Stay or Go?

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Stay or Go?

Post by ben ttech »

theres an isolated statement...
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Stay or Go?

Post by Prawn Connery »

smokebreaks wrote:
Sun Dec 01, 2024 6:10 pm
Prawn, hard to believe it has been 15 fucking years here, add another decade for Planetganja and Overgrow, plus all the other incarnations including MyGangaGrow and the Sharkstank.

In that time we’ve lost more than we’ve ever gained and sometimes you’ve got to ask if the juice is worth the squeeze?

Has it been? Hard to say.
Well, I'm a little conflicted.

On the one hand, I like him. He's funny and I've found myself agreeing with most of what he's said over the years. I have no reason to flatter him now. We're neither of us in each other's pocket. And I don't get offended by anything online, so there's nothing to fear. It's just a game.

And when you think about it like that, perhaps things make a bit more sense. He probably does the things he does for the same or similar reasons I do. And you do. And others. It's entertainment, but it's also a bit of an intellectual flex. I would definitely say bordering on intellectual bullying, but then I have to admit I am guilty of that myself. I'm sure he is a thoroughly decent human being in person, which possibly makes it even more confusing for others to understand. Not that I profess to understand. Because even if I did, he would disagree with me for the hell of it. Contrarians we are. Points to make and all that . . .


However, not everyone has the same tolerance that most of us here have, so of course they are not going to stick around. Not everyeone is willing – or able – to defend themself online. Most people prefer to avoid conflict. Only a few enjoy it.

But the kicker for me is this: there are plenty of places the average thin-skin can go if they want the truth censored and their sensibilities protected. There are very few places like this where we can be ourselves. I'd rather know who the arseholes are – and whether their opinion is worth listening to – than to have that decision made for me by trigger-happy censors and weak-minded whingers.

Because after all these years, THESE are the people I have chosen to interact with: all of you – the people who are left. The ones who can take a personal jab or dark-humoured joke. A difference of opinion bordering on abuse. Because I don't really find it abusive. That's just me. I have more time for the people I call a cunt than the people I can't remember because they pissed off at the slightest hint of disagreement.

At the end of the day, Juice is me and I am Juice. And so is everyone else on MPG who stuck around. Considering how much we argue with each other, we probably have more in common than we don't. I mean, I really should have figured that out years ago: all I needed to do was look at how many people went into the Old Shark Tank compared to those too scared to dip a toe.

We are the minority, and I'm OK with that. Just like I'm OK with Juice and everyone else.
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Stay or Go?

Post by smokebreaks »

The juice being worth the squeeze is what’s called an idiom. It is not a personal reference to the user formerly known as.

Damn, I guess you’re not the brightest bulb in marquee either huh?
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Stay or Go?

Post by roller24 »

We've been clunking along in this manner for over 10 years, save POM's appearance. The reason he chose here, is because he knew his story would be allowed to be told, unfettered.
The timing of this move by Smokebreaks in my honest and usually not too far from accurate opinion is just another drip in the meltdown liberals are having over Donald J Trump's re-election.
They've broken themselves with hypocrisy by backing a corrupted establishment to hate the only man in years who sought to dismantle that establishment.

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Stay or Go?

Post by roller24 »

Liberals have become the smug ruling class that they stood against back when democrats were the blue collar labor force of this country.
Remember when it was the republicans who made up the bulk of the establishment and looks down their noses at the people who drug their ass to the farm, plant, factory, or other establishment to put food on the table. Now it's your party calling those same people deplorable and ignorant.
The corrupt establishment is like cola, it's always gonna be cola, yall just took the Coke label off and slapped on Pepsi.

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Stay or Go?

Post by smokebreaks »

Roller, you’re pretty fucking delusional if you think my wanting to save the approximately $400 and let this place go is in any way as a result of the Trump election.


It isn’t even the $$$ because I piss more than that away most everyday. My overhead costs me at minimum $1,000 a day. Everyday. In fact I just looked and so far this year my expenses total $411,876.76, and we still have the entire month of December to go.


In all honesty Roller, I thought you’d be much smarter than that since you know that I’ve got many other irons in the fire and ambitions that stretch far beyond this.

As I’ve said repeatedly, which you can’t seem to comprehend, I don’t care what happens with the government. I’ve already gotten to the point where I have the resources I need to make it through whatever they throw out our way.

Nothing that goes on in Washington DC matters to me, nor does it have any effect on what I do and I sincerely doubt it really matters to you either.

I don’t let others live in my head for free.

$311.76 for the hosting
$49.00 for the SSL

$360.76 for the year.
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Stay or Go?

Post by roller24 »

So it's not the money, and then it is the money.
Your contradiction is showing.

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Stay or Go?

Post by roller24 »

Trump is a nothing but a fraud, a cheat, and a pathetic excuse for a human being which for the life of me I can’t understand how that doesn’t stop you and the absolute Trump cultists from blindly following along but so long as I can keep my lights on, I really don’t care what happens because nothing they do really has any effect on me.
This you?

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Stay or Go?

Post by roller24 »

You cant espouse that much hatred for the President, and then say you don't care.
The emotion of your opinion clearly demonstrates that you do.

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Stay or Go?

Post by smokebreaks »

Yeah Roller, I don’t have any use for people who cheat their vendors. Forgive me for I’ve been on the losing end of that deal and it puts a bad taste in my mouth when I see people cheerleading charlatans.

When the social safety net gets ripped away, and people whom are barely at the poverty line start taking it in the ass, I’m gonna be fine, will you be?
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