Stuff to watch on mushrooms...

Shrooms and related goodies
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Stuff to watch on mushrooms...

Post by Butcher Bob »

A hodgepodge of stuff...

I just never know what I'm going to be in for when I trip with my brother. :dunno:
He has this funny power trip where he just can not relinquish control of what we watch...nor can he operate the remote and make decisions. It's painful at times...he'll ask what we should watch, and when I suggest something, he says "No, you've seen that.". <slaps forehead>. Well then why the fuk did you ask me? The best I can do is try to steer him into something, make him think it was his idea. :p

But, on with the evening...
We just wanted something that's a weird story type movie. Bro settled in on a flick that is similar to Napoleon Dynamite type humor...dry, deadpan, embarrassing...just weird. For me, this is a questionable pick for the list. I thought it was okay, but I know a lot of folks don't get into this type of comedy. Wasn't great, but we got quite a few chuckles and wtf? moments.

Gentlemen Broncos (2009)


Full movie:
I could not find it on a freebie site. We watched it on Prime. It can also be rented on Youtube, Google, Apple, and Fandango.

And now we enter a state of confusion...someone is having problems working the remote, navigating menus, taking suggestions, making decisions, or even remembering the type of movie we wanted to watch... <takes deep breath...he'll figure it out, he'll figure it out, please let him figure it out> And then he does. It's not a movie, it's a TV series...and it only has two episodes out so far. It's not weird nor's science fiction. But, it is a good pick. We watched both episodes...and I will likely watch the future episodes while tripping as well.

Dune: Prophecy (series 2024)


Full episodes: ... 57958.html
...or can be seen on several other streaming services.

Now we're back to indecision. But luckily, bro stumbles across something fairly quickly. Back to comedy, and at least it's colorful. Another TV series. And while I'm not really a big Jeff Goldblum fan, it is a pretty good show. We watched the first two episodes. I will probably watch the rest while not tripping, but they probably could was alright.

KAOS (series 2024, 1 season 8 episodes)


Full episodes: ... 57539.html
...or can be seen on Netflix.

Really just a mixed bag of stuff. :p


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Stuff to watch on mushrooms...

Post by Butcher Bob »

47 years in the making...

Got a couple oddities this week. Hadn't eaten for several hours, so the 2.6g of Tidal Wave started hitting hard before I even finished the cheese sticks I made to clear the mushroom taste from my mouth. I was planning on a leisurely trip, but it was turning out more intense than I thought it would be. While I had cued up five potential movies, planning on watching three, by the time I got done with the first movie I decided two would be enough. Usually when the mushrooms come on strong the end of the trip tends to be mellower.

I debated whether to even include the first movie on the list...right up to as I'm writing this post. It's selection needs to be qualified. For the entire movie I felt an air of uneasiness. The story had an underlying subtext of questionable mental wellbeing, that is revealed at the end. For some folks, that might not be enjoyable. In the end it was the experience of a strong emotional response that convinced me to include it...not every trip needs to be 'party time!'. And it helps that the cinematography was on point with lots of colorful imagery.

Adventures of the Naked Umbrella (2023)


Full movie: ... 57860.html
...or can be seen/rented on several other streaming services.

The next movie is what the evening was planned around. When I started it, a different movie started, no, no, no...<scrambles to pull it up on a different freebie site> it? is it? is it? YES! we're good. Francis Ford Coppola first conceptualized the idea for the movie back in 1977...finally, 47 years later, it gets released. Because of the similarity in name, I thought it would be similar to Metropolis (1927). It was vaguely similar, but a story all of it's own. My expectations were fairly low to begin with, and I'd have to say it was much better than I thought it would be, with deep thinking messages and themes to stroke the mind. This is an excellent movie to trip to...highly recommended.

Megalopolis (2024)


Full movie:
...or can be rented at a few other streaming services.


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Stuff to watch on mushrooms...

Post by Butcher Bob »

Badass Bitch: Angelina...

I don't even know what I was looking for. Just batting clean up, doing the last of what I have...2.25g Golden Teacher and .25g Tidal Wave. Just looking for something light. Had a couple oldies pulled up, but they looked too intense for my mood. So I consult my list and see a bunch of Angelina Jolie movies. Well, I haven't done a Badass Bitch entry for a while, so why sounds good.

I pick a pair of movies of the same character, that I have never watched before. Just ridiculously over the top action movies. But that's okay, I'm not looking for realistic. Both had great location shots and great sets. As well as cinematography that often makes you feel like you're on a ride. I wouldn't call them spectacular, but they fit the bill for what I was looking for...light-hearted, not in depth, feel good movies. They made for a nice chill trip. :)

Lara Croft Tomb Raider (2001)


Full movie: ... 2001).html
...or... ... 15053.html
...or... ... nline-2001
...or can be seen on a couple other streaming services.

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003)


Full movie: ... 2003).html
...or... ... -4815.html
...or... ... nline-2003
...or can be seen/rented on numerous other streaming services.

I may or may not have a review for X-mas week...will be at my brother's, so ya know. :p
Hopefully he will drop another bag or two on me so that I can continue when I get back home.


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Stuff to watch on mushrooms...

Post by Butcher Bob »

Holiday edition...

'Tis the season...ho ho ho. :santa:

Another experience with bro. I've kind of been looking forward to it. He's really been wanting to see Megalopolis...and I was bound and determined to make him watch The Peacemakers too, a movie I've been trying to get him to watch for years. None of this flipping through menus bullshit once we're already mid-journey. I had those two as the main choices, with a list of a dozen more options if need be...and all on the same streaming service to boot. I figured the less decision making for him the better. And that's aboot as good as it went downhill from there. I was fine, but I felt for my bro, over how the situation unfolded for him. :dunno:

Initially SIL was not going to trip with us, nor watch the movies, so bro and I were good to go at whatever was convenient for him. But a few hours before lift-off, SIL decides she wants to join Buut the start time gets pushed back to accommodate, which pushes the trip into bro's sleep time. I'm okay with it because I sleep when I'm tired (very flexible). So launch finally arrives. He and I are munching up our 2.5g doses of Golden Teacher and he asks her how much she wants....umm, now that launch had been pushed back an hour, she's decided she doesn't want to trip, or watch the movie. I watched happiness just drain from my brother's face. But, he's hour problem...minor adjustments.

Once the mushrooms start taking hold, we start Megalopolis. As we're settling into the movie, getting through the non-eventful beginning of the movie, we hit aboot a half hour in...and it happens, a trigger gets pulled. Nephew, for some reason, decides to set mom off...which then sets off niece #2, screaming at him for doing so...which then of course requires the attention of bro. <pauses movie> For my purposes, this is a don't ask, don't tell situation...the less I know, the better. But again, I'm seeing quality of life drain from bro's face. This requires more stops and starts, and I'm just watching all the fun of the trip just disappear for him. I feel his pain. He'd been looking forward to this movie, and in the end he didn't even care for it. I think it was the interruption that stole that opportunity from him.

By the time we got to the second movie, he was in compliance mode. He was readily willing to watch the movie that I'd for years been pestering him to watch...but the remote seemed difficult for him. I immediately offered to pull the movie up, and surprisingly he offered it up right away. Just something he didn't have to deal with...he had enough on his mind. I think he was more open minded at this point as well. For as strongly as he had fought against watching the movie all these years, he seemed to just soak it in as he watched, letting it take him where it may. By the end he said he could understand how it'd be good while tripping...but that his current family turmoil probably didn't allow him to make a fair assessment. I'll have to tell him to try again when he's by himself at the lake house.

So that was that for our trip. :dunno:

I still wanted to add another movie to the list though. We watched a bunch of Christmas movies while I was there. Saw the two new ones I'd been wanting to see...Red One and Dear Santa. Pretty good movies, but I picked a much older one for the list. It was very colorful...the sets and costumes were phenomenal...the cinematography was is a well known storyline...and it has Jim Carrey in it. I had not seen it before. Watched it with niece #2, un-altered. But I am quite certain it would make for a good watch on 'shrooms...

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)


Full movie: ... -5270.html
...or... ... e-2000-rd5
...or can be seen/rented on a few other streaming services.


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Stuff to watch on mushrooms...

Post by Solid Gold Butt Plug »

Everything Everywhere All at Once made me feel like I was on mushrooms….not sure I would want to watch on mushrooms.
Nacho Cheese Doritos® Locos Tacos
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Stuff to watch on mushrooms...

Post by Butcher Bob »

••• Public Service Announcement •••

Before I get into the next movie entry, I wanted to drop in a couple videos that I've run across. They're not for tripping, but rather they are aboot tripping. And I really like how After Skool animations does the storyboard to go along with the spoken words. Enjoy the videos...stimulate the mind...broaden your horizons...

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Stuff to watch on mushrooms...

Post by Butcher Bob »

Kickin' it old school...

I've had these on the back burner for a long was just time to do them. Besides being old, they share many other qualities as well. Numerous huge names associated with them...deep thinking messages for the mind...great soundtracks giving the right tone to the movie...fantastic cinematic styles that make great use of exaggeration. These are just classic iconic movies of their time, and I highly recommend them. Perfect for the chill 2.4g Golden Teacher session I had lined up.

Figured I'd start with the darker topic show first. It's filled with violence...what can you expect when it's written by Quentin Tarantino and directed by Oliver Stone. But as long as you understand the satire being used to display societal conditions, it makes it less horrific. It did seem pretty intense though. I had not seen the movie for at least 20 years, so it almost made it like watching it for the first time. Even though I generally knew what was coming, my memory had forgotten the specifics. It was a fantastic start for the ride...

Natural Born Killers (1994)


Full movie: ... 1994).html
...or... ... -9094.html
...or... ... lers-9094/
...or can be rented on a few other streaming services.

Time to dial things back and induce some laughter...and by "some" I mean a lot. Hunter S. Thompson is one of my favorite authors, so the movie fits right in my groove. Very loose...very drug oriented...very fun. Another one I had not seen for a long time, and I found myself laughing hysterically throughout the flick. It just feels like you're on an adventure, sparking up memories of my own drug addled youth from a time gone by. It was just what I needed to carry the intensity but lighten the mood...

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)


Full movie: ... 1998).html
...or... ... -3843.html
...or can be rented on a few other streaming services.

I still had two more movies on deck for options...but I felt so good at this point that I didn't want to take a chance at ruining the zone I was in. Sometimes it's just good to remain in the glow you've created for yourself and enjoy it. Besides, there's always next time.


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Stuff to watch on mushrooms...

Post by Butcher Bob »

Well that looks odd...

Had trouble deciding what to watch. I usually go to some length to determine what movies to include. Yesterday was no different. I try to gauge what type of mood I'm in, and then make my pick based upon that. I pulled up a bunch of movies as candidates, then put them in groups according to a theme. There were five in a 'music' group, three in 'comedy', three in 'time related', and two in 'odd looking'...and as luck would have it, I went with odd. The trailers looked visually stimulating and a bit strange.

Set myself up with 2.6g of Golden Teacher and started the first one. Wildcat is a drama film aboot a female author who is a little peculiar. Through the movie it shifts back and forth from what's actually going on and what the author describes in her stories. Visually it is quite appealing and the story is quite odd. At the end of the movie it reveals that it is based on an actual person. And while the movie was very good, it is not a tripping movie, so it does not make the list.

Next up is a comedy/drama...Kinds of Kindness. Again the trailer had caught my attention, looking very weird. The acting, the cinematography, and the sets were all top notch...but in all honesty, the movie is complete garbage, just a huge 2 hour 45 minute pile of WTF?! I should have known, it was the same director as the movie Poor Things, which also had great acting, cinematography, and sets, but was also a pile of shit. Luckily I had watched that one without psychedelics, so no wasted trip.

I can't expect epic results every time, but I felt last night was a waste. Bright side, at least the first movie was good, even if not a tripping film...and I got to cross off two more movies from my 'to review' list. Hopefully next time works out better. :p

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Stuff to watch on mushrooms...

Post by Butcher Bob »

How true...

You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes, well, you just might find

You get what you need

Well, what I wanted was to watch all three Venom movies, but it didn't work out that way. I had a large 3.1g cap of Golden Teacher, so I figured I'd get some amped up movies to go with it. The Venom movies seemed like they'd fit the bill. The newest one is on all the pirate sites, but the first two were hard to obscure site I've not used before. So I ate the cap and started the first movie. DAMN IT!!...every three seconds it's stuttering with a loading circle. Maybe the system needs a restart? I restarted and tried again...same thing.:stinkeye: Arrgh. I knew I should have had a backup plan. Silly me.

What to do, what to do. Well I do have a couple newer movies that look questionable. I prefer picking stuff that's pretty much a guarantee on doses this large, but I'm mad at myself and just thinking 'fuk it'.:dunno: Because my mind is now preoccupied with being pissed off, I picked an animated film with absolutely no clashing with my inner thoughts, just a visual ride. As it turned out, it was a perfect choice, setting my mind at peace as I enjoyed the show. And thus making the rest of the trip enjoyable as well. It is just a chill experience to watch.

Flow (2024)


Full movie:
...or can be rented on a couple other streaming services.

I decided to stick in the animated category, but switched to a stop-motion movie. Initially I was thinking it was going to be a kids/family type movie, but it was is definitely for adults. The story bounces around between happy and sad, sort of like life. The detail in the visuals is amazing. I can just imagine how much work went into modeling the scenes. Having cleared my mind with the first movie allowed me to better absorb the life lessons displayed in this one. There are also lots of bits of humor that had me laughing throughout the movie. While not the Venom mood I had initially planned on, this trip was shaping up to be quite pleasurable.

Memoir of a Snail (2024)


Full movie: ... 57996.html
...or can be seen/rented on numerous other streaming services.

I could have quit here...thought aboot it. But then I saw another stop-motion movie in the 'similar movies' section of the Memoir of a Snail page. It is another movie I had never watched because I thought it was a kids/family genre. But this one was also definitely for adults. Again bouncing back and forth between happy and sad parts. And again lots of bits of humor that had me bursting out in laughter. I was glad I had decided to continue on to a third really rounded out my evening.

Mary and Max (2009)


Full movie: ... 15251.html
...or... ... 24.5304463
...or... ... 2PDawmWn04
...or can be seen/rented on numerous other streaming services.

The evening had not turned out as I had initially wanted it to go, but the universe was looking out for me and provided something of equal quality. Sometimes things just work out like that.


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Stuff to watch on mushrooms...

Post by Butcher Bob »

. . . TIME! . . . TIME! . . . TIME! . . .

"And my soul has been psychedelicized"

One of the greatest psychedelic anthems ever...🤘...and the theme for the night's viewing, 'time'. This is a category that's been kicking around for a while now, when I'm planning out what to watch. My mindset helped determine that it would be the choice. I figured it was worth the gamble because my mood was such that win, lose, or draw, I was mentally comfortable with however the selections turned out. And, I do like exploring new territory. Sometimes not knowing what to expect can lead to some great experiences.

Hadn't eaten for a few hours...had been napping. A 2.6g dose of Golden Teacher, some cheese sticks just out the oven, and an ice-cold energy drink, and I was ready to go. I picked three movies out, all of which had the element of jumping back and forth over large passages of time...this was the common thread that connected the movies together. I picked one I thought would be the most thought provoking to watch first, a comedic film to follow it up, and a visual flick to wind down the trip.

The Fountain (2006)

A love story that spans a millennium, examining a conceptual universe based around the 'tree of life'.

This one was a rather deep story, requiring of an open mind to entertain the ideas it presents. It is very somber in it's tone, striking a chord with a heavy emotion portrayal. The music score for the movie is spot on as a major driving force of the feeling being exuded...very powerful.


Full movie:
...or... ... nline-2006
...or can be rented on a few other streaming service.

Now that I'm feeling amped up, time to chill out a bit riding the crest...
...which is why I lined up the comedy, time to insert some laughs...

Timestalker (2024)

An unrequited love story, with a comedic take of people connected throughout many reincarnations.

Just enough relief to bring the level of serious down. The zingers thrown out in the movie had me bursting out in laughter quite frequently. It's not all fun and games, this one too has it's share of solemnness in it's mood, (lives) is/are hard. The colors and visuals help keep everything feeling lighter, so it's a good balance.


Full movie: ... 58112.html
...and apparently only AppleTV+ streams the movie.

Finally, time to relax and coast this ride back to the station...
...this is why I saved the one that looked mostly visual for last...

Here (2024)

Several love stories in a view of the world throughout time, from a single spot, focusing on the changes within that view.

This is a very interesting concept for the focus of the movie. The sets of the view you see were outstanding...maybe it's just because I really like the period aspects in each scene as you move throughout time. And again, the relationships depicted have their ups and downs, keeping the mood well balanced.


Full movie:
...or can be seen/rented on several other streaming services.

This was not what I would consider a 'fun' party trip. No, this was an experience...strong emotional tugs and very thought provoking. Doing all three in one sitting worked out extremely well. It was like three different angles of the same lesson. I felt quite exhausted when they were done. I then listened to the Time Has Come Today video, which energized me a little. And that led me to the music thread to play some videos...after all, the Mushroom Man still had me for another hour.😁


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