The glitch in the matrix...

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The glitch in the matrix...

Post by LoboGrow »

roller24 wrote:
Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:27 am
Welcome LoboGrow! I'll try to approve your first few posts asap, then you will be free to post whatever you like. We normally keep the infighting away from the grow threads, and confined to the political arena, and a couple other forums. If you enjoy a raucous banter, you'll have no problems in the arena, but if it's not your style, there is plenty to do in the grow topics and other forums. Sorry you had trouble registering, apparently because I didn't sign into the mail account I used to send mail for 12 months, they locked it up. I'm not sure what was up with the captcha, it did work, I'm still looking into that.
Thanks, I'll peruse the boards and pipe in when it strikes. I've certainly got my opinions, so looking forward to the conversations....

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