...let's keep track.

I once heard a quote from a coach..."If you're not losing 50% of the time, you're not going to get any better.". It sounds a bit nuts on first glance, until you realize the context. He was pointing out that if you do not put your abilities up against real challenges, to identify weaknesses and failures, you will never improve. And I concur whole-heartedly, so I would like to apply that philosophy to Biden's presidency.
If you see Biden fuk up, post it up. But let's leave rumorous pissing match material out of it, and stick to sourced information. If sourced info is wrong, we can hash that out here. We can have opinions aboot things, but they should be based on reality.
I'm going to start with an area of personal interest to me, Biden's "economic team" cabinet appointments...
Janet Yellen - Secretary of the Treasury
2014 - 2018 ... Chair of the Federal Reserve
2010 - 2014 ... Vice chair of the Federal Reserve
2004 - 2010 ... President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
1997 - 1999 ... Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers under President Bill Clinton
1994 - 1997 ... Federal Reserve Board Governor
Following her appointment to the Federal Reserve in 2004, she spoke publicly and in meetings of the Fed's monetary policy committee, about her concern about the potential consequences of the boom in housing prices.[22] However, Yellen did not lead the San Francisco Fed to "move to check [the] increasingly indiscriminate lending" of Countrywide Financial, the largest lender in the U.S.[23]
In a 2005 speech in San Francisco, Yellen argued against deflating the housing bubble because "arguments against trying to deflate a bubble outweigh those in favor of it" and predicted that the housing bubble "could be large enough to feel like a good-sized bump in the road, but the economy would likely be able to absorb the shock."[24]
On April 28, 2010, President Obama nominated Yellen...as vice-chair of the Federal Reserve...
Yellen simultaneously began a 14-year term as a member of the Federal Reserve Board that will expire on January 31, 2024.
...while Yellen was chair of the Federal Reserve...Yellen began the process of reversing some of the policies that had been enacted in response to the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008.
On June 27, 2017, Yellen generated controversy when she stated that she did not expect another financial crisis "in our lifetime."
Yellen was one of the signees of a 2018 amici curiae brief that expressed support for Harvard University in the Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard lawsuit.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janet_Yellen" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo - Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
2019 - present ... first president of the Obama Foundation
...worked as the chief negotiator for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wally_Adeyemo" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Neera Tanden - Director of the Office of Management and Budget
She is the president of the Center for American Progress...where she has served in different capacities since 2003.
Tanden has worked on several Democratic presidential campaigns, including those of Michael Dukakis in 1988, Bill Clinton in 1992, and Barack Obama in 2008. Tanden advised Hillary Clinton's successful 2016 primary campaign and unsuccessful 2016 general election campaign. She was also a senior staffer on Clinton's unsuccessful campaign for the 2008 Democratic nomination. During the Obama administration, Tanden helped draft the Affordable Care Act.
She has been described as one of the "key architects" of the Affordable Care Act.
In 2003, Tanden had a central role in the founding of the Center for American Progress (CAP).
In October 2011, Tanden succeeded John Podesta as CAP's president and CEO.
In 2018, reports emerged that Tanden had revealed the first name of a CAP employee complaining of sexual harassment.
She is regarded as a loyalist and confidante of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
...she opposes single-payer healthcare, including Medicare for All proposals.
Tanden has been a vocal critic of U.S. Senator and former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, his policy proposals, and his supporters.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neera_Tanden" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I'm just scratching the surface with these folks...it's just commonly accepted info from Wiki. I'm sure I will be doing more thorough digging on Yellen and Tanden as we go. And yeah, I cherry picked info...because I am only looking for things that I consider to be weaknesses/failures.Cecilia Rouse - Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers
Rouse served as a member of President Barack Obama's Council of Economic Advisers from 2009 to 2011. Prior to serving in the Obama Administration, Rouse served in the National Economic Council under President Bill Clinton from 1998 to 1999.
She is...a director of the T. Rowe Price Equity Mutual Funds and an Advisory Board Member of the T. Rowe Price Fixed Income Mutual Funds.
Rouse signed a 2018 amici curiae brief that expressed support for Harvard University in the Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard lawsuit.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecilia_Rouse" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
...has spent almost her entire career with the Federal Reserve in some capacity, most of it in top positions.
...recognized, but failed to act on, the housing bubble that caused the 2008/2009 crash.
...retracted safeguards put in place as a result of that crash, which has/is causing another crash, that she predicted we would never see in our lifetimes.
...endorsed racial discrimination at Harvard.
...is heavily tied to Obama policies, which arguably brought us Trump.
...was a key architect of the extremely flawed TPP.
...is CAP.
...is a partisan political player, involved with more than half of the presidential campaigns in the last three decades.
...was a key architect of what most consider to be a very flawed ACA.
...doxed an anonymous sexual harassment victim.
...is opposed to M4A.
...is opposed to all of the progressive policies Sanders advocates for.
...was an advisor to Clinton's economic policies that caused the 2008/2009 crash.
...was an advisor to Obama's economic policies that caused the crash we are currently experiencing.
...has a current conflict of interest with her positions in a capital/debt investment company.
...endorsed racial discrimination at Harvard.
These things are huge red flags to me.
The Secretary of the Treasury is supposed to represent the country's interests when dealing with the Fed. Giving that position to Yellen is akin to giving robbers unfettered access to the vault. Her background leads me to believe she will act in the best interest of the Fed, not the country. Not that she could even get things right when they really matter anyways. And she gets a yes man for a side kick.
If you think congress and the president have the most control over the country's spending, then you do not understand what the OMB does. They have more influence on the budget than anyone else in the process. Tanden is a pro-war advocate...who publically supported military action in Libya, so that we could take their oil. But when it comes to money spent on citizens...she has publically stated that she believes that social security, medicare, and medicaid all need cuts...has publically opposed social programs like M4A, college, college debt forgiveness, etc. that Sanders advocates in favor of.
Rouse is now going to be Biden's top economic advisor...after helping Clinton get it wrong...and then helping Obama get it wrong. But I'll bet the private firm she's serving did well before, are doing well now, and will continue to do well for the foreseeable future, no matter what.
None of these top finance/economic appointments are good for the citizens of this country.