Tokalot VI
- ben ttech
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Tokalot VI
my grandmother was a school teacher
for some reason i got to tag along
i distinctly remember looking over the shoulder of a grade schooler reading and wondering how he could turns those marks on the page into words...
for some reason i got to tag along
i distinctly remember looking over the shoulder of a grade schooler reading and wondering how he could turns those marks on the page into words...
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin
- ben ttech
- MPG Ambassador
Karma Hippie
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Tokalot VI
i dont give a damn about musks drug use
i do give a damn about actual national security
these logan act violations need to be prosecuted.
not to mention how in bed he is with the military
biden needs to get off his ass and get a seal team in motion
raid that fucker.
haul him off
spacex and tesla forfeited
and a lesson for all you other goons so rich you think you can conduct foreign policy
we really need to seize all our billionaires assets.
it was a GRAVE mistake to every allow them to exist.
we've seen what its brought
national security
roll that piece of shit up!!!
send him somewhere he wants trump to build
like a tent in the desert
all pink attire...
i do give a damn about actual national security
these logan act violations need to be prosecuted.
not to mention how in bed he is with the military
biden needs to get off his ass and get a seal team in motion
raid that fucker.
haul him off
spacex and tesla forfeited
and a lesson for all you other goons so rich you think you can conduct foreign policy
we really need to seize all our billionaires assets.
it was a GRAVE mistake to every allow them to exist.
we've seen what its brought
national security
roll that piece of shit up!!!
send him somewhere he wants trump to build
like a tent in the desert
all pink attire...
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin
- dill786
- Karma Shaman
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Tokalot VI
ordered some stuff from China, got them delivered to me in 6 days
- Intrinsic
- Advanced Grower
Karma Hippie
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- Joined: Thu May 21, 2009 10:51 am
Tokalot VI
Expert Explains Why, Essentially, You’re Fucked | Onion Now: Focus Dr. Andrea Worth, a researcher at Harvard University, explains how her team's work over the past three years has concluded that you are completely and utterly goddamn boned.
- ben ttech
- MPG Ambassador
Karma Hippie
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- Joined: Mon May 25, 2009 2:22 am
Tokalot VI
something happened
my computer reloaded itself
and now i dont have any window tabs
fucking gone wtf
my computer reloaded itself
and now i dont have any window tabs
fucking gone wtf
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin
- ben ttech
- MPG Ambassador
Karma Hippie
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- Joined: Mon May 25, 2009 2:22 am
- Munchy
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- Joined: Thu May 21, 2009 1:55 am
it says <0.3% Δ9-THC , not 39%, but just the hemp legal limit of delta9 THC, of less than ZER0.3%, by shady testing methodsben ttech wrote: ↑Fri Nov 22, 2024 2:03 amwhat the hell is this stuff?!?!
39% thc
i recently watched several interesting vids about legality and realities of THC-A products
they are often sub-standard, sifted or hemp, but then "remediated" (sprayed) buds, made legal across the US by the Farm bill loophole
here's one by Goblin for you, called "I Smoked Spray".. click on it to Watch on YouTube if you can
Transcript for the youtube-challenged
all right guys
um I don't know what I'm doing today I
don't know what I'm doing here I might
be dead by tomorrow after this video but
I got to get this content out there for
you guys all right so listen up I was in
New York the past couple days okay
during my time in New York I decided to
uh investigate the rumors I've been
hearing okay uh a couple little birdies
have chirped at me told me that them
folk out in New York really enjoy
smoking sprayed pack now I wanted to see
how widespread the problem was so I went
around the city and I went to random
Deli and bodegas and corner stores and
just asked to buy weed now most of them
were very sketched out it turns out that
just maybe a month before my arrival in
New York they did a huge sweep and there
was signs on the doors of all these Deli
saying like hey this place had you know
products seed uh be wary of that when
you shop here and they had these signs
front and center on the door that were
posted by the police it seemed like so
it took me quite a bit of searching to
find what I was looking for however
don't fear I definitely found what I was
looking for how would you like some
campfire Oreo marshmallow doesn't that
sound delicious now today we're not just
going to show you this and talk about
this we're going to smoke it as well I'm
putting my life and health and
well-being on the line here okay because
for those you guys who might not be
informed sprayed pack can potentially be
very very dangerous and we're going to
talk about why in just a minute here but
before we do that let me show you all
the bags that I got during my trip to
New York City okay so first and foremost
you guys already saw the campfire Oreo
marshmallow which doesn't that just
sound like a great natural strain that
you want to [ __ ] spark up next up
we've got the peach mango marshmallow
lemonade and I think my favorite thing
about this bag is that they have fake
testing info on the back but if you look
closely the numbers don't even add up it
says that it has
38.7% total
THC however two lines below that the
total is only
36% they can't even do math this is how
stupid the guys make it spray are they
can't even count all right we're not
done yet okay next up Berry Bliss
marshmallow I I opened this one I
actually already smoked this one okay
I'm not going to spoil it yet uh last
but not least strawberry Frosted Flake
marshmallow wait that's not last that's
the last of the spray packs the real
spray because we also found this at a
corner store which we're going to talk
about a little more later and last but
least this one might actually kill me
I'm not going to lie this this we found
a fake sprinkles pack I might die
smoking that one I'm not not going to
lie wish me luck guys now before we get
What are sprayed packs?
into the actual content of this we need
to take a second to talk about what
sprayed packs actually are because this
is really important information now
sprayed packs are where they take Bud
sometimes if you're lucky it's just
normal regular lowgrade Bud if you're
unlucky they're going to be taking CBD
or d8 or other you know aloid kind of
products that you don't really want to
be putting in your lungs CBD is not an
aloid but you get what I'm saying and
they spray artificial herps on them to
give them non-natural flavors so for
example uh campfire Oreo marshmallow
you're not getting Oreo marshmallow
turps and I don't even know what
campfire turps would be ashes I don't
know if I want that but it's when they
Infuse the bud with artificial turbs but
that's not the only thing they're doing
to this Bud they're not just adding
turbs I actually made a video fairly
recently explaining the process of how
they treat and adulterate this product
right which I highly suggest you guys go
watch and I will have linked in the
comments and description below but the
gist of it is they run this through a
machine it sprays TPS it can remove mold
so they can even be selling you
essentially recked moldy product and
they aren't required to disclose it to
you so you have no idea that you could
really be smoking year old mold pack
that someone dug out of a garage and ran
through a machine to treat it that is
why I am so adamant about warning people
about this stuff because you a lot of
people don't realize they're getting
finessed when they smoke this the
uneducated consumer sees these flavors
and they say wow that sounds tasty I
want that and they don't stop to
consider maybe even have the knowledge
to consider why this doesn't make a lot
sense now this sprayed pack is slowly
becoming a real epidemic here in the US
I'm not sure how far this is spread
internationally I don't have a passport
because when I was a minor I got
arrested for bad things but I'm not sure
how far this is spread internationally
but I can't imagine it's going to get
too far this seems like it's really
going to be an American kind of thing I
I have faith my Europeans aren't going
to stoop this low it seems like these
kind of products are really just taking
advantage of the consumer that doesn't
know any better because surely if
someone was aware of what this is how
hard they're getting finessed when they
buy it and the risk potentially
associated with consuming it they would
never buy it again especially for the
prices that they charge so for this
right here it was $160 for the half
ounce now I didn't pay for it because I
think the brand owner thought that I was
going to be promoting it and like
posting it on my
Ig oops you probably should have charged
me dude uh however this is $160 for the
half ounce which comes out to $320 for
an ounce and I'm not going to lie for
maybe a little more than half that price
you could probably find a grower to give
you some absolutely kickass flour that
would smoke this out of the water but
the real problem with that price some of
you guys might be thinking well 40 and E
doesn't sound too bad and today you know
to be fair it's kind of not however the
problem is the actual flower that's
inside of these bags is like $400 a
pound because they are buying depths and
what that is is it's Greenhouse with
simulated indoor lighting right so it's
not fully indoor it's it's basically
just Greenhouse with fancy lights you
know it's a really brain dead way to sum
it up but it's not what this video is
about so we're not going to go further
in depth but they're buying the cheapest
possible product treating it with these
machines so they can remove mold right
so they can add tpin so they can
moisturize it to the perfect level and
then selling it to the consumer that
doesn't know any better so I don't want
to consume any of this product out of a
joint and I don't want to consume any of
this product out of my normal glass okay
I got a lot of glass in this cabinet
right here I'm not going to taint any of
it with these artificial turbs nobody
really knows what the chemicals are that
go into this flower okay so there's no
telling what smoking this stuff could do
to you could you get cancer potentially
could you get a long infection
potentially there's no telling because
nobody actually knows what the
artificial t beIN are what chemicals
they're putting in all we do know is
that it is absolutely not natural and
there's zero research and testing behind
it so nobody really knows what this is
going to look like 10 years down the
line if you're smoking spray every day
thank God that my homies at Daily high
Daily H*gh Club
club sent me a box this month so we can
consume this product out of the glass
that's in this box okay every month they
send me a box they hook me up we're
going to open this bad boy real quick so
we can smoke the spray out of it all
right because I am not smoking the spray
out of my nice headyy glass all right no
shot all right so let's figure out what
exactly we're going to Chief with in
here okay uh like I said they send me
these boxes every month we got a big old
piece of glass right here okay uh We've
also got let's take a little look okay
we've got okay this is definitely like
the bowl piece or something for the
glass it's bubble wrapped we're just
going to set that to the side for now um
what am I smoking my spray pack with
today let's find out we've got uh uh
okay that's not going to help me
smoke I don't know why I I guess I
probably shouldn't have thrown that I
don't know why I threw that uh I only
want things that are going to help me
smoke is this going to help me um what
the f bro did they send me a like ass
plug I don't know dude put this in your
rectum when you're [ __ ] feeling it I
don't know uh okay that's not going to
help me either um
oh a hemp conee a flavored hemp cone so
listen we could actually I I think my
lungs might just pop like a balloon if I
put spray back inside of here okay I
really genuinely think I might just die
if that happens so we're probably not
going to use those um lighter thank you
we're going to need that let's see does
it have juice oh yeah buddy you see how
eager that thing was to light okay also
which pack should we smoke first by the
way um we have peach mango lemonade
we have all right so wait let me also
explain this right here so we have two
Two different packs
packs that are a little different from
the rest okay we have these two right
here which stand out because the other
ones all have this like AI art on them
right now these two were literally just
found at a corner store like two blocks
up from the Airbnb I was staying at like
I said earlier I just walked around and
asked around I said hey let me buy some
weed some of these shops had the bags
still in the window however when you
asked to buy they would only sell you
the empty bag which leads me to believe
that they're profiling hard you know if
I went in there maybe looking a little
more chill you know a little less white
man with no tattoos maybe they would
have sold me some pack all right but I
didn't look cool enough for those shops
however these guys were happy to help me
out now this right here as far as I
could tell is just a normal like New
York Street trap brand okay there's
nothing really too crazy about this I
don't think this is sprayed it's liter
Lally just some Smalls okay this bag was
like $25 for the E so I more so grabbed
this just out of curiosity you know and
honestly it it just seems like some
Smalls you know it's not sprayed I've
smelled it I don't I don't believe it's
been treated in any way it's just some
run-of-the-mill Smalls you know so I
didn't want to show it to you guys
though because I found the logo kind of
funny a tree liable that's kind of funny
next up we have this bag okay now this
is absolutely the sketchiest one okay
there's no strain name on this there's
nothing on this in fact it's literally
just a low resolution image of an nft
with sprinkles written awkwardly in the
corner um and it sprinkles is arguably
well not arguably it is the biggest and
most well-known spray pack brand uh so I
find it absolutely hilarious that they
just slapped the word sprinkles in like
Times New Roman font in the top corner
um this one I straight up refuse to put
in my lungs I can't even begin to guess
what this is but all I know is it's
definitely not going to be good uh like
this kind of pack is the kind of bag
that I look at and go like that will
probably give me a lung infection so
we're not going to consume this one
realistically I think it's going to come
down to one of these now this [ __ ]
listen I'll tell you right now from the
bag that I have opened okay this one
right here it is sprayed to all hell it
is dis gusting okay we'll get to that in
a minute though let's see if there's any
other tools that daily high club left in
here okay H we've got the raw papers ooh
I am not smoking a Kings size of the
spray I'm not yo you're G to cat like I
said earlier catch me dead before I do
that all right a king size of the spray
thanks I think I'll hang on to that
daily high club um what do we have next
let's see I think that's it yeah that's
it all
right [ __ ] that dude all right so let's
open up the glass okay let's get ready
it's time to smoke spray on camera have
First youtuber to sm*ke spray on camera?
any other YouTubers done this yet I
don't know I'm really putting my life on
the line okay I'll die for this [ __ ] I
smoked crack when I was 17 this [ __ ]
don't fase me [ __ ] so what really is
interesting to me about these bags here
is that on the outside they just smell
kind of normal you don't really smell
the spray like just kind of take it a
whiff on the top bottom of the bag
there's just a faint kind of Bud smell
you know a bit of that skunky smell you
don't get any with of the spray outside
of the bag which is interesting to me
that makes me believe that maybe the
spray is just on the outer layer of the
bud and it's not really getting very
deeply infused which would make a lot of
sense you know
so we're going to open each of these
bags and describe the smell okay I'm
going to really try to give you guys an
idea of what consuming a spray pack is
like so you never have to act on that
Curiosity all right before we do that
here's the piece of glass we have from
daily high club for today so thank you
guys for sending me uh this cheaper
glass you know this box is only 30 bucks
I respect that okay thank you all for
hooking me up with this glass so I don't
have to sacrifice my own all
right I think the first one we got to
open is campfire Oreo honestly I have I
have the most morbid curiosity about
this one like this pack I think might
just kill me hold on we're going to okay
right listen guys I you know I got love
for the game all right as that's why I'm
out here doing this okay like if if I
wasn't a YouTuber I'm not smoking this
hoopla okay and you shouldn't either
straight up nobody should smoke this all
right okay oh
God that's really strange actually I I
figured that was only going to be a
scent on this one that must be the
marshmallow scent cuz this this one also
has marshmallow in the name just like
this one and this one I already smelled
prior to filming they all have this kind
of like or at least the two I've smelled
so far have this like it's almost like
the Captain Crunch berries if you guys
have ever had that cereal uh you smell
that take a whiff of that especially
when you pour it on the milk you really
get that whiff it smells very strongly
of that flavoring which now has me
questioning Captain Crunch is that safe
to eat I don't know um surely this can't
be very good to smoke though now let me
show you guys what the nugs look like
How to spot SPRAY PACK
because you guys might be wondering well
how can I spot a sprayed pack you know
how how do I know what a sprayed pack is
without consuming it and there's a
couple ways to tell a obviously this
over-the-top packaging is a Surefire
giveaway these names like campfire Oreo
marshmallow not natural Surefire
giveaway but what about looking at the
bud and this is where it gets
interesting you might think that you
know that the sprayed bud is going to
look really terrible it's going to look
trash but actually their the machines
that they run these these buds through
make it look pretty good you know I'm
not going to sit here and pretend that
this isn't a decent looking nug and
honestly if you took this nug and just
blindly put it on a table or threw it
into a match at a sesh and you didn't
show what bag it came from or anything I
have a hard time believing many people
would you know point this out as an oddl
looking nug and say it looks unusual let
me get a little closer hold
on so as you could see here I mean it is
a a pretty normal looking nug okay it is
there's not really like oh come on Focus
up there we go so yeah it's it's a
pretty normal looking nug it's a bit
small let's break it open
okay so here you can see I mean
realistically there's not a ton on here
that indicates that this is super
different from just normal bud and
that's because the machine that treats
these products right is not only able to
infuse those turps but it's also able to
control moisture levels you can choose
the perfect moisture level for your
product it can also take mold out so how
this product looked before it was
treated by the machine is probably
extremely different to how it looks
right now okay right now the moisture
levels are pretty on point and that's
how I know confidently that this stuff
has been through that machine that
sprays the turps called the box that's
what the machine is called uh because
the moisture level is just too on point
here realistically I mean even some of
the most fire Bud that I get you're not
getting moisture levels it's just the
perfect level of squishy okay it it
almost feels too good in the hand
another thing I
noticed is there's a lot of like dust I
don't want to say Kei there's a lot of
dust coming off on my fingers and that
dust does not smell like Bud that dust
smells like like Captain Crunch and it's
weird because this bag you definitely
got the berry this is all a Captain
Crunch smell I'm not getting any
campfire or Oreo it's just straight up
Captain Crunch here okay I don't all
right so I had to take a break for a
couple minutes because that artificial
smell really sticks in your nose and I
wanted to make sure that I got the full
whiff on each of these bags okay so next
up we're going to do the peach mango
marshmallow lemonade we're going to open
this we're going to take a with um I
don't know what to expect with this one
one thing I do notice is all of these
have the marshmallow flavoring okay and
one thing that I've picked up on is it
seems like these spray brands are really
doing a ton of dessert flavors
marshmallows probably the most common
you also see milkshake a lot they have
like cheesecake is another dty you know
type of flavor that they're they're
advertising around that I'm not saying
turp because these are not turps I want
to make that very clear this is
artificial flavoring that they're adding
into here there is nothing natural about
this okay all right let's open up this
uh this next
bag oh Jesus
Christ oh my bro it smell
smells I'm not going to lie yo all right
this is going to be a really disgusting
description but honestly it's it's like
very on point have you guys ever been so
hung over or like drank too much that
you literally puke until you're like or
maybe so sick where you literally throw
up until you're like out of puke and you
start throwing up stomach bile and it
has that very like acidic smell to it
I'm not kidding this this smells like
stomach bile like this is objectively
disgusting okay the first two it's
like okay maybe if you're uneducated you
smell that and be like wow smells like
cany I want to smoke that this I don't
know how anybody who smells this is
trying to smoke it I'm not going to lie
this is
awful yo I had to bring a cup of water
up in here bro that last one almost made
choke that was disgusting dude that made
the back of my throat tickle hold
on okay second and last bag we're going
to take a whiff of dear God please smell
at least remotely any better at all
don't make me choke we have strawberry
Frosted Flake
marshmallow M yum yum delicious natural
turps dude just what I'm looking for
dude um oh Mother of
God okay so yeah I mean very similarly
guys that last last one I didn't want to
put that on my fingers honestly I'm I'm
not even going to pull that out of the
bag but realistically all of this Bud
looks identical right so like here's
here's the NADA here oh come on focus on
it there we go here's the Ngata here all
of this Bud looks identical you you
could open these bags dump them out
completely on a table there will you
will not know the difference between any
of them just looking at them because
like I said earlier they're just buying
the cheapest work packs possible and
treating them with this machine so
realistically all of these are probably
actually the same strain believe it or
not every single one of these I I'm
almost willing to guarantee you is the
same strain that they purchased from
some grower that they then treated with
this machine okay I I am willing to put
money on that um we're not done s we're
not done sniffing though all right so
next up I already told you guys I smoked
and sniffed this one before which going
to take a whiff again uh so I can
describe it to you guys
okay oh god dude this one I mean this
one smells like nerds okay this one is
disgusting uh this one is cook but yeah
I mean look once again you know same
same kind of type of nug okay uh it's
like same nug structure colors
everything dude it's the same one thing
that's interesting about these is as I I
actually get my hands in these bags and
feel the nugs is the dust like I'm not
even going to say ke or tricomes that
are coming off cuz I don't think it is
tricomes or ke uh the dust that comes
off all of these
is immense like a lot my fingers are
coated in in spray dust okay so that
could potentially be one way that you
could tell okay um realistically you
should be able to tell before you get
your fingers in the bag though all right
let's talk about the fake sprinkles bag
we've got here
now I'm not going to consume this one
because honestly it smells moldy like it
genuinely smells like kind of like
mildew and that's not always necessar
like sometimes you have strains that
just naturally smell that way you know
which is fine I'm willing to bet this is
not one of them uh breaking the nug open
I don't see mold but yeah I'm just oh
wait actually no wait hold
on hold hold hold on I think there might
actually be some mold right here okay
this I I don't know if you guys are
going to be able to see
it do you see on that stem right there
the little white stuff sticking off it
that appears to be mold yeah I'm not I'm
not consuming that for sure I'm not I'm
100% not consuming that that's not
happening I need to go wash my hands
I'll be right back all right so the one
I'm actually going to consume today is
going to end up being the campfire Oreo
and before I grind this up or consume
anything let me just make sure that
Mold Check
there's no mold in here either um
because that is very very concerning
that I found mold on the other one it
it looks
um yeah okay I mean I don't think I see
mold hold on is this mold I I can't tell
on this lighting hold on I'm I'm really
I'm inspecting this very closely okay
this is like my my health on the line
okay okay yeah this should be all right
I hope I mean if I die I [ __ ] die at
this point dude it it is what it is all
right I've done far worse than this to
my body um we're using a grinder I've
never used before uh because this stuff
is going to ruin my grinder for the rest
of its life like this is it's disgusting
uh the spray turps really stick uh I
smoked that other bowl out of out of one
of my bongs earlier and like I still
can't get the smell out you know this
this Berry Bliss marshmallow when I
sampled this bag off camera I literally
still cannot get the smell out of my B
so I I learned my lesson there uh I
don't know what I was thinking to be
real but now that we've got this uh in
the grinder here let's uh let's pack a
P*cking the b*wl
bow oh my I don't know if I've ever been
scared to smoke weed I'm not going to
lie like I really I don't think I've
ever been scared to smoke weed until
right now every other time it's been
like I mean maybe my first time I guess
even then know I think I was more
excited like a little scared but like
right now dude I'm scared scared all
right what what I could have just like
Last words
been an accountant or something dude
like what did I do to get here I'm in my
apartment smoking spray smoking [ __ ]
flavorings I could have been anything
dude I could have been anything else my
parents believed in me so much bro they
were like they always told me like oh
you could be anything you want when you
grow up
dude I don't know if this is what I
wanted right here um
this I don't know if this is what I
wanted when I grew up when I was a
kid God damn it dude all right okay
shout out to my friends at puffco in
case I died today um I'm using their
lighter actually no let's use the daily
high club lighter it feels right you
know they gave me the
okay [ __ ] y'all better drop a like on
this [ __ ] dude
yo I'm sorry that you guys had to hear
me cough like that that was a disgusting
deep cough
um that was one of the most disgusting
grips I've ever taken like flavor-wise I
don't even know how to begin to describe
it it's like imagine like a you
know it's what I imagine licking like
the back of a dishwasher would taste
like okay and a dishwasher that's like
not cleaned often honestly they they've
let all the gunk build up okay they've
been running this dishwasher for five
years never cleaned it once they just
figure you know it cleans when it's
running all right that was like
that was that was awful that was awful
okay it had a terrible chemically taste
honestly I don't really get where the
marshmallow comes from uh it's it's not
marshmallow it's like um it's kind of
like Captain Crunch berries if they
infused it with AIDS it's just like
there is no natural thing to compare
this flavoring to the moment you inhale
this you can just tell like damn I
wasn't supposed to do that you know I'm
not going to smoke the rest of these
flavors for my own wellbeing straight up
I'm I'm not going to dude um it I care
about my health you know not like too
much like I'll still try it but like I
care about enough not smoking I don't
want to die okay I Love My Life
so I mean
that's that's where it's at guys but the
reason I made this video is really
because I want you guys to be aware of
this [ __ ] I want you guys to understand
that this stuff isn't okay and it's not
normal and you should smack the [ __ ] out
of your local spray plug for taking
advantage of people in selling this kind
is trash okay this ain't right guys uh I
really hope that this trend dies out
quickly this is not safe this can't be
good for you um don't smoke spray guys
stop smoking spray cut it out seriously
cut it the hell out okay you can get so
much better natural weed I mean honestly
even the the goddamn tree liable I don't
know [ __ ] about this it's it's got to be
better than
this [ __ ] guys I mean yo I I bet the
East Coast has some pressure I didn't
get a chance to find it while I was out
there I'm not trying to like diss New
York or the East Coast with this video I
actually love New York I had an awesome
time out there um I just wish that this
kind of stuff wasn't a part of the East
Coast weed culture um and I hope that it
doesn't stay a part of it very long uh
do your part in laughing this stuff out
of the culture do your part in saying no
to this do your part if you see your
homie smoking this tell them to stop it
if you see your homie selling this [ __ ]
smack him upside the head and Rob him
okay cut it out guys if you're making
this stuff I
mean they're making a ton of money
there's no denying it okay uh I I've
heard some rumors behind the scenes
these guys are making tens of millions
of dollars off these spray Brands okay
uh more than that some of them
so listen guys um don't don't consume
this stuff stay alert okay uh be aware
of what you're putting in your body um
if someone tells you it's clean don't
believe it just because they say so um
I'm going to go wash my mouth out with
mouthwash that was disgusting thank you
all for watching drop a like shout out
to daily he high club for the box I'm
throwing this thing away not because it
sucks but because I don't ever want to
smoke out of this again thank you all
for watching I'll see you on the next one.
- Goblin
Prohibition is Futile
THC will be Assimilated
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Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. -Albert Einstein
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Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. -Albert Einstein
- ben ttech
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Tokalot VI
saw it at the place
all their sample to smell are in clear boxes so wondered at the frosting. was labeled a a hybrid.
all the could say was its thc extract
all their sample to smell are in clear boxes so wondered at the frosting. was labeled a a hybrid.
all the could say was its thc extract
"disaster is the mother of necessity" rSin