what you gonna grow for this season part 2

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by dill786 »


This is the new thread the old one has over 100 pages and I was informed it will be locked.....

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

well watering today noticed 2 cantaloupes had dropped
off of the vine. guess there ready. the smaller one smells
like a ripe one. the larger not so much. will let bigger one
sit a week or so. but will try the little one tonight.
rare to get a melon here . season is short and cooler weather.
makes it hit or miss every year. i guess i lucked out this year.
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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Intrinsic »

smelling ripe cantaloupe in the morning.. breakfast!
Looks good lrus.

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by dill786 »

The Fibonacci sequence in the sunflower spiral....


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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

well dumped trash can today on the russet potato.
i should have known better russets never do well for me.
got abut a dinners worth of them sad. then i went over
and flipped bros can over and out. little over 1/2 a brown bag
and were of nice size. mine is not quite done yet. will see what
i get out of mine. also picked another cantaloupe so rain don't
rot it out.
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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Intrinsic »

dill786 wrote:
Tue Sep 13, 2022 12:08 pm
The Fibonacci sequence in the sunflower spiral....
"Look deep into nature & you will understand everything better"- Albert Einstein
Beauty, nature, mathematics intrinsically entwined. Beautiful dill.

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

well has got colder. melons are dying back. picked the last bigger one.
still got green beans to pick they are doing ok. yacons are pretty small.
but as long as they get big enough for good planting tubers for next year.
i was switching out 1/2 wood wine barrels that had worn out. with plastic
55 gal drums. of rotted cow shit. well 1 problem was the dirt was clay like.
when garden is over i am going to dig them out a foot or so and add perlite
to loosen the top of the soil. then with switching out to drums i was a month
and a half late planting this year. next year will be much better. *i hope*
my parsley died in a barrel but the chives on other side are booming.
still got beets and carrots going. then 1 more trash can with potato in it.
has not died back yet.
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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by dill786 »

10 mins in the garden and look how many diff types of wildflowers seeds I harvested..

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by dill786 »

gonna cut down the wildflowers on the side of the garden and till the soil a bit and then sow all the seeds I harvested as well as the ones that are still on the plant dried up....

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

picked a bunch of beans today.
looks like will get 1 more good picking.
forgot to take a photo.
My therapist says I am a habitual liar and an attention seeker, therefore nothing I say/write is true and under no circumstances should I be believed nor held accountable for anything I say. all photo's are paintings

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