Biden's blunders...

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Biden's blunders...

Post by Butcher Bob »

Biden's blunders...
...let's keep track. :)

I once heard a quote from a coach..."If you're not losing 50% of the time, you're not going to get any better.". It sounds a bit nuts on first glance, until you realize the context. He was pointing out that if you do not put your abilities up against real challenges, to identify weaknesses and failures, you will never improve. And I concur whole-heartedly, so I would like to apply that philosophy to Biden's presidency.

If you see Biden fuk up, post it up. But let's leave rumorous pissing match material out of it, and stick to sourced information. If sourced info is wrong, we can hash that out here. We can have opinions aboot things, but they should be based on reality.

I'm going to start with an area of personal interest to me, Biden's "economic team" cabinet appointments...
Janet Yellen - Secretary of the Treasury

2014 - 2018 ... Chair of the Federal Reserve
2010 - 2014 ... Vice chair of the Federal Reserve
2004 - 2010 ... President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
1997 - 1999 ... Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers under President Bill Clinton
1994 - 1997 ... Federal Reserve Board Governor

Following her appointment to the Federal Reserve in 2004, she spoke publicly and in meetings of the Fed's monetary policy committee, about her concern about the potential consequences of the boom in housing prices.[22] However, Yellen did not lead the San Francisco Fed to "move to check [the] increasingly indiscriminate lending" of Countrywide Financial, the largest lender in the U.S.[23]

In a 2005 speech in San Francisco, Yellen argued against deflating the housing bubble because "arguments against trying to deflate a bubble outweigh those in favor of it" and predicted that the housing bubble "could be large enough to feel like a good-sized bump in the road, but the economy would likely be able to absorb the shock."[24]

On April 28, 2010, President Obama nominated vice-chair of the Federal Reserve...
Yellen simultaneously began a 14-year term as a member of the Federal Reserve Board that will expire on January 31, 2024.

...while Yellen was chair of the Federal Reserve...Yellen began the process of reversing some of the policies that had been enacted in response to the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008.

On June 27, 2017, Yellen generated controversy when she stated that she did not expect another financial crisis "in our lifetime."

Yellen was one of the signees of a 2018 amici curiae brief that expressed support for Harvard University in the Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard lawsuit." onclick=";return false;
Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo - Deputy Secretary of the Treasury

2019 - present ... first president of the Obama Foundation

...worked as the chief negotiator for the Trans-Pacific Partnership." onclick=";return false;
Neera Tanden - Director of the Office of Management and Budget

She is the president of the Center for American Progress...where she has served in different capacities since 2003.

Tanden has worked on several Democratic presidential campaigns, including those of Michael Dukakis in 1988, Bill Clinton in 1992, and Barack Obama in 2008. Tanden advised Hillary Clinton's successful 2016 primary campaign and unsuccessful 2016 general election campaign. She was also a senior staffer on Clinton's unsuccessful campaign for the 2008 Democratic nomination. During the Obama administration, Tanden helped draft the Affordable Care Act.

She has been described as one of the "key architects" of the Affordable Care Act.

In 2003, Tanden had a central role in the founding of the Center for American Progress (CAP).
In October 2011, Tanden succeeded John Podesta as CAP's president and CEO.

In 2018, reports emerged that Tanden had revealed the first name of a CAP employee complaining of sexual harassment.

She is regarded as a loyalist and confidante of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

...she opposes single-payer healthcare, including Medicare for All proposals.

Tanden has been a vocal critic of U.S. Senator and former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, his policy proposals, and his supporters." onclick=";return false;
Cecilia Rouse - Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers

Rouse served as a member of President Barack Obama's Council of Economic Advisers from 2009 to 2011. Prior to serving in the Obama Administration, Rouse served in the National Economic Council under President Bill Clinton from 1998 to 1999.

She is...a director of the T. Rowe Price Equity Mutual Funds and an Advisory Board Member of the T. Rowe Price Fixed Income Mutual Funds.

Rouse signed a 2018 amici curiae brief that expressed support for Harvard University in the Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard lawsuit." onclick=";return false;
I'm just scratching the surface with these's just commonly accepted info from Wiki. I'm sure I will be doing more thorough digging on Yellen and Tanden as we go. And yeah, I cherry picked info...because I am only looking for things that I consider to be weaknesses/failures.

...has spent almost her entire career with the Federal Reserve in some capacity, most of it in top positions.
...recognized, but failed to act on, the housing bubble that caused the 2008/2009 crash.
...retracted safeguards put in place as a result of that crash, which has/is causing another crash, that she predicted we would never see in our lifetimes.
...endorsed racial discrimination at Harvard.

Adeyemo... heavily tied to Obama policies, which arguably brought us Trump.
...was a key architect of the extremely flawed TPP.

Tanden... CAP. a partisan political player, involved with more than half of the presidential campaigns in the last three decades.
...was a key architect of what most consider to be a very flawed ACA.
...doxed an anonymous sexual harassment victim. opposed to M4A. opposed to all of the progressive policies Sanders advocates for.

...was an advisor to Clinton's economic policies that caused the 2008/2009 crash.
...was an advisor to Obama's economic policies that caused the crash we are currently experiencing.
...has a current conflict of interest with her positions in a capital/debt investment company.
...endorsed racial discrimination at Harvard.

These things are huge red flags to me.

The Secretary of the Treasury is supposed to represent the country's interests when dealing with the Fed. Giving that position to Yellen is akin to giving robbers unfettered access to the vault. Her background leads me to believe she will act in the best interest of the Fed, not the country. Not that she could even get things right when they really matter anyways. And she gets a yes man for a side kick.

If you think congress and the president have the most control over the country's spending, then you do not understand what the OMB does. They have more influence on the budget than anyone else in the process. Tanden is a pro-war advocate...who publically supported military action in Libya, so that we could take their oil. But when it comes to money spent on citizens...she has publically stated that she believes that social security, medicare, and medicaid all need cuts...has publically opposed social programs like M4A, college, college debt forgiveness, etc. that Sanders advocates in favor of.

Rouse is now going to be Biden's top economic advisor...after helping Clinton get it wrong...and then helping Obama get it wrong. But I'll bet the private firm she's serving did well before, are doing well now, and will continue to do well for the foreseeable future, no matter what.

None of these top finance/economic appointments are good for the citizens of this country. :(

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Biden's blunders...

Post by bentech »

ya but
your details misses mass edicts momentum entirely

few people care about the details anymore
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Biden's blunders...

Post by Intrinsic »

Biden's biggest blunder is not being Donald J Trump. Right?

The current economic collapse is because of Obama? Not Trump's mismanagement of the pandemic.. Huh! I Did not know.

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Biden's blunders...

Post by Butcher Bob »

Intrinsic wrote:Biden's biggest blunder is not being Donald J Trump. Right?

The current economic collapse is because of Obama? Not Trump's mismanagement of the pandemic.. Huh! I Did not know.
I know you're being sarcastic, but it is true...Obama's handling of the last financial crisis created the policy, laws, and regulations that are responsible for our current collapse. The signal came in September last year, when the Fed started pumping billions into the banks' overnight EFTs. Sure, the pandemic has exasperated things, but the collapse started well before covid.

Not being Trump? Tell me, what exactly is the difference between 'Make America Great Again' and 'Build Back Better'? When Biden says that the military is in disarray and needs more money, how is that any different than when Trump said the military was in shambles and gave them more money?

So let's take a look at who Biden is picking that will be shaping our foreign policy...
Antony Blinken - Secretary of State

2015 - 2017 ... Deputy Secretary of State
2013 - 2015 ... Deputy National Security Adviser
2009 - 2013 ... Deputy Assistant to the President and National Security Advisor to the Vice President.
2008 - 2009 ... Obama–Biden presidential transition team
2002 - 2008 ... Democratic Staff Director of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
1999 - 2001 ... Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for European and Canadian Affairs
1994 - 1998 ... Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Strategic Planning and NSC Senior Director for Speechwriting

He supported the U.S.–led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

From 2009 to 2013...he helped craft U.S. policy on Afghanistan, Pakistan...

A 2013 profile described him as "[o]ne of the government's key players in drafting Syria policy", for which he served as a public face.

Blinken was influential in formulating the Obama administration's response to the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in the aftermath of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution.

Blinken supported the 2011 military intervention in Libya and the supply of weapons to Syrian rebels.

In April 2015, Blinken voiced support for the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen.

Blinken worked with Biden on requests for American money to replenish Israel's arsenal of Iron Dome interceptor missiles during the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict.

In 2017, Blinken co-founded WestExec Advisors, a political strategy advising firm, with Michèle Flournoy... WestExec's clients have included Google's Jigsaw, Israeli artificial-intelligence company Windward, and ...includes "the defense industry, private equity firms, and hedge funds". In an interview with The Intercept, Flournoy described WestExec's role as facilitating relationships between Silicon Valley firms and the Department of Defense and law enforcement...

Blinken is also a partner of private equity firm Pine Island Capital Partners, a strategic partner of WestExec. Pine Island's chairman is John Thain...

Blinken is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

On June 17, 2020, Blinken said that Biden "would not tie military assistance to Israel to things like annexation or other decisions by the Israeli government with which we might disagree."" onclick=";return false;
Avril Haines - Director of National Intelligence

2015 - 2017 ... Deputy National Security Advisor
2013 - 2015 ... Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
2010 - 2013 ... White House Counsel as Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Counsel to the President for National Security Affairs at the White House.
2008 - 2010 ... worked for the State Department as the assistant legal adviser for treaty affairs
2007 - 2008 ... worked for the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations as Deputy Chief Counsel for the Majority Senate Democrats (under then-chairman Joe Biden).
2003 - 2006 ... worked in the Office of the Legal Adviser of the Department of State, first in the Office of Treaty Affairs and then in the Office of Political Military Affairs.

In 2015 Haines was tasked with determining whether CIA personnel involved in the hacking of the computers of Senate staffers who were authoring the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture would be disciplined. Haines chose not to discipline them, overruling the CIA Inspector General.

During her years in Obama White House, Haines played a significant role working closely with John Brennan in determining administration policy on "targeted killings" by drones. The ACLU strongly criticized the Obama policy on drone killings as failing to meet international human rights norms.

Haines has consulted for Palantir Technologies, and was an employee of WestExec Advisors. In late June 2020, shortly after taking on the role of overseeing foreign policy and national security considerations for the Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign transition team, references to Palantir and other corporations for which she had worked were abruptly removed from her resume as posted on the website of the Brookings Institution...

In 2018, Haines was an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump's controversial nomination of Gina Haspel to serve as CIA director. While not commenting on Haspel's record, she praised her knowledge of the agency and intelligence, a position hailed by the White House as it promoted Haspel's confirmation. Haspel was reportedly involved in the operations of CIA secret black site torture sites in 2002 and 2003. Haspel also has admitted her role in helping destroy videotapes of torture by CIA interrogators." onclick=";return false;
Jake Sullivan - National Security Advisor

...Sullivan worked as chief counsel to Senator Amy Klobuchar, who connected him to Clinton.

In 2008, Sullivan was originally an advisor to Hillary Clinton during the primary cycle, and then to Barack Obama during the general election campaign. He prepared Clinton and Obama for debates. When Clinton became Secretary of State, Sullivan joined as her deputy chief of staff and Director of Policy Planning, and he travelled with her to 112 countries.

He became then–Vice President Biden's top security aide in February 2013 after Clinton stepped down as Secretary of State. In those posts, he played a role in shaping U.S. foreign policy towards Libya, Syria, and Myanmar.

Sullivan was the chief foreign policy adviser to Hillary Clinton.

Sullivan was prominent in many of the Podesta emails released by WikiLeaks during the 2016 US presidential election, including Sullivan questioning if Democratic primary candidate Martin O'Malley's 100% clean energy by 2050 plan was "realistic."" onclick=";return false;
Blinken is a perfect example of what we DON'T want in a Secretary of State. Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Yemen, Gaza...bombs, bombs, and more bombs...and he's been wrong in every case. He spent his whole career nurishing a militaristic foreign policy...and now he's profiting off of that. He has a personal interest in making sure 'diplomacy' does not work.

And he has a friend in Haines...who evidently thinks stuff like spying on congress, torture, drone strikes, and destruction of evidence are perfectly fine. And who's bankroll has she been on lately?...well Blinken's of course. Now we just wait to see what position Biden gives to Flournoy.

More help...Sullivan, whose plans for Libya, Syria, and Myanmar were abysmal failures. We can thank Klobuchar for bringing this warhawk into the loop.

Where's Kerry?......environment?!?
Oh yeah, we'll get into that topic too. :wink:

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Biden's blunders...

Post by Jesús Malverde »

Agree with BB, personnel is policy and Biden's awful picks so far forebode all kinds of bad policy— you're going to see retreaded old policies that all failed to a greater or lesser degree deployed simply by a combination of institutional inertia and because those old policies were put in place by the same special interests that Biden has been in bed with his entire political career. Biden is IMO preferable to Trump, but he's still a poorly-made shit sandwich and will always put the interests of the wealthy elites and insiders above those of ordinary working class Americans. Might work out better for the Rs than the Ds as soon as mid-terms.
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Biden's blunders...

Post by Intrinsic »

Butcher Bob wrote:
Intrinsic wrote:Biden's biggest blunder is not being Donald J Trump. Right?

The current economic collapse is because of Obama? Not Trump's mismanagement of the pandemic.. Huh! I Did not know.
I know you're being sarcastic, but it is true...Obama's handling of the last financial crisis created the policy, laws, and regulations that are responsible for our current collapse. The signal came in September last year, when the Fed started pumping billions into the banks' overnight EFTs. Sure, the pandemic has exasperated things, but the collapse started well before covid.
Okay, then by that logic the crash started long before the black socialist obama's policies or any government legislation. it's a matter of bottleneck resources. You have an economy with inflation, crash is intrinsically inevitable with limited natural resources. Mitigating the cyclic crash is what we've had since...
Ben is right we should have dug up Reagan's corpse and burn it jes in case.

This is news to you??

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Biden's blunders...

Post by bentech »

obamas response to bush era catastrophy was weak and best and was only suscessful in

cementing open the RANGING avenues to savage the system

he INSURED we will NEVER recover from trump, or

prevent a crack whip from taking his mantle...
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Biden's blunders...

Post by Butcher Bob »

Intrinsic wrote:Okay, then by that logic the crash started long before the black socialist obama's policies or any government legislation.
No...I'm referring specifically to what we learned from the Great Depression, that the functions of commercial banking should be seperated from investment banking, which is why the Glass/Steagall Act was enacted...a concept you apparently can't grasp no matter how many times it comes up in our discussions. Clinton repealed that act, which made the 2008/2009 crash inevitable. After which, we again had a similar provision put in the Dodd/Frank bill...but Obama had it taken out before it got implemented, which made our current crash inevitable.

The concept is very CAN NOT allow banks to gamble with depositor's money, period. If a bank wants to aquire invester money to gamble (investment banking), that is fine...but not depositor money (commercial banking), used for personal and business normal economic functions. When you combine the two functions you encourage behavior to ride the lightning, putting us in the precarious position of guaranteeing a collapse at some point in the future.

On to climate change...

While I may not yet be thoroughly convinced that man causes climate change, I stand with the folks who do believe that. I do so because they will have to address pollution and resource utilization...both of which will need a more minimalistic approach if we wish to survive as a species.

"I do not support the Green New Deal."
Joe Biden

"I will not ban fracking."
Joe Biden

We are off to a bad start with these blunders. But for those who supported Biden, you can not complain, because he made his position very clear well before the election. You knew exactly what you were getting before you bought the ticket.

Now we see, in Biden's list of appointments, at the very bottom (indicating it's importance)...
John Kerry - U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

Kerry signed the Paris Agreement on climate change on behalf of the United States.

As Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts... He was also active on environmental issues, including combating acid rain.

In July 1997, Kerry joined his Senate colleagues in voting against ratification of the Kyoto Treaty on global warming without greenhouse gas emissions limits on nations deemed developing, including India and China. Since then, Kerry has attacked President Bush, charging him with opposition to international efforts to combat global warming.

On November 11, 2016, Kerry became the first Secretary of State and highest-ranking U.S. official to date to visit Antarctica. Kerry spent two days on the continent meeting with researchers and staying overnight at McMurdo Station.

In 1994, Kerry led opposition to continued funding for the Integral Fast Reactor, which resulting in the end of funding for the project. However, in light of increasing concerns regarding climate change, in 2017 Kerry reversed his position on nuclear power, saying "Given this challenge we face today, and given the progress of fourth generation nuclear: go for it. No other alternative, zero emissions."" onclick=";return false;
Kerry has an extensive wiki page...and that is everything climate change related that I could find after scouring the whole thing. Very under impressing to say the least. Given his privileged, old money, military brat position from birth, and his vast military and international experience, one would think he would be a better fit under foreign policy. While I have certainly opposed many of the positions he has taken, I do respect his experience in that arena.

But certainly Biden will do better considering his support from activists...
...wait, what?.....protests?!?....
Climate Activists Want Biden To Bar Appointees With Fossil Fuel Ties

Biden faced backlash this week after naming Louisiana Rep. Cedric Richmond to lead the Office of Public Engagement.

Varshini Prakash, executive director of the Sunrise Movement, said it "feels like a betrayal" because Richmond "has taken more donations from the fossil fuel industry during his Congressional career than nearly any other Democrat." ... -fuel-ties" onclick=";return false;
Cedric Richmond - Senior Advisor to the President and Director of the Office of Public Liaison

Richmond was one of a few Democrats who voted to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline. He is the fifth-biggest recipient of money from fossil fuel donors among House Democrats. The League of Conservation Voters gave him one of the lowest ratings for any Democrat in Congress.

Richmond was the first candidate in the 2010 elections to have President Barack Obama appear in a television ad on his behalf.

Richmond's (2020) campaign received almost $113,000 from the oil and gas sector, which donated more than any other sector to his campaign." onclick=";return false;
U.S. green groups urge Biden to shun cabinet picks with oil ties

Separately, Greenpeace and 75 other climate and environmental justice groups on Monday had issued a statement urging Biden not to select Ernest Moniz, who served as energy secretary under President Barack Obama, for his cabinet. ... SKBN27X320" onclick=";return false;
Ernest Moniz - potential Secretary of Energy

2013 - 2017 ... Secretary of Energy
1997 - 2001 ... Under Secretary of Energy
1995 - 1997 ... Associate Director for Science in the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President of the United States

Before his appointment as Secretary of Energy, Moniz served in a variety of advisory capacities, including at BP, General Electric, and the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Moniz has been criticized by environmentalists for his ties to the oil and gas industries." onclick=";return false;
Why Is Joe Biden Considering an Anti–Green New Dealer for Energy Secretary?

...Michael McCabe is part of the Biden transition team’s agency review for the Environmental Protection Agency. McCabe, after serving in Clinton’s EPA, started managing DuPont’s communications department, otherwise known as, defending toxic chemicals. He used his intimate knowledge of — and access to — EPA documents to help DuPont sanitize the reputation of a chemical responsible for poisoning people’s drinking water and causing birth defects in children. Later, George W. Bush’s EPA fined DuPont over McCabe’s deceptions. ... ate-change" onclick=";return false;
Michael McCabe - volunteer member of the Joe Biden presidential transition Agency Review Team to support transition efforts related to the United States Environmental Protection Agency

McCabe started a consulting company, McCabe & Associates LLC, in 1996, registered in Delaware. From 2003 til at least 2006, McCabe worked as a consultant for DuPont, consulting for the company during an EPA investigation into the chemical PFOA. In 2007, Rob Bilott sued DuPont over PFOA contamination and McCabe was deposed in court by Bilott because of McCabe's previous work with DuPont.

Environmental activist Erin Brockovich called on Biden to "do the right thing" by creating an EPA transition team based on science, and not from the guidance of an "industry insider."" onclick=";return false;
The Problem With Putting a BlackRock Alum in Charge of Greening the Economy
Brian Deese, expected to head the Biden administration’s National Economic Council, is a longtime adherent of a disastrous energy strategy.

This week, the Biden campaign is expected to announce officially that it’s tapped former Obama adviser and current BlackRock executive Brian Deese to head the National Economic Council.

New York Communities for Change and the Sunrise Movement protested the rumors of Deese’s appointment outside the company’s Manhattan headquarters last week. deputy and then acting director of the Office of Management...preached “fiscal discipline”...championed the Trans-Pacific Partnership...During his two years as Obama’s climate adviser, Deese defended Arctic drilling... ... er-climate" onclick=";return false;
Brian Deese - Director of the National Economic Council

2017 - present ... Global Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock
2015 - 2017 ... Senior Advisor to the President
2013 - 2015 ... Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget (briefly served as the acting director in summer 2014)
2011 - 2013 ... Deputy Director of the NEC
2009 - 2011 ... Special Assistant to the President for economic policy, serving in the National Economic Council (NEC)
Following the 2008 presidential election, he served as a member of the Economic Policy Working Group for the presidential transition.
2008 ... work as an economic advisor to the Barack Obama 2008 presidential campaign.
2008 ... joined Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign as her economic policy director.
prior ... worked as a senior policy analyst for economic policy at the Center for American Progress." onclick=";return false;
CODEPINK joins protest against BlackRock’s bid for top Biden appointments ... pointments" onclick=";return false;
Oh, Jesus Christ...that doesn't look good. :facepalm:

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Biden's blunders...

Post by Intrinsic »

Butcher Bob wrote:..

No...I'm referring specifically to what we learned from the Great Depression, that the functions of commercial banking should be seperated from investment banking, which is why the Glass/Steagall Act was enacted...a concept you apparently can't grasp no matter how many times it comes up in our discussions. Clinton repealed that act, which made the 2008/2009 crash inevitable. After which, we again had a similar provision put in the Dodd/Frank bill...but Obama had it taken out before it got implemented, which made our current crash inevitable.

The concept is very CAN NOT allow banks to gamble with depositor's money, period. If a bank wants to aquire invester money to gamble (investment banking), that is fine...but not depositor money (commercial banking), used for personal and business normal economic functions. When you combine the two functions you encourage behavior to ride the lightning, putting us in the precarious position of guaranteeing a collapse at some point in the future.

On to climate change...

While I may not yet be thoroughly convinced that man causes climate change, I stand with the folks who do believe that. I do so because they will have to address pollution and resource utilization...both of which will need a more minimalistic approach if we wish to survive as a species.

"I do not support the Green New Deal."
Joe Biden

"I will not ban fracking."
Joe Biden
Oh. You were talking about another Financial Banking crash. Not the crash from lack of distributation of tangible resources; Food clothing shelter medicine procreation. Not people out of work, low on real resources for they and theirs to stay alive and healthy; the resources are there, they just need to be distributed. Not The 2020 people crashing.

The bankers got it. Damn Obama didn't care about the poor bankers.

Wait wait, you're for government, i.e. Biden, action on climate change because greenhouse effect exist from petroleum burning, the global mean temperature has risen unprecedented over 3 degrees C in correlation . That these are facts the Congress and the president should address.
No reading more carefully you still deny the facts, unconvinced or whatever. You're not really talking about climate change. Bait and switch. But NOW you want to criticize Not-Trump [Joe] about it. Uh-huh.

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Biden's blunders...

Post by Intrinsic »

Blunder #27

Biden urges action on the pandemic, saying he will ask Americans to wear masks for 100 days. ... r-100-days" onclick=";return false;
Mr. Biden said that on his first day as president, he would ask Americans to wear masks for 100 days. “Just 100 days to mask,” he said. “Not forever. 100 days. And I think we’ll see a significant reduction.”
The president-elect also spent considerable time addressing his response to the pandemic, saying that he had asked Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, to play a central role in his administration.

“I asked him to stay on in the exact same role he’s had for the past several presidents, and I asked him to be a chief medical adviser for me as well, and be part of the Covid team,” Mr. Biden said in the interview, adding that he had spoken with Dr. Fauci earlier in the day.
Mr. Trump has been overtly critical of Dr. Fauci and frequently ignored the advice of health experts throughout the pandemic, despite testing positive himself for the coronavirus weeks before Election Day.

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