what you gonna grow for this season part 2

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

a pretty iris.
1st planting of onions.
seen i had room so 24 more onions got planted today.
garlic is doing well.
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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by ripper5 »


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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by ripper5 »

What the hezzle...I'm going to see if I can do some sunflowers in a container.

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

added more dirt to potatos. added to my bros also.
tossed a little ferts to them and carrots. then watered both.
moved a bunch of things off of porch. got gen out. checked oil
needed some. then gave a few pulls and it started. turned it off.
then chained it to fence post and padlock. should be good for
summer. did not want to start a few times at end of summer
last year. hope that was a fluke. will fire it up and plug in pump
tomorrow. fill some barrels. then water the hell out of poppy plot.
freshly planted onions looking ok today. melons got just 2 watermellon
and 3-4 cantaloupe. wish were more. planting them in june and the beans.
got 6 artichokes still seedlings will get them in in june also.
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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by ben ttech »

Checked the plug?
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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Intrinsic »

Tomatoes ready to go in as soon as I have time..
Zucchini very ready to go in
My onions from seed
Cantaloupe I lost half of them, tho it'll still be enough. Grabbed the wrong watering jug, had a high dose of fish fert. Live and learn.

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

most years i wait till june to plant green beans.
looked at weather and about same temps now as
will be in june. so i fluffed up a barrel then planted
green beans with some bean inoculant. watered well.
my seed onions look ok we got a little rain. i have been
watering them. weeded carrots and thinned a little.
not many melons sprouted for me. hope least 1 of each
make it. been eating fresh leaf lettuce.
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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

well figured what the fuck. planted my melons. is only
1 watermelon and 2-3 cantaloupe. planted in a mound
and added my trellis. then watered them in. i had poked
some more watermelons seeds into pots a week or so ago.
hope they might pop. none of my yacons sprouted. hope
least 1 does. if not will put some potatos in the 3 1/2 barrels.
aside from that i got everything in now.
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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Intrinsic »

None of my yacon seeds have popped either. Bummer.
Just starting to put things in, got tomatoes and zucchini in last evening. middle of May planting. woo hoo

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what you gonna grow for this season part 2

Post by Lrus007 »

last night i transplanted my indoor pepper.
today bro calls said he got me a bale of straw.
fought putting a large black bag onto most of it.
took a few flakes off and put into wheel borrow.
added water to get wet. when soaked a few days
will try the ground potato's. just set potato's on the
ground and cover with straw. figured i would try it.
i have a lot of small sprouted potato's from last year.
might as well plant them.
My therapist says I am a habitual liar and an attention seeker, therefore nothing I say/write is true and under no circumstances should I be believed nor held accountable for anything I say. all photo's are paintings

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