Forget Billions of Years: Scientists Have Grown Diamonds in Just 150 Minutes
wild guess they will really be worthless in a few years.
My therapist says I am a habitual liar and an attention seeker, therefore nothing I say/write is true and under no circumstances should I be believed nor held accountable for anything I say. all photo's are paintings
People are born with the instinct to fight against their own death, to struggle with their last breath against even the most unavoidable and uncompromising ends.
My understanding diamond producers I've been hoarding diamonds to keep the prices High. I don't know about this new manufacturing speed but artificial diamonds have broke up that Monopoly a while back.
well took classes on gemstones.
yes is a shitload of diamonds held off the market.
so they are kind of worthless. now take rubies. as soon
as they are found they are cut and sold. is no surplus.
My therapist says I am a habitual liar and an attention seeker, therefore nothing I say/write is true and under no circumstances should I be believed nor held accountable for anything I say. all photo's are paintings
People are born with the instinct to fight against their own death, to struggle with their last breath against even the most unavoidable and uncompromising ends.
My therapist says I am a habitual liar and an attention seeker, therefore nothing I say/write is true and under no circumstances should I be believed nor held accountable for anything I say. all photo's are paintings
People are born with the instinct to fight against their own death, to struggle with their last breath against even the most unavoidable and uncompromising ends.
so i get free BUPA coverage through my job, last Friday i had to go to the hospital just for a regular blood test and health check i have done this for years now
Doctors says you're 29 pounds (13.15 kilogram) overweight, i told him I've been working out, and mostly it's muscle, he replies we can put you on Ozempic if you want..
i said no i am ok thanks, i have no health issues why the fuck do i wanna go on Ozempic...
My therapist says I am a habitual liar and an attention seeker, therefore nothing I say/write is true and under no circumstances should I be believed nor held accountable for anything I say. all photo's are paintings
People are born with the instinct to fight against their own death, to struggle with their last breath against even the most unavoidable and uncompromising ends.