the disgusting subservience our activists are subject to

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the disgusting subservience our activists are subject to

Post by bentech »

the government has never gave a damn about your using this plant
saving your health
and mind
getting high

they could care less

its always been about insuring control over the masses
ensuring their power to sift and cull
enter without asking
know without warrant

all the things the "drug war" afforded power are now duely authorized via other channels

specifically the next great fake war; that being on another great fake concern


power now has a better access into our minds and hearts and willingness to accept their dominion

so their tossing us a few crumbs

scratch that!

their tossing corperate monopolys a kingdom free from justice
and us is falling for it

trading up jailers

how nice
"we must strive to become good ancestors" nader