what you gonna grow for this season part 2

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Intrinsic »

One of of the leeks decided to flower, so I let it.
Cat leek.JPG
Gratuitous cat pic

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

well the Q tip i touch each blossom to pollinate them.
then set spray helps them pollinate, also makes more blooms.
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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

a few pepper shots
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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by dill786 »

pistachio trees are Dioecious, do you have a male and a female?

fun fact: pistachios are closely related to mangos.

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Intrinsic »

It's a male, just for show.

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by dill786 »

^ looks awesome..

if i was living in a climate suited for pistachios i would be growing them, its one of my faves..

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

pulled some carrots for a pot roast tonight.
grew everything cept the beast pepper and salt.
there bigger than look in photo. were the ones i spaced
3" apart. also 2 kinds is why 2 colors. i will plant spaced
next year. all i have pulled have been good size.
My therapist says I am a habitual liar and an attention seeker, therefore nothing I say/write is true and under no circumstances should I be believed nor held accountable for anything I say. all photo's are paintings

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

well got snookered on my pepper. looks to be a bell pepper
that is turning purple. not a habanada pepper
what i have. looks like bell
should look like this.
My therapist says I am a habitual liar and an attention seeker, therefore nothing I say/write is true and under no circumstances should I be believed nor held accountable for anything I say. all photo's are paintings

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

planted garlic today :whistle:
My therapist says I am a habitual liar and an attention seeker, therefore nothing I say/write is true and under no circumstances should I be believed nor held accountable for anything I say. all photo's are paintings

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by dill786 »

I ordered some giant sunflower seeds last week, i received the package today. i opened up the small package and realized there was a yellow sticker on the back from ROYAL MAIL ( postal service) saying that its detected the stamp used is counterfeit LOL

luckily the E-bay sender was clever enough not to put a return address on the package.
IMG_20250201_151030 (4).jpg

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