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Post by Prawn Connery »

She is. Apart from being married to me, of course. I guess I can't be that bad, as we had our 20th anniversary last year. I do all the cooking, BTW – I'm a pretty good Chinese chef :grin:
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Post by deran »

nice feelings come on up reading all your comments

i really missed it up in here ....

we are all kind of special, special special ... thats why we are here i assume...
a big deep truth to me is that im nearly 100% compatible with you all ... and guess what - its the opposite out there in so called real life and i am known ;) for beeing efficient, bc im lazy as a fuck when its about stuff i dont care, i hate ppl bc i love humanity ... not the best position, but at leatst honest to me ... more honest than the ppl i meat on a daily basis ....

but i dont wanna whine around, contrary, sipping my coffee along with you guys while smoking a mix of hhc, hhc-o, hhc-p and terpenes yay

dont ask, i went through 50-100 so called legal medical strains ... only 1 had no tollerance build up, but beeing an indica, i had to find another way ....
now im mixin destilates and terpens, the hardest part is the mixing for vaping ... as it takes a fucking whole day to empty a tank with 0,5 ml of destilate ... lol ... after tthe first few puffs i have an idea about the "this-time" used recipee ....
and yes, no tollerance build up for me for the past half year, ive been smoking hhc buds and vaping is only a 2 month old hobby, still learning, as vapin weed is something completly different than vaping destilates or pg/vg stuff , its all from the idea identically, but everything else is completly different ... if somebody wants to know more about the stuff that im doing, here is a good start

bye guys
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Post by ripper5 »

Wow that looks like some serious shizzle!
I know nothing about all of that, it looks rather expensive. I have been vaping straight cured flower since 05' with the Volcano. Only time I don't use it is when I'm out & about, which is rare these days except for work.

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Post by deran »

its also new to me, as you know our plant has more than 100s of different cannabinoids in her .... thats a lot to explore

most of those are only in tiny amounts findable, compared to thc or cbd, so science found ways to remodel cbd into those cannabinoids, yeah its artificially lab made, but its natural, the molecule has always been part of our inhaled smoke, compared to synthetics noids, that you cant find in nature, those spice "chems" like am2201 or jwh018 or whatever

those synthetic noids are full agonists on the cb1 receptor, compared to natural noids like thc or hhc and variations
natural noids are half agonists on receptors, so what does that mean, simply said, full agonists will give you a turkey come down feeling like detoxing from heroin... all that shit that goes along, no sleep, no eat, sweat, shits, chills and and and ...
that wont happen with half agonists, at least not in that strength, maybe a 3rd or better said a 4th compared to full agonists

now, comes marketing into play, "so much stronger, bc its more than 30 times stronger when binding to the receptors" ...
and i go like .... gimme gimme gimme being a marketing victim ... lol

truth is, subjective effect has nothing to do with that marketing craze backed up by science

and bc we are all individuals, effect is a very personal experience, for example, im having 5 different distillates, each one has a unique effect on me, and the funny thing is, it has another effect to my wifey ...

and we mix :D

spoiler alert: entourage effect is a scam

ok, we are mixing those 5 different noids to find the effect we are looking for ... beer has less ingredients, or bread understand what im saying, thats a lifetime journey to find a proper mix ... yeah, filling up my freezer, im in the half pound range already, what i collected lol ... i mean 100g distillate for 140€ , you cant say no to this offer :D

anyways, when we have this, we go the terpenes .... and here is the scam:
i got plant derived terpenes, different strains, from totally sativa to totally indica, also some fruity yummy stuff and so on ...

i used a single distillate, hhc , and tested it with terpenes, and guess what ... no change in effect or whatsover.. yeah great change in taste and mouth feel ...
i get more of a sativa feeling from hhco than from hhc, no matter if hhc is full with hazy terps, or i can load kush terps onto hhco, it wont make it indica ....

and bc i feel that every different molecule that binds to me, has a different effect, its no the terps, its the combo of those more than 100 different noids within the plant, that "make" the entourage effect ... ok, itested it purely with hhc, maybe terps work different with thc in combination, honestly, i doubt that...

i found out that i dont need costly terps, the normal flavorings that go into pg/vg nicotine vapes, works as well, most of them need to be mixed in at a 5% rate, i doubled that, and it works ... i warm up the destilate within a water bath in a small glas vial, it become runny like water, otherwise its nearly hard, when watery i do mix in the flavour, im on a honey melon trip the last half year lol, take a syringe and transfer that mix into the vaping tank, thats it ... 1ml lasts 12-24 hours ... meanin 1 ml = 1 day

paying less that 2€ a day to fulfill my needs on the cb1 receptor ... is cheap ... being high a month for 50 bucks ... would have been deemed impossible 10 years ago lol

i love these times, and its good that we are here helping the fight against d-generation, im not the smartest, but at least i know how to educate myself and thats missing nowadays

and im glad that i can share me findings with you ... like that entourage terp fake scam bullshit being an urban legend...

yo, bring it on :D
awoken the right way

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Post by ripper5 »

Very interesting. Also, not to mention the possible differences of effects from early clear/ milky harvested flowers to late & amber hued harvested. It's plenty to adjust.

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Post by rSin »

long time deran,
hope your well
the intolerance of the old order is emerging from the rosy mist in which it has hitherto been obscured.

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Post by dill786 »

yeah deran, were are you?

hope you well

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