends say 'old as dirt' referring to something else but, kinda appropriate for these old conspiracies.
Haters Gonna Hate

Debunking Trump’s China Nonsense

Trump botched his COVID-19 response disastrously, so now he’s giving anti-China conspiracy theories the full weight of the U.S. government.
May 6, 2020

https://ips-dc.org/debunking-trumps-china-nonsense/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Why Are Conservatives Obsessed With Revenge on China

Post by WhiteHotAfterburner »

Mar. 13, 2020

May 6, 2020

Old as dirt hate is gonna hate.

You're friend was right...


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Why Are Conservatives Obsessed With Revenge on China

Post by bentech »

western christians have had a thing for china going all the way back to when their opium selling missionaires had a few feathers ruffled

communism as cause is just a recent excuse for the same alighnment with the manufacturing interests that want access to their markets

weve been filth from the get go...
"we must strive to become good ancestors" nader
FUCK jimmydorecomedy.com

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Why Are Conservatives Obsessed With Revenge on China

Post by Intrinsic »

^^ THIS^^^

WhiteHotAfterburner wrote:Mar. 13, 2020

May 6, 2020

Old as dirt hate is gonna hate.

You're friend was right...

My words but a whisper your deafness a SHOUT.
I may make you feel but I can't make you think.
Your wise men don't know how it feels
To be thick as a brick.

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