Lemme throw some crazy shit out there ...

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Lemme throw some crazy shit out there ...

Post by Cat Jockey »

Damn. That was a long walk through the woods, lol. Lemme show another example of Historians/Archys being so INDOCTRINATED to the FC, that they approach field work with a CLOSED MIND and PREDETERMINED BIAS concerning the Who & When of what they are looking at while scratching their heads and figuring out who did it and when (the result of which will be to pull a Fairy Tale outta their ass to make a square field peg fit a round FC text hole).

Of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, it is only the Hanging Gardens of Babylon that H/A (Historians & Archaeologists) say they haven't located:

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, is the only one whose location has not been definitively established.

The Hanging Gardens were a distinctive feature of ancient Babylon. They were a great source of pride to the people. Possibly built by King Nebuchadnezzar II in 600 BC, the gardens are believed to have been a remarkable feat of engineering: an ascending series of tiered gardens containing all manner of trees, shrubs, and vines. The gardens were said to have looked like a large green mountain constructed of mud bricks.

Traditionally they were said to have been built in the ancient city of Babylon, near present-day Hillah, Babil province, in Iraq. The Babylonian priest Berossus, writing in about 290 BC and quoted later by Josephus, attributed the gardens to the Neo-Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, who ruled between 605 and 562 BC. There are no extant Babylonian texts which mention the gardens, and no definitive archaeological evidence has been found in Babylon.

According to one legend, Nebuchadnezzar II built the Hanging Gardens for his Median wife, Queen Amytis, because she missed the green hills and valleys of her homeland. He also built a grand palace that came to be known as "The Marvel of the Mankind".

Because of the lack of evidence it has been suggested that the Hanging Gardens are purely mythical, and the descriptions found in ancient Greek and Roman writers including Strabo, Diodorus Siculus and Quintus Curtius Rufus represent a romantic ideal of an eastern garden. If it did indeed exist, it was destroyed sometime after the first century AD.

Alternatively, the original garden may have been a well-documented one that the Assyrian king Sennacherib (704–681 BC) built in his capital city of Nineveh on the River Tigris, near the modern city of Mosul.

More of the usual bullshit with the bolded part - Josephus is 'quoting' a dude who supposedly lived 350 years prior to him who is then supposedly attributing the Gardens to someone, Nebuchadnezzar II, who supposedly ruled 300 years prior to that. And again, where are Josephus' actually 'writings'? Who the fuck knows, is where:

As is common with ancient texts, however, there are no surviving extant manuscripts of Josephus' works that can be dated before the 11th century, and the oldest of these are all Greek minuscules, copied by Christian monks. (Jews did not preserve the writings of Josephus either because they considered him to be a traitor, or because his works circulated in Greek, the usage of which declined among Jews shortly after Josephus' era. An adapted Hebrew version was made in the Middle Ages and continues to be used to this day.)

Notice the parenthetical bullshit, with academics just making shit up, forcing that square peg into a round hole of bullshit. The second bolded part up there shows just how GUILTY H/A are at cherry picking from those ancient texts. Anytime something doesn't fit, it is, "Well, here, with this 'thing' they were romanticizing/emphasizing/telling legends/etc." If the shit doesn't fit, just sweep it under the rug and pretend the SERIOUS AND OBVIOUS PROBLEMS with the FC don't exist. Church hands out a Spiritual Bible, and most academics reject it as fairy tales. Church hands out a History Bible, and, well, academics sing a different tune and will vociferously defend the Church Writings and Claims concerning what was supposedly going on 2,500 years ago.

That's right, Indy. You, every other H/C, linguists, etc., work for Rome and the Universal Church of Amen-Ra, helping to prop up Mountains of Bullshit designed to keep Truth Hidden. Though C14 dating and dendrochronology are NOT the unbiased 'hard' science all ya'll pretend it to be, I most definitely have respect for and find very useful the field work done by H/A. Because I understand the Truth of the falsification and significant elongation of the Historical Chronology, though, the archaeological conclusions I come to on that evidence that is gatrhered and publicized is far m ore accurate than ANYTHING coming out of the Hallowed Halls of Academia with a bunch of arrogant people running around with their Sheepskins. There is a great NOVA show about Petra I watched recently. While all of the 'experts' miss the boat, I don't. Say hello to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, aka Petra:

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ancient/bu ... -lost-city" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Pliny the Elder and other writers identify Petra as the capital of the Nabataeans and the center of their caravan trade. Enclosed by towering rocks and watered by a perennial stream, Petra not only possessed the advantages of a fortress, but controlled the main commercial routes which passed through it to Gaza in the west, to Bosra and Damascus in the north, to Aqaba and Leuce Come on the Red Sea, and across the desert to the Persian Gulf.

Pliny the Elder was the dude who supposedly died at Pompeii, while his nephew, Pliny the Younger survived to write about it all, so EVERY PhD wavin' geologist in the world could be wrong about when Vesuvius erupted. So, who were the Nabbateans?:

The Nabataeans, also Nabateans (/ˌnæbəˈtiːənz/; Arabic: الأنباط‎‎ al-ʾAnbāṭ , compare to Ancient Greek: Ναβαταίος, Latin: Nabatæus), were an Arab people who inhabited northern Arabia and the Southern Levant, and whose settlements, most prominently the assumed capital city of Raqmu, now called Petra, in AD 37 – c. 100, gave the name of Nabatene to the borderland between Arabia and Syria, from the Euphrates to the Red Sea. Their loosely controlled trading network, which centered on strings of oases that they controlled, where agriculture was intensively practiced in limited areas, and on the routes that linked them, had no securely defined boundaries in the surrounding desert. Trajan conquered the Nabataean kingdom, annexing it to the Roman Empire, where their individual culture, easily identified by their characteristic finely potted painted ceramics, became dispersed in the general Greco-Roman culture and was eventually lost.

I see. We learned about the Nabataens from some of those 'ancient' Roman Histories the Church and other members of TPTB handed out with the Bible a few hundred years ago, and now, their 'culture' is, umm, lost. While wikipedia notes their culture as 'easily identified' by some similar characteristics in pottery (big fuckin' deal - you can find the some distinctive and REGIONAL cultural differences within EVERY culture), it fails to note all of the elements of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman architecture at Petra - where is their 'distinct cultural identity' with their MOST IMPORTANT constructions? And, of course, where the hell is the artistic lineage? From a nomadic people living in tents to becoming the 'richest race' from selling frankincense and myrrh, to figuring out sophisticated water control, to the political infrastructure to manage a city and labor and food/waste/supplies/etc., and, last but not least, culturally developing the amount of necessary HIGHLY SKILLED stone carvers.

Gimme a break, Indy. The shit is so fucking ridiculous and impossible as the FC claims and you blindly support. A fuckin' Joke ...

See how it all works? How it is a Bullshit Framework concerning the time, order, 'cultural identity', geographic political/epicenter of civilizations into which field evidence is forced to fit (or thrown out as legends/myth if it doesn't fit), and that ALL of it is based upon books written and given to us by the Universal Church of Amen-Ra (and a few other groups aligned with them), EXACTLY like the Bible. The Historical Truth people refer to and support, BLINDLY and without open minded consideration (read: INDOCTRINATED) was given to us by the same people who gave us the Bible, and around the same time. Academics scoff at the 'accuracy' of one book, the Bible, while they tie logic into knots with circular argumentation with the other , the History Bibles, and, just like a Christian, REFUSE to investigate the possibility, in very, very closeminded, biased, and unscientific/unscholarly fashion, it could be a big pile of bullshit.

What a joke and intellectual fraud much of Academia is, including scientists, like physicists, geologists, doing the same thing - blindly accepting data for which they do not know the provenance of, and REFUSING to consider the possibility the data is a pile of bullshit, and incorporating that bullshit into their science.

Of the things covered in that show is the dam/aqueduct systems. Impressive as hell. All ya'll are a bunch 'o weed growin' stoners. If you consider all of the evidence presented in that show like looking at the stairs ascending to dams/reservoirs, the tiered gardens, and well, you could have one lush oasis, with hanging gardens there, if you were so inclined...

I'm going to do a quick recap of some important stuff, to pull connections together at this point with what I have thrown out there. Whether I do that before or after I go walking on the side of a mountain with my Red Heeler this afternoon or afterwards remains to be seen ...
One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

-Seldom Seen Smith

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Cat Jockey
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Lemme throw some crazy shit out there ...

Post by Cat Jockey »

Another long walk through the woods, apparently.

There are two lenses through which to best view, initially, the events leading up to that book called the New Testament. On the Historical/Political level, looking into Cleopatra/Cæsar/Mark Antony/Cæsarion is helpful. On the Spiritual end, it is the Nefertiti/Ahkenaten/King Tut lens. Keeping in mind, of course, that neither of these lenses is entirely accurate, simply reflections (with *some* accuracies) of the Truth that has undergone some amount of distortion. Additionally, the Mythologies of multiple cultures stem from the same source. They are both reflections of the Amarna Heresy (Buddha (minus Mrs. Buddha), Zoroaster, Mithra, etc.), and of the poltical/historical aspects of things. They are actually stories about people who were 'deified'. The Bible's Son of God is who, is known as Augustus, the first Emperor of the Roman Empire (again, the Roman Empire is distinct from the Roman Republic. The Republic ended with Julius Cæsar, then more civil warring, then the establishment of the Empire, the Emperor, the Second Triumvirate, the establishment of Pontifical powers and all with Cæsar's adopted son/grand nephew Octavian, who began to be called Augustus and Son of God). In addition to the political power he wielded, one of Augustus' roles was as Chief Priest, under the title of Pontifex Maximus:

Pontifex Maximus ("Supreme Pontiff" or "Chief Priest"): in the Republican era, the Pontifex Maximus was the head of the College of Pontiffs, the religious body that oversaw the ancestral public religion of the Romans; Julius Caesar had become Pontifex Maximus before he was elected consul, and the precedent set by his heir Augustus in consolidating supreme authority through this religious office was in general followed by his successors until the empire came under Christian rule

Who else is called Pontifex Maximus?:

The word pontifex, Latin for "pontiff", was used in ancient Rome to designate a member of the College of Pontiffs. In the Vulgate translation of the New Testament, it is sometimes used to designate the Jewish high priest, as in John 11:49 and Hebrews 5:1. From perhaps as early as the 3rd century, it has been used to denote a bishop, not exclusively the bishop of Rome. The name given to the book containing the liturgical rites to be performed by any bishop, The Roman Pontifical, and to the form of liturgy known as Pontifical High Mass witness to the continued use of pontifex in this wide sense.

In Emperor Theodosius's edict De fide catholica of 27 February 380, enacted in Thessalonica and published in Constantinople for the whole empire, by which he established Catholic Christianity as the official religion of the empire, he referred to the western Bishop of Rome, Damasus, as a pontifex, while calling the eastern Bishop of Alexandria, Peter, an episcopus: "... the profession of that religion which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter, as it has been preserved by faithful tradition and which is now professed by the Pontiff Damasus and by Peter, Bishop of Alexandria... We authorize the followers of this law to assume the title Catholic Christians..."

In December 2012 Pope Benedict XVI adopted @pontifex as his Twitter handle, prompting users to pose questions with the #askpontifex hashtag. This has been maintained by his successor Pope Francis, who now uses it as his Twitter handle.

Well, fuck me. Looks like I need to register a Twitter account and #askpontifex a damn question. All ya'll think I'm kidding? I just saw that looking for a quote to pull from Wiki P. That there is a little bit od that serendipity. I'm sure I'll only get one question before I get some Twitter version of 'banned from asking teh Jesuit Pontifex Maximus any more questions,' lol. I need to think about wtf I'm going to ask him ...

The last traces of Emperors being at the same time chief pontiffs are found in inscriptions of Valentinian I, Valens, and Gratian (Orelli, Inscript. n1117, 1118). From the time of Theodosius I (r 379–395), the emperors no longer appear in the dignity of pontiff, but the title was later applied to the Christian bishop of Rome. In 382, the Emperor Gratian, at the urging of Ambrose, removed the Altar of Victory from the Forum, withdrew the state subsidies that funded many pagan activities and formally renounced the title of Pontifex Maximus.

In the 15th century, when the Renaissance stirred up new interest in ancient Rome, "Pontifex Maximus" became a regular title of honour for Popes.

While the title Pontifex Maximus has for some centuries been used in inscriptions referring to the Popes [and these 'some centuries' origins are circa 1200 AD, when the Church of Amen-Ra started], it has never been included in the official list of papal titles published in the Annuario Pontificio.

The title of "Pontifex Maximus" thus has a very ancient history, dating back to the times of the Roman Republic...

The part I bolded? It gets back to that Renaissance Motif, where, all of the sudden, all of these long lost copies of long lost manuscripts started showing up. There was NO Dark Ages from the alleged sack of Rome by the Barbarians until the Renaissance, and that title has NEVER stopped being used.

Getting back to the myths, the Osiris Myth is very important, too ...

I need to get refocused this evening bringing in a couple more things to think about and getting all of this wrapped up ...
One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

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Cat Jockey
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Lemme throw some crazy shit out there ...

Post by Cat Jockey »

This is Queen Tiye, mother of Ahkenaten and G-Ma of King Tut. Nice red locks, as mentioned in a previous post:
QueenT2.jpg (26.11 KiB) Viewed 2310 times
This is King Tut's mom. Recent test showed her face was bashed in pre-death, and is what actually killed her:
According to interpretations of DNA evidence and statements from Hawass and others, that is. This is where the Osiris Myth comes back up, and Osiris being seduced by his other sister, Nephthys, who was Set's wife. The Madonna and the Dark Madonna. And the blending of both into Cleopatra. This also gets into the FC account of Cæsar claiming that that Cæsarion, Cleopatra's son, wasn't his. And then the aftermath of the Crucifixion and resulting Crusades upon Constantinople, and who, potentially, of the Royal Family got whacked in power consolidations.

Here are some of my Scythian ancestors, who's mummies have been found on the Eurasian/Asian Steppes (and some found with nuggets 'o Sweet Lady Jane, lol). This is where the idea came from, with the practice being further developed and culminating in what we see in Egypt, the Royal Graveyard and a religious epicenter of the Empire that started with the Scythians. Nice red hair:
RedHeadLong.jpg (20.4 KiB) Viewed 2310 times
They were originally a Shamanic people. The FC records a group called the Sarmatians putting an end to that:

Originating in Eastern Europe, between the Don River and the Ural Mountains the Sarmatians started their westward migration around the 6th century BC, coming to dominate the closely related Scythians by the 2nd century BC. The Sarmatians differed from the Scythians in their veneration of the god of fire rather than god of nature ...
images.jpg (8.97 KiB) Viewed 2310 times
And then along came Saturn, the *other Sun*. The Dark Sun. The Black Sun. (Jupiter/Zeus, the Storm God, comes into play, too, as does Vulcan/Hephaestus, Jupiter's son, the God of Fire - Hmm ... Black Cubes and Illuminati Borg, as well as the Vulcans (the 'race' Spock was and Roman God of Fire) and the Romulans ('brother race' to the Vulcans but very warlike and the founder of Rome, Romulus, who killed his brother Remus. Yes, Gene Rodenberry has some Esoteric knowledge he communicates in his stuff, like Geroge Lucas and his 'Egyptian Mythology Theme' ...

I told ya I wasn't kidding. I think I mentioned that this is the first Jesuit Pope (no, I don't think he has anything to do with posting/reading his Twitter account - that is what the Vatican Media/Propaganda Department is for. It was fun anyway, lol):
Screen shot 2016-07-08 at 12.04.45 AM.png
One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

-Seldom Seen Smith

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Cat Jockey
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Lemme throw some crazy shit out there ...

Post by Cat Jockey »

We live in a World where many things are upside down. Black is white. Truth is Fiction and Myths are Truth. The History Bibles are the Myths. While in the Myths, much Truth is preserved - you simply need to understand that if a Ruler has been deified, well, his/her life will be recorded and talked about as though a God, which has been recorded in things like the Greek Mythologies, as an example.

And recorded, in bits and pieces, in Folklore. Like the Folklore of the Brothers Grimm. No, I'm not talking about the dudes who pulled some 'breeding magic' outta their asses, got somewhat lucky in their backcrossing techniques, and came up with C99. I'm talking about the Original Brothers Grimm, and their Fairy Tales, like Cinderella, Snow White & the Seven Dwarves, Sleeping Beauty, and many more. Like Little Red Riding Hood. Wtf is that name all about? She was a Scythian, that's what. The Scythians were a horse people, the riding, and, of course, her Red Hood (Hair). The Brothers Grimm:

The Brothers Grimm (die Brüder Grimm or die Gebrüder Grimm), Jacob (1785–1863) and Wilhelm Grimm (1786–1859), were German academics, linguists, cultural researchers, lexicographers and authors who together specialized in collecting and publishing folklore during the 19th century.

In their research, the brothers made a science of the study of folklore (see folkloristics), generating a model of research that "launched general fieldwork in most European countries", and setting standards for research and analysis of stories and legends that made them pioneers in the field of folklore in the 19th century.

A lexicographer is someone who compiles dictionaries. These were scholars, not some Literary Fiction Author, simply writing fictional tales they dreamed up. And the source of many of these Tales?:

... many tales came from middle-class or aristocratic acquaintances. Wilhelm's [one of the Grimm Boys] wife Dortchen Wild and her family, with their nursery maid, told the brothers some of the more well-known tales, such as "Hansel and Gretel" and "Sleeping Beauty". Wilhelm collected a number of tales after befriending August von Haxthausen, whom he visited in 1811 in Westphalia where he heard stories from von Haxthausen's circle of friends. Several of the storytellers were of Huguenot ancestry, telling tales of French origin such as those told to the Grimms by Marie Hassenpflug, an educated woman of French Huguenot ancestry ...

Hugenots were French Protestants. France, comes up in all of this bullshit multiple times. From the Templars to Mary Magdelene (Agnes of France) and the 'Bloodline of Christ', to Rennes le Chateau and the Cathars in the Languedoc region to the Avignon Papacy, where circa Templar persecutions the Papacy was moved from Rome to France, etc. One of many places that comes up many times, lol. That is some of the stuff being talked about in Folklore. I mentioned Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome:

Rhea Silvia conceived the twins by the god Mars. Once the twins were born, Amulius had them abandoned to die in the Tiber river. They were saved by a series of miraculous interventions: the river carried them to safety, a she-wolf found and suckled them, and a woodpecker fed them. A shepherd and his wife found them and fostered them to manhood as simple shepherds.

So, when you hear about the enemy of the Red Headed Scythian Lady on a Horse (Little Red Riding Hood), the Big Bad Wolf, well you understand that in that Tale, the Wolf represents Rome. Iron is another 'Roman' thing. Symbols, including allegorical ones in written traditions, is incredibly important in ferreting the Truth out of all of this.

Here is a statue depicting their childhood, called the Capitoline Wolf:
Back to the Brothers Grimm:

The early editions attracted lukewarm critical reviews, generally on the basis that the stories were unappealing to children. The brothers responded with modifications and rewrites in order to increase the book's market appeal to that demographic.

Some changes were made in light of unfavorable reviews, particularly from those who objected that not all the tales were suitable for children because of scenes of violence and sexuality. He worked to modify plots for many stories; for example, "Rapunzel" in the first edition of Kinder- und Hausmärchen clearly shows a sexual relationship between the prince and the girl in the tower, which he edited out in subsequent editions. Tatar writes that morals were added (in the second edition, a king's regret was added to the scene in which his wife is to be burned at the stake) and often the characters in the tale were amended to appear more German: "every fairy (Fee), prince (Prinz) and princess (Prinzessin)—all words of French origin—was transformed into a more Teutonic-sounding enchantress (Zauberin) or wise woman (weise Frau), king's son (Königssohn), king's daughter (Königstochter)."

The stories in Kinder- und Hausmärchen include scenes of violence that have since been sanitized. For example, in the Grimms' original version of "Snow White", the Queen is Little Snow White's mother, not her stepmother, yet even so she orders her Huntsman to kill Snow White (her biological daughter) and bring home the child's lungs and liver so that she can eat them. The story ends with the Queen mother dancing at Snow White's wedding wearing a pair of red-hot iron shoes that kill her. Another story ("The Goose Girl") has a servant being stripped naked and pushed into a barrel "studded with sharp nails" pointing inwards and then rolled down the street. The Grimms' version of "The Frog Prince" describes the princess throwing the frog against a wall instead of kissing him. To some extent, the cruelty and violence may have been a reflection of medieval culture from which the tales originated, such as scenes of witches burning, as described in "The Six Swans"

Walt Disney (a Mason, btw), didn't tell us any of that shit, did he? There is MORE to the Story with a lot of people, Lrus007, including some of those in Hollywood. Ya know, Hollywood - that Tool which can be used to shape Societal thought and behavior in surreptitious and subtle ways, propagate Lies, further entrench already told Lies, etc. Nah, nobody involved with TPTB would have any desire to have control of that industry, and they sure wouldn't have thought about it 100 years ago as the industry was being created (Columbia Pictures, as one example of many, the Peacock of NBC (Eye symbolism, among other stuff), CBS and its logo, The Eye ...

TPTB are highly intelligent, have been at this for centuries, were several steps ahead of you the moment you were born, and have been actively engaged in keeping Truth hidden from you your entire Life ...

They also wanna fuck you over, both Terrestrially and Spiritually ...

You only need a few people in the right positions to have large amounts of control over what the Sheeple are exposed to. Those in the proper positions 'steer & guide' things. A more subtle control and influence than you might think.

Fairy Tales for children that aren't suitable for children, eh? Indeed, Reality can get quite messy ...

Now, lemme totally switch gears - I was simply reading some Grimms Tales yesterday and wanted to further expand upon the concept of bits and pieces of Truth hiding in things called Fairy Tales, Myths, the Bible, the Quran, etc. Once you see the framework of what was done, the Falsification of the Chronology, and then can fit a few critical pieces in the right spots (like the Amarna Heresy occurring circa 1200 AD), the rest of this shit just starts jumping out at you, and the patterns are quite recognizable. The further I have researched all of this, the more RIDICULOUS & ABSURD the, umm, 'real' History we are fed is. Every where you look, it is laughable and often IMPOSSIBLE shit claiming to have occurred concerning time frames and 'separate and disassociated' civilizations.

Went I first went in search of answers to the Historical Chronology and I had discovered Fomenko's work, well, it was tough to believe it was possible for Reality to be so very different concerning all of that. Tough to believe so many Historians and Archys with PhDs could be so flat out fucking wrong about it all. Now, I can't believe that all of those Sheep Skinners are so CLOSE MINDED that they cannot see the OBVIOUS evidence of all of this staring them in the face, or that any of us believed any of the shit to begin with. But, TPTB and the Jesuits are NOT surprised, for it is Human Nature for Academia to be so unwilling to even consider they are wrong - that what they and their mentors have spent their whole lives devoted to is a pile of bullshit. This is so ENTRENCHED, and was before anybody living today was alive, it is going to be a mother fucker to root out. And not just the History aspect, but ALL of it. The shit is entrenched everywhere, including things like our language.

TPTB have a very, very deep and intimate understanding of Human Nature. It is one of the reasons they are so successful and can pull shit like the FC off. It isn't the General Public, the vast, vast majority of people, TPTB need to worry about. What TPTB worry about is the Lone Wolf ...

And here is something you should worry about, lol. But not really lol. Say hello to Lam. Lam is an entity Alistair Crowley claimed to have Conjured into this world:
Did he? Is such a thing even possible ?...?

Even without big black eyes, looks a lot like one of those Grey Alien thingies. I have not tracked down another source to verify it, but a dude named Christopher O'Brien says that Crowley originally drew it with big black eyes, but changed it as he did not think people would find it believable, or something like that. O'Brien is the Dead Cow Guy, co-hosts a show called The Paracast, has written a couple of books about the San Luis Valley, which have interesting information in them - the SLV is Weird Shit/Paranormal Central - and I suggest it is Aztlán, the ancestral home of the Aztecs, and that at some point in the last 800 years, large, shallow lakes dried up and then a few centuries of persistent wind and the lake beds turned into the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve:

The park contains the tallest sand dunes in North America, rising about 750 feet (230 m) from the floor of the San Luis Valley on the western base of the Sangre de Cristo Range, covering about 19,000 acres (7,700 ha)

Ya wouldn't guess the tallest Dunes in North America are in southern Colorado. Place is pretty cool. I've been there multiple times. Snowboarding down them isn't easy - it has to be really, really steep and you still don't slide very well, but, I can say I have snowboarded down sand dunes, lol. It's a lot of fuggin' sand in Colorado, a place you don't expect sand dunes. I think I posted a pic of that cave with the red cross and snow plug in the entrance to a cave on Marble Mountain with the associated Treasure Legend and Secret Society ties, the Spanish Cave of Gold. That cave is real close to the Dunes, btw:
Aztlán is known as the 'place of Cranes'. Every year, in Monte Vista, CO, down in the SLV, is the Monte Vista Crane Festival, celebrating the migration of the Sandhill Crane:
And no, that is certainly not the only reason I say the SLV is Aztlán, because of cranes, lol. Far, far from it. It was just a cool picture to throw in and point out the significance of.

Getting back to Lam, think about Roswell for a moment, specifically the time frame. Fresh outta WWII and already involved in the Cold War in 1947. NO FUCKING WAY would anybody in the military that had access to the press let out INCREDIBLY TOP, TOP SECRET OF TOP SECRET information in the American Media, for every Commie to read. No fucking way. It would NOT happen and not even a Private would be stupid enough to let out such information in the media. And any civilian that knew of it would be told to Shut The Fuck Up because of National Security and their ass was going to jail if they said anything.

Well, they wouldn't say anything to the media without Orders, that is. So, the real question about Roswell is why was Disinfo pumped out into the public domain? What was being covered up and why?

Keep in mind that Roswell is in New Mexico, the Land of Enchantment. It has that name for a reason. It also has a shitpotfull of those Treasure Legends, KGC activity, etc. UFOs and buried treasure have been associated together in places like Colorado and New Mexico for decades and decades, if not centuries. In the SLV, amongst the locals, they say if you see a Light (UFO) stop over one spot, grab your friends/family and some shovels and start digging. I also know of three people having claimed to have taken rides in UFOs, directly tied to Treasure Hunting. There are people that have the ability to totally Mind-Fuck somebody. MK Ultra type of shit. A Dæmon, those 'entities' from the Other Dimensions of Physicists, well, I suggest them to be cable of such. Call it whatever you want - Magic, some unknown science, etc. I saw a show years ago, about a hypnotist type dude. This show was either legit, or not. If legit, which it appeared to be, this shit is scary as fuck - that there are people (he wouldn't be the only one) that know how to do this to another person. It was Deception with Keith Barry. At least that is what it seems to be called now. I did a quick YouTube search, but couldn't find the episode I saw. He had some guy holding a sign as a beggar, and one guy he had go do some MK Ultra type shit that the dude had NO memory of doing. You can watch his shit on YT. Wish I could've found the episode I was thinking of.

Anyway, I obviously think there is something to this Grey Alien stuff, and that people have experienced something. What they experienced is the question. They think, as do many, many others, they were abducted by physical creatures flying around in physical craft. I think they just had their asses 'hypnotized' and experienced the equivalence of a dream. Up until about 5 years ago, I was a 'believer' in UFOs. Not some dude going to MUFON conferences, but I think I was like most people - I didn't necessarily believe in them and the claims of people, but, with the claimed vastness of the Universe, the claimed Big Bang Theory and we all came from fish that came from single cell life that just spontaneously created itself and the claimed billions upon billions (or whatever number) of stars/planets, the claimed billions of years of age of the Universe, etc, well, there is probably more Life out there, very potentially further advanced. Maybe some of them are stopping by Earth now and again, lol.

Today, I don't really subscribe to us being visited by Little Green Men in Flying Spaceships. Even the name, UFO is BIASED - for all people can really say they see are something(s) emitting light. They CANNOT conclude they are looking at a physical Object that Flies. Those lights are undeniable in 2016 - too many people have recorded them. The Phoenix Lights are a great example. But, that is the ONLY thing that can be said about them - they are UELs, NOT UFOs. UEL - Unidentified Emission of Light. Mexico City, home of the Blood/Burnt Sacrifice, is a hotbed of these Lights, btw. Since I mentioned it, the Fountain of Youth Legend that some of the Conquistadors were looking for, well that was talking about that Fountain of Blood being let loose atop those Aztec Pyramids (and elsewhere, like all over many States of the US), and the Sympathetic Magic Benefits that could be gained ...

George Bush (and others) are all about living in that world of a Thousand Points of Lights. He says that kinda shit in speeches. I assure all ya'll you sure as fuck do NOT want to live in a world with a Thousand Points of *That Kind Of* Light hanging over yer noggin. That is what they have been working towards, though. With success. There aren't any Grey Aliens in the Grimms' Fairy Tales. Those little fuckers didn't show up until Crowley let them in ...

Why the UFO Disinfo/Roswell Bullshit ?...?

Hmm ... where to go next with this. Need to expand upon some things already said and introduce more. Maybe I'll let Sweet Lady help me decide. A bowl 'o Blue Dream, some music real loud in the earbuds, and some of my pacing, where I do my best thinking ...
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Lemme throw some crazy shit out there ...

Post by Lrus007 »

since i was called by name this last post.
i have been reading your post's and have a very
open mind. i read a lot.. gave up TV like 12 years ago.
i have read the brothers grim tales. was a very good read.
it happens to be my most loaned out book. in fact a nice
lady from japan spoke of it. i said i have a copy. she begged
to borrow it. after she read it we talked about the stories a lot.
i have also read the bible 2 times cover to cover. i have read
a lot of mythology books also. started as a kid fun stories.
read 4 sets of encyclopedia's A-Z two sets in high school.
yet i spell like a 10 year old and am bad at math, but love science.
i have read to much to really name. i limit myself to no more
than 2 books at a time and 4 hours a day now.

a few thoughts off the wall.
magic is real i myself will not dabble with it.
i can not be hypnotized, might be cuz i am blind in one eye.
TV might be hypnotizing every one that watches it.
the little gray men, could they be the water people ? most the planet's water.
there are places all over the earth with strange phenomenon happening.

carry on :smoke: Lrus007
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Lemme throw some crazy shit out there ...

Post by bentech »

from what ive read,
the hypnotism is primarily caused by the cycle rate of the cathode ray tube,

i dont think flat screens are capable of doing that
unless its been perfected
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Lemme throw some crazy shit out there ...

Post by Cat Jockey »

Where the hell is the delete button? Lol.

Well, that was fun. Being me is Fun ...

Make sure all ya'll ain't giving them a reason to call Sweet Lady Jane dope.

Thanks for stoppin' by and having a read. If you did. Toodles ...
Last edited by Cat Jockey on Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

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Lemme throw some crazy shit out there ...

Post by Cat Jockey »

Where the hell is the delete button? Lol.

Well, that was fun. Being me is Fun ...

Make sure all ya'll ain't giving them a reason to call Sweet Lady Jane dope.

Thanks for stoppin' by and having a read. If you did. Toodles ...
Last edited by Cat Jockey on Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

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Lemme throw some crazy shit out there ...

Post by Cat Jockey »

Where the hell is the delete button? Lol.

Well, that was fun. Being me is Fun ...

Make sure all ya'll ain't giving them a reason to call Sweet Lady Jane dope.

Thanks for stoppin' by and having a read. If you did. Toodles ...
Last edited by Cat Jockey on Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

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Lemme throw some crazy shit out there ...

Post by Cat Jockey »

Where the hell is the delete button? Lol.

Well, that was fun. Being me is Fun ...

Make sure all ya'll ain't giving them a reason to call Sweet Lady Jane dope.

Thanks for stoppin' by and having a read. If you did. Toodles ...
Last edited by Cat Jockey on Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

-Seldom Seen Smith

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