the fires thread

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the fires thread

Post by Butcher Bob »

….I also don’t have a YouTube account.
Why would you need one? :dunno:

But I’m sure PBS and National Geographic is fake news.
What you say?...
This fact check originally appeared on PolitiFact.
Oh, well that explains it. :p

This is why I embed the videos, so you can see the news reports of the 147 million gallon reservoir that services Palisades was empty and offline. I've seen it on multiple networks now, and one said there were two reservoirs servicing Palisades that were empty and offline...but I went with just the one, being multi-sourced.

And do you not remember the passage of Prop 1 in 2014? :confused:
It recognized the shortfall of water it authorized $7.5 billion for better eco-management, including to build more reservoirs for additional capacity. But apparently none were ever built. :dunno:

Just sayin' what I'm seein'.

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the fires thread

Post by Solid Gold Butt Plug »

No one is arguing that a reservoir was empty and off line since February, pretty sure the National Geographic link covered that.

1000 feet north of my house is a fire station with people I’ve known for 40+ years that are Trump lovers and they are down South right now….I can guarantee when they get back they won’t blame Newsom.
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the fires thread

Post by roller24 »

Prawn Connery wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:29 am
roller24 wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:00 am
Plenty of humans blame things on humans.
Isn't that what the whole Climate Change debate is about?
The stupidity lies in the fact that once they've formed their opinion, they are reluctant to examine any evidence to the contrary.
The evidence has been overwhleming for the past 70-80 years since scientists first flagged the rise in greenhouse-gas induced climate change due to human burning of fossil fuels.

What evidence is there to the contrary? You mean the people claiming 8-9 billion humans on this planet couldn't possibly influence the world around them through mass industrialism?

Do you believe in anthropomorphic-induced climate change roller? And if not, what evidence do you have to support your stance?

Just asking, as I'd genuinely like to know. My side is firmly on that of the 95% of scientists who believe in it.
I have no doubt that industrialism is a destructive force on the environment. It that changing the climate? I've not noticed anything drastic.
I think there are many things that determine the weather during any era, after all the universe is always expanding which means always changing.
Planetary alignments, Solar cycles, and other natural phenomenon certainly must play a significant part in weather patterns and changes through time.
Did fossil fuels cause the ice age? the great flood? Are cars causing the poles to move 10- 13 degrees?
What caused the wildfires in Australia in 1851?

Believe what ever you want, I wasn't contesting climate change, just your statement
"Humans are so dumb. We blame everything on everything. Except ourselves."
Blaming is pretty much all we do. Just always a different faction than our own.

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the fires thread

Post by Lrus007 »

My therapist says I am a habitual liar and an attention seeker, therefore nothing I say/write is true and under no circumstances should I be believed nor held accountable for anything I say. all photo's are paintings

People are born with the instinct to fight against their own death, to struggle with their last breath against even the most unavoidable and uncompromising ends.

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the fires thread

Post by Butcher Bob »

Solid Gold Butt Plug wrote:
Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:25 am
No one is arguing that a reservoir was empty and off line since February...
Oh reeally... :whistle: ...
Solid Gold Butt Plug wrote:
Fri Jan 10, 2025 3:30 am
……also water supply isn’t an issue with these fires, it’s the infrastructure…there’s all the water they need the tanks just can’t fill up quick enough to create enough pressure for water to travel uphill…
Solid Gold Butt Plug wrote:
Fri Jan 10, 2025 4:43 pm
There’s a shortage of water in the fire hydrants in the hills because of no pressure to push it up hill….The county doesn’t have a water shortage problem and would have all the water it needs if it didn’t need to be pushed uphill.
ben ttech wrote:
Fri Jan 10, 2025 5:17 pm
they cant push enough for a fire hose very far uphill but what they can they use to fill reservoir tanks at the top.
pacific palisades had three million gallon reservoirs that were all full at the start but at 3 am that first morning the third ran dry and so then did the fire hydrants
Solid Gold Butt Plug wrote:
Fri Jan 10, 2025 5:26 pm
National Geographic
"A challenge of access, not supply"
Solid Gold Butt Plug wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2025 3:07 pm
I stand by that there isn’t a water shortage…
Solid Gold Butt Plug wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2025 3:39 pm
All the water we could ever use.
Hmm, guess I must be imagining it then. :dunno:

You do realize why they have these reservoirs "uphill" of the areas they serve, right?

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the fires thread

Post by Solid Gold Butt Plug »

Thanks for putting all my post in one place, I stand by all of them and nothing you’ve posted disproves a thing I’ve said.

A challenge of access, not supply

“It doesn’t matter what’s going on at the Bay-Delta or the Colorado [River] or Eastern Sierra right now,” Gold said. “We have all this water in storage right now. The problem is, when you look at something like firefighting, it’s a more localised issue on where your water is. Do you have adequate local storage?”
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the fires thread

Post by Prawn Connery »

roller24 wrote:
Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:26 am
I have no doubt that industrialism is a destructive force on the environment. It that changing the climate? I've not noticed anything drastic.
I think there are many things that determine the weather during any era, after all the universe is always expanding which means always changing.
Planetary alignments, Solar cycles, and other natural phenomenon certainly must play a significant part in weather patterns and changes through time.
Did fossil fuels cause the ice age? the great flood? Are cars causing the poles to move 10- 13 degrees?
What caused the wildfires in Australia in 1851?

Believe what ever you want, I wasn't contesting climate change, just your statement
"Humans are so dumb. We blame everything on everything. Except ourselves."
Blaming is pretty much all we do. Just always a different faction than our own.
Which statement were you contesting?

Everything in the universe is in a constant state of flux/entropy.

However, the rate of change indicates how much energy is in a system.

In the case of plantet earth, a tremendous amount of energy has been released – billions of years of stored carbon in the form of fossil fuels.

And that is what is causing the planet to warm at its fastest rate in recorded history.

Less than 200 years ago we were in an ice age.
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the fires thread

Post by Butcher Bob »

A challenge of access, not supply

There was no supply to access...the reservoir was empty.
There's a reason the reservoir was built...
...the same reason more were authorized to be built 10 years ago...
...but those are dry too, because they were never built.

But hey, if you're good with Cali leadership, then who am I to complain. :tup:

I can leave that to your fellow residents...

...or leave it to your officials...

...or leave that to victims that will experience:
- Loss of property, most of which will not be covered by insurance.
- Not being able to find a place to live, or paying outrageous amounts if they can.
- And therefore seeing homelessness soar.
- Not being able to get labor and materials to rebuild.
...all of which I've pointed out, and now we can add:
- Possible requirements to get federal aid.
- Watch all donations and federal funds get funneled through ActBlue so that Dems can skim 4% off the top.

- And detrimental effects of mortgages and property taxes.

I guess if you're okay with that continuing to get worse every year, then good for you. :tup:

Oh, by the way, that $20 billion loan you (Cali) took from the feds during COVID...
...yeah, that was supposed to be paid back by now, and you haven't repaid any of it yet.
Maybe you can just get your federal relief funds for the fires from that, mmkay. :innocent:

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the fires thread

Post by Solid Gold Butt Plug »

You were blaming the Wonderful Group a few days ago for no supply….lol

…and now you are blaming a reservoir that would have not been able to fill the tanks fast enough to pressurize them.

Maybe you should blame the 90mph winds that grounded aircrafts, you don’t fight big fires with hydrants, those are for containing house fires.
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the fires thread

Post by Prawn Connery »

Lrus007 wrote:
Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:00 am
That's funny. The problem is, your meme depicts organised religion, not government.

Ever heard of the ozone layer?

Isn't it amazing that, once upon a time, scientists told us there was a problem with the atmosphere due to chlorofluorocarbons, and governments actually listened and banned the offending gasses and – wadayaknow? – the ozone layer started to repair itself and we averted a potential catastrophy.

It's not like climate scientists and governments have form when it comes to addressing harmful human emissions.

The difference this time around is the vested interests – big oil – have been campaigning against action to preserve their profits, and dumb cunt humans who think they are climate experts but have really been brain-washed by the industry into thinking we are not the problem.

They claim climate change is a hoax to raise tax revenue while conveniently ignorring the trillions of dollars the oil industry makes, which it uses to line the pockets of politicians.

Humans are dumb.
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